Admission Notice

Admission Notice 2025 (Undergraduate Programs)


Last date to Apply Online is extended till  February 17th, 2025

Online Form submission: 03-02-2025 (Monday) to 17-02-2025 (Monday)

Apply Online (BS Programs) 

Sr. No

Degree Programs

Eligibility Criteria



BS Botany

(Regular Program + Self-support Program)

Female candidates having Intermediate (HSSC) / ‘A’ Level / Equivalent qualification to  FSc Pre-medical, with  at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for BS Botany Program


BS Physics

(Self-support Program)

Female candidates having Intermediate ( HSSC) /‘A’ Level / Equivalent qualification to FSc Pre-Medical, FSc Pre Engineering, ICS( Math, Physics) with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply  for BS Physics Program.

Note: Candidates who not have studied Mathematics of 200 marks at intermediate/ equivalent level shall have to qualify a test in Mathematics at the time of admissions.


BS Zoology

(Regular Program + Self-support Program)

Female candidates having Intermediate (HSSC) / ‘A’ Level / Equivalent qualification to FSc                             Pre-Medical, with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for BS Zoology Program.


Sabiha Mansoor Institute of Languages & Culture


BS Persian

(Regular Program)

Female candidates having intermediate (HSSC) / ‘A’ Level / Equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for BS Persian Program.


BS Urdu

(Regular Program + Self-support Program)

Female candidates having intermediate (HSSC) / ‘A’ Level / Equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for BS Urdu Program.



B.E.d (Elementary  Education )

(Self-support Program)

Female candidates having Intermediate (HSSC) / ‘A’ Level / Equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for B.Ed. (Elementary Education)


B.Ed ( Secondary Education)

(Self-support Program)

Female candidates having Intermediate (HSSC) / ‘A’ Level / Equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for B.Ed. (Secondary Education)


BS Health & Physical Education

(Regular Program)

Female candidates having Intermediate (HSSC) / A-Level / equivalent to Intermediate with atleast 50% marks are eligible to apply for BS Program.


BS TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

(Regular Program + Self-support Program)


Female candidates having Intermediate (HSSC) / ‘A’ Level / Equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for BS TESOL.



BS Pakistan Studies

(Regular Program + Self-support Program)

Female candidates having Intermediate (HSSC) / ‘A’ Level / equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for BS Pakistan Studies Program.



BS Gender and Development Studies

(Regular Program)

Female candidates having Intermediate (HSSC) / ‘A’ Level / equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for BS Gender & Development Studies Program.



BFA Graphic Design

(Self-support Program)


BFA Visual Arts

(Self-support Program)

Female candidates having Intermediate (HSSC) with or without Fine Arts / ‘A’ Level / equivalent qualification with at least 2nd division are eligible to apply for BFA Program.


1.    It is mandatory for the student to qualify the Test & Interview conducted by the Department.

2.    Candidates must bring their art material for the drawing test.

Drawing Test will be common for all applicants of BFA (Interior Design, Graphic Design, Textile Design and Visual Arts Programs).

Reserved Seats at BS Level ( Regular Program) 

Disability Basis

  • 2% seats are reserved for the disabled and handicapped applicants. Physical disability means disability that cannot be rectified by any equipment. Being short sighted and hard of hearing does not fall under the definition of disability for admission purpose. The candidates must online submit the certificate of their physical disability duly signed by the Medical Superintendent, Services Hospital, Lahore with their Admission form.

Sports Basis

  • 2% seats are reserved on sports basis. The candidate must attach their Certificates of Board, Division and District level sports competitions and then may appear for sports trail on the dates duly notified on University website. 

No Seat / Sports Quota is reserved for the Faculty of Science & Technology, Faculty of Engineering   & Technology and


Other Provinces Seats

1.    24 seats are reserved for the candidates of  provinces other than Punjab i.e. 4 each for Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtoon khwa, Gilgit Baltistan and 8 seats for FATA

2.    5 seats are reserved for the backward regions of Punjab like Rajanpur& D.G Khan

3.    The candidates from the provinces other than Punjab have to route their application  for the reserved seats to the University Admission office  through the concerned Provincial Government along with domicile certificate within due date mentioned on the University Website. Only those candidates who have passed their HSSC Examinations from a college situated in the concerned province shall be eligible to apply for these seats. 

Reserved seats for University Employees

1.  2% seats are reserved for the daughters of LCW University Teaching Faculty on inter-se-merit

2.  2% seats are reserved for the daughters of LCW University Non-Teaching/ Administrative Staff on inter-se-merit.

Foreign / Overseas seats at Undergraduate level 

1.    20 additional seats are reserved in BS programs for Foreign and Overseas candidates. The candidates selected on these seats shall pay $ 1,455/- (US) per annum along with normal fee per year. 

Admission Requirements for Foreign candidates

● Foreign candidates seeking admission to LCWU have to apply for admission directly to the University and get the offer letter of         admission. The rest of the procedure is as follows:

1.    The University will send a copy of the Admission Letter to the HEC.

2.    The HEC Pakistan will confirm and endorse admission after clearance from the Ministry of Interior.

3.    The student will approach the Pakistani Mission abroad for Visa and will submit the following documents:

·         Application Form (Student Visa Form) 

·         Photocopy of passport 

·         Photograph 

·         Educational Documents 

·         Admission Letter of University

·         All other documents required by the Pakistani Mission abroad.

4.    The Pakistani Mission abroad forwards all the documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad for further processing.

5.    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad forwards all documents to the Ministry of Interior for security clearance and a copy to Ministry of Education, Health and HEC, Pakistan.

6.    As per policy the Ministry of Interior takes about four weeks to complete the process and sends Visa advice to the Mission concerned and copy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and HEC, Pakistan.

7.    The HEC sends information of Visa advice to Ministry of Education, Health and LCWU Lahore.

8.    Visa to be issued for duration of studies will be renewed annually, inclusive of security clearance.


Admission Requirements for Daughters of Overseas Pakistanis.


1.    General conditions for admission against seats reserved for Overseas Pakistanis Daughters shall be the same as for the candidates applying for admissions to BS Regular Programs.

2.    At least one of the parent of the candidate must be Pakistani National and is working / engaged in a business in a foreign country.

3.  In case a candidate’s parent is employed in a foreign country, they should submit a certificate to that effect from the employer along with proof of residential status. In case a candidate’s parent is engaged in business in a foreign country, they should produce proof of their business/office and residential status along with the Admission Form.

4.    The candidate applying on this basis shall apply for admission directly to the University along with the other candidates.

Minority Quota

  • Two percent (02%) quota of the total seats at BS level is reserved for minorities as per Government of the Punjab, with the condition that the applications meet the minimum eligibility criteria for admission set for open merit.


Candidates applying for admission on the basis of Hafiz-e-Quran should:

·         Have a certificate recognized from where they have completed their Hifz e Quran.

·         Pass the oral test to be conducted for all candidates before admission.

·         20 marks will be added to the marks she has obtained in HSSC / ‘A’ Level / Equivalent

Co-Curricular Activities

·         2% seats are reserved for co-curricular activities at undergraduate level except council accredited degree programs.

·         A Co-Curricular Committee will recommend co-curricular activities (Drama and Music, English and Urdu Debate, Naat and Qiraat, any other) at Undergraduate Level and number of allocated seats to be offered for admission.

·         The applicant shall have to provide certificate(s) in the co-curricular activities at inter college / board / provincial level issued by the concerned education Department / Board / Province.

·         Attested copies of the Co-curricular Certificates must be provided at the time of trials.

·         The applicant shall have to appear for the trials of the Co-curricular Activities according to the Schedule. The schedule will be available on the LCWU website.

·         The applicant recommended by the Societies’ Board/ Committee will be called for interview on the given schedule.

·         The applicant who remains absent or fails in interview shall have no claim to admission.

Note:  General conditions for admission against these reserved seats are the same as laid down for the candidates applying for admission on merit.

Online Admission Forms Requirements

1.    The candidates must read E-Prospectus carefully and apply online at the university website

2.    They have to upload the following original colored documents of high Resolution along with a photograph with blue background   selfies & Photograph taken from mobile phone are not acceptable)

ü  Matriculation Certificate / Equivalent

ü  Intermediate Certificate / Equivalent

ü  Provisional / Character Certificate from the Head of the Institution last attended.

3.    For BS Electrical Engineering, Student must upload result card of latest UET Entry Test.

4.    In case of Foreign / Overseas Candidate: ( if any other)

ü  Attested photocopy of Foreign Passport / Residential Permit.

5.    The selected candidates will be admitted provisionally and the Verification Committee of the University will make final admission after the verification of the documents. If at any stage after the admission, it comes to the knowledge of the authorities that the documents presented by the candidate are fake or there is a misstatement or clerical error in the documents, her admission will be cancelled

6.    After payment of dues, the candidate shall get her Roll No. and section assigned in Online Admission System. 

Online Form submission: 03-02-2025 (Monday) to 17-02-2025 (Monday)


Following is the schedule of entry test for admissions in the below mentioned disciplines. Admissions in the remaining disciplines will be on open merit


Eligibility Criteria

Date, Time and Venue


  BFA (Graphic Design)

BFA (Visual Arts)


Female Candidates having Intermediate (HSSC) with or without Fine Arts / ‘A’Level equivalent with at least 2nd division are eligible to apply for BFA Program.


1.    It is mandatory for the student to qualify the Test & Interview conducted by the Department.

Candidates must bring their art material for the drawing test.

List of Eligible Candidates for Test:                    19-02-2025 (Wednesday)  at 6:00 pm  (on LCWU Website) 

Drawing Test : 21-02-2025 (Friday) at  10:00 am and 02:00 pm  In  IDVA (Institute of Design & Visual Arts) 

List of Eligible Candidate  for Interview:                    24-02-2025 (Monday) at 06:00 pm ( On LCWU Website)

Interview: 25-02-2025 (Tuesday) at 10:00 am

Interviews will be conducted in the  Department  concerned



Sports Trial


Dated : 18-02-2025(Tuesday) at 10:00 am

Dated : 19-02-2025(Wednesday)  at 10:00 am

Venue : Department of Physical Education



Hafiz E Quran

Dated: 19-02-2025(Wednesday) at 10:00 a.m.

Venue: Islamic Studies Department




Dated:25-02-2025 (Tuesday)   at 11:00 am

Venue: Independent living Center


Co- Curricular Activates

 Dated:  21-02-2025( Friday)  at 11:00 am

Venue: Committee Room, LCWU, Lahore

 Display of Merit List for BS on LCWU Website:

·         Display of 1st Merit list BS (Open Merit) : 27-02-2025 ( Thursday) at 6:00pm  (on LCWU Website) 

·         Commencement of Classes:  05-03-2025 (Wednesday)


Lahore College for Women University, Jail Road, Lahore

042-99203801-9 (Ext 206, 322)