Dr Hina Chaudhry
Department of Environment Science
- Profile
- Research Publications
Degree |
Field of Study |
Institute |
Year |
Obtained CGPA/ Grade |
Ph. D |
Environmental Science |
2020 |
4.00 |
MS |
Environmental Science |
2012 |
4.00 |
M. Sc |
Environmental Science |
2005 |
4.00 |
B. Sc (Hons.) |
Environmental Science |
2003 |
3.96 |
F. Sc |
Pre- Engineering |
2000 |
A |
Matric |
Science |
Azam Garrison Army Public School |
1998 |
A+ |
Length of Service of teaching in Environmental Science Department, LCWU by March, 2021 is 15 years
Date |
Title |
Institution |
March 2nd , 2020 |
Assistant Professor (Adhoc) |
Environmental Science Department, LCWU |
April 27, 2006 |
Lecturer (Permanent) |
Environmental Science Department, LCWU |
December 21, 2005 |
Lecturer (contract basis) |
Environmental Science Department, LCWU |
Dec., 2004-March, 2005 |
Internee |
Global Environmental Labs, Lahore |
July- Aug 2004 |
Internee |
International Project of British Petroleum |
- Attained First Position in B.Sc. (Hons.) Environmental Science (2003) and won a Gold Medal and received an Academic Roll of Honor.
- Attained First Position in M.Sc. Environmental Science and Management (2005) and won a Gold Medal and received an Academic Roll of Honor.
- Secured CGPA=4 in MS Applied Environmental Science (2012) and received an Academic Roll of Honor.
- Secured GPA=4 in Ph. D in Environmental Science course work (2016)
- Winner of Chief Minister (Government of the Punjab) scholarships (2003-2005).
- Winner of Miraj Khalid Award 2006.
- External Examiner for GCU and Home Economics College.
- Presented by souvenir of presentation at ISESCO Women in Science Conference: contribution of Pakistani Women in Scientific and Social development, organized by ISESCO Women in Science Chair, QAU, Islamabad, Pakistan, March 8, 2016.
- Presented with souvenir shield at Workshop on Health Safety and Environment organized by Enviro-safe society and LCWU, May, 2014
- Received a certificate in recognition of Significant Contribution to the Projects funded by HEC-BC JHELP-II and DelPHE (DFID) (2007-2010)
- Successfully completed the 7th Faculty Development Program at Learning Innovation Division of Higher Education Commission, Islamabad. June 13th – Sep., 9th
- International Computer Driving License (ICDL) holder 2006.
- Attended International Workshop “Training Of Trainers For Women On Water Networking For Poverty Alleviation In Rural Areas UNESCO-ISESCO and LCWU”, 27-29 May, 2008.
- Attended Advance Specified Course for MT-FPDP Alumni, held at HEC, Lahore, October 12-24, 2009.
- Attended one week workshop on research methodologies using statistical techniques in Biological Sciences at UVAS. 2011
- Participated in two day training workshop on Disaster Risk Management, organized by LCWU. 2012.
- Attended one week training course on Climate Change: Issues and Strategies organized under INSPIRE, HEC-BC, UCL and LCWU, 2013.
- Completed Certificate course on Climate Change, Policy and Mitigation (CCPM) jointly organized by ECO, British Council, Inspire, UCL, HEC and LCWU. 18-9-2013 to 3-10-2013.
- Participated in the Active Citizens Training of Facilitators at LCWU, organized by LCWU and British Council, 2nd-5th September, 2014
- Attended International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable development, held at LCWU, Lahore, jointly organized by INSPIRE, UCL, SEA, LCWU, ECO and British Council funded by INSPIRE-Transnational Education Partnership Program, 28th-29th January, 2016.
- Oral presentation of two research works in International SAARC conference held at UVAS 2006.
- Resource Person at “Training Of Trainers For Women On Water Networking For Poverty Alleviation In Rural Areas UNESCO-ISESCO and LCWU”, 11-14 March, 2008.
- Resource Person at Two day Training Course on “Environmental Monitoring Techniques”, HEC-BC JHELP-II, 2008.
- Participated in One day Training Course on “Occupational Health and Safety” as Resource Person, HEC-BC JHELP-II, 2009.
- Attended three days Training Course on “Health Risk Assessment and Management “as Resource Person, HEC-BC JHELP-II, organized by Environmental Science Department, LCWU, Lahore, Dec., 17-19, 2009.
Training Workshops, Conferences and Seminars attended
- Participated in confidence building workshop of British Council Lahore (2002).
- Participated in Regional Skill Share Workshop on Hospital waste management organized by WWF-Pakistan (2004).
- Actively participated in the international conference on Food Security and Biodiversity (2004).
- Participant of two day international workshop on “Health Impact Assessment and Risk Mitigation of Arsenic Contamination in Rural Areas through Community Participation” 2006.
- Participant of Pakistan-Japan joint seminar on “Arsenic in Pakistan-Drinking water Disaster Management through Civil Society” 2007.
- Got A grade in course “Disaster Management in High Rise Buildings” organized by Pakistan Foundation for Advancement of Engineering and Technology 2007.
- Attended a “National Conference on Emerging role of Chemical Technologies towards Sustainable Development.” 2007.
- Attended a national seminar on “Coping with water scarcity” 2007.
- Attended Special Lecture and Training on “Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer”, 2007.
- Attended one day training course on “Implementation and improvement of Emergency Response Procedures in Industries” 2007.
- Attended Special Lecture and Training on “ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)”, 2008.
- Attended one day Training Course on “Women, Water and Hygiene” 2008.
- Attended World Environment Day seminar organized by EPD, 2011
- Attended seminar on Regulating Nuclear power plants in Pakistan, organized by LCWU council. 2012
- Attended Lecture on Weather Forecasting organized by Geography Deptt, LCWU. 2012
- Attended World Environment Day seminar organized by EPD, 2012
- Received training on SCOPUS, powered by LCWU. 2012.
- Attended seminar on Dengue Control in Punjab Success Story organized by EPD. 2012.
- Attended World Dengue Day seminar organized by LCWU, 2013
- Participated in workshop on HCFC’s Phase-out and Alternatives, organized by Ozone Cell (Ministry of Climate Change). 2013
- Participated in International seminar on Rhetoric and Action: Role of the State, Organizations and Individuals in Transportation, Australia, organized by CRP Department, LCWU. 2013.
- Participated in workshop on Review and Finalization of Environmental Profile of Punjab, organized by EPA Punjab and NEIMS, Ministry of Climate Change. 2013
- Participation in one day training of Presiding and Assistant Presiding Officers organized by Election Commission of Pakistan. 2013.
- Attended seminar titled “Space Science and Technology in the service of Humankind” in context of World Space Week at SUPARCO. 4-10-2013.
- Attended seminar on World Ozone Day organized by ECO, British Council, Inspire, UCL, HEC and LCWU. 18-9-2013
- Attended special lecture on Disaster and our role in its mitigation, organized by Environmental Science Department, 10-10-2013.
- Participated in one day symposium 120 sec Challenge Innovative idea presentation for energy and water management in Pakistan, organized by Environmental Science Department and INSPIRE- Transnational Education Partnership programme in May, 2015
- Attended two days conference Pakistan say Paris on the road to 2015 Paris Climate Conference, Oct., 13th-14th, 2015
- Attended distinguished lecture by Dr. Timothy Beach, from University of Texas, Austin, titled “Is the development of global climate policy (Paris Agreement) calibrated with the latest scientific evidence with particular reference to IPCC fifth assessment report (AR5) to effectively address both short and long term threats of climate change” organized by PHEC in collaboration with American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS) and IT University, Punjab, 22 January, 2016.
- Attended lecture on Hazards of Mercury used in tooth amalgam, organized by SEA, LCWU, 2016
- Attended world wetland day organized by SEA, LCWU, February, 2016.
- Organized one day seminar on “Food security and climate change” debate and poster making competition held by ECO, WAPDA, SEA and LCWU on October 20th, 2016.
- Attended 2nd International Conference on New trends in Natural Sciences, Public Health, Food, Nutrition and Safety, jointly organized by Departments of Biotechnology and Zoology, LCWU, 24th -26th October, 2018
- Organized two days National Dialogue on Women in Science, held by Environmental Science department, LCWU, UN Women, on 11th and 12th February, 2019
Scientific Poster Presentation
- Study of occupational health and safety conditions and preparation of hazard control plan in a chemical industry in Sheikhupura
- Quantitative analysis of organic waste from a potato processing industry near Lahore
- Physico-chemical analysis of effluent from stabilization ponds of a sugar industry
- Studies of Heat Impact on the employees of Oil terminal located near Sheikhupura, Machike
- Study of captive behavior and quantitative assessment of peafowls (Pavo cristatus) feed kept in captivity
- Genomic characterization of three members of Brassicaceae family and their comparison with Cemelina Sativa (Foreign specie).
- Optimization of esterification and transesterification for the production of biodiesel.
Preparation of Manuals and Resource Material
- Preparation of Manuals and Resource Material for HEC-BC JHELP (2007-2010) on the following subjects
- Environmental Monitoring
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Health Risk Assessment
- Research Methodologies
- Preparation of Resource Material, formulation of minutes, report and activities for Training Of Trainers For Women On Water Networking For Poverty Alleviation In Rural Areas organized by UNESCO-ISESCO and LCWU, 2008.
- Report writing at International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable development, held at LCWU, Lahore, jointly organized by INSPIRE, UCL, SEA, LCWU, ECO and British Council funded by INSPIRE-Transnational Education Partnership Program, 28th-29th January, 2016.
University activities/ Duties performed
- Member department BOS 2007-2011
- Class in charge session 2007-2011
- In charge departmental examination committee 2011 on wards
- Facilitator Active Citizen Program, 2013
- Facilitator Active Citizen Program, 2014
- In charge departmental syllabus committee (BS) 2006 on wards
- In Charge BS program department
- Member QEC program team 2012
- In Charge QEC team of department 2015
- Member departmental purchase committee
- Member departmental Equipment committee
- In charge time table 2006-2009
- In charge date sheet 2006-2009
- Member QEC team, 2018-2020
- Class in charge session 2018-2022
- Admission In charge BS 2018
- Admission duties
- Exam Invigilation duties
- Departmental Discipline duties
- Arrangements of field and Study trips
- Arrangement of seminars, workshops, special lectures, walks, poster competitions, plays, tree plantations
Courses Taught = 21
Introduction to Environment, Environmental Geology, Fundamental of Ecology, Water Resources and Management, Environmental Physics, Environmental Pollution (P), Environmental Monitoring, Current Environmental Issues, RS and GIS (P), Environment and Health, Applied Ecology, Climate Change, Occupational Health and safety, Conservation Biology (P), Environmental Planning, Research Methodologies, Environmental Risk Assessment and Management, Environmental Auditing, Science of Climate Change, Wetland Management and Climatology.
- Worked as an active member of LEAF (Lahore College Environmental Awareness Forum).
- Worked as an active member of SEA (Society for Environmental Actions).
- Member PSGIS
- Member WWF-Pakistan
Area of research interest are Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation, Occupational health and safety, quantitative analysis of air, water and soil media using advance techniques and health assessments. Geographic Information System (GIS). Conservation. Plant Defense. Phytoremediation.
Sr. No |
Degree |
Year |
1 |
BS |
2008 |
2 |
BS |
2008 |
3 |
M. Sc |
2008 |
4 |
BS |
2009 |
5 |
BS |
2009 |
6 |
BS |
2009 |
7 |
BS |
2009 |
8 |
BS |
2009 |
9 |
BS |
2010 |
10 |
BS |
2010 |
11 |
BS |
2010 |
12 |
BS |
2011 |
13 |
BS |
2011 |
14 |
BS |
2011 |
15 |
BS |
2011 |
16 |
BS |
2012 |
17 |
BS |
2012 |
18 |
BS |
2012 |
19 |
BS |
2012 |
20 |
BS |
2013 |
21 |
BS |
2013 |
22 |
BS |
2013 |
23 |
BS |
2014 |
24 |
BS |
2014 |
25 |
BS |
2014 |
26 |
BS |
2014 |
27 |
BS |
2015 |
28 |
BS |
2015 |
29 |
BS |
2015 |
30 |
BS |
2015 |
31 |
BS |
2016 |
32 |
BS |
2016 |
33 |
BS |
2016 |
34 |
BS |
2016 |
35 |
BS |
2017 |
36 |
BS |
2017 |
37 |
BS |
2017 |
38 |
BS |
2017 |
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BS |
2017 |
40 |
BS |
2019 |
41 |
BS |
2019 |
42 |
BS |
2019 |
43 |
BS |
2019 |
44 |
BS |
2019 |
45 |
MS |
2019 |
46 |
BS |
2020 |
47 |
BS |
2020 |
48 |
BS |
2020 |
49 |
BS |
2020 |
50 |
BS |
2020 |
51 |
MS |
2020 |
52 |
MS |
2020 |
53 |
BS |
2021 |
54 |
BS |
2021 |
55 |
BS |
2021 |
56 |
BS |
2021 |
57 |
BS |
2021 |
58 |
MS |
2021 |
59 |
MS |
2021 |
60 |
MS |
2021 |
61 |
MS |
2021 |
Sr. No
Description of Research Article
Details of Journal HEC Recognized/Impact Factor
Quantification of Iron in Hair Samples of workers of Textile Industry near Sheikhupura, Faisalabad Road Pakistan. Chaudhry Hina and Masood Aisha, Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 3(2), 27-31(2014).
Removal of Lead from Wastewater by Adsorption on Saponified Melon Peel Gel. Hina Chaudhry, Maryam Ijaz. Sci.Int.,(Lahore),26(2),705-708, 2014.
HEC Recognized Z category
Occupational Health And Safety Studies And Assessment Of Asthma In Employees Working In Yarn Making Sector Of A Textile Industry Near Wan-Radha-Ram. Hina Chaudhry, Maryam Ijaz and Alina Khan. Basic Research Journal of Medicine and Clinical Sciences ISSN 2315-6864 Vol. 4(1): pp 20-36 January 2015.
Quantification of Lead and Manganese in Hair samples of Tannery workers near Sheikhupura road Lahore. Hina Chaudhary, Javairia Sanai, Aneela Jamal and Mahrukh Sanai. International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences, IJCBS, 7(2015):79-84.
Nisar N, Aleem A, Saleem F, Aslam F, Shahid A, Chaudhry H, et al. (2017) Reduction of reactive red 241 by oxygen insensitive azoreductase purified from a novel strain Staphylococcus KU898286. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0175551. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0175551
CHAUDHRY, Hina et al. Detection of Zinc in Nail Samples of Iron Welders. Pakistan Journal of Analytical & Environmental Chemistry, [S.l.], v. 18, n. 1, p. 64-68, June 2017. ISSN 2221-5255.
HEC RecognizedY category
Ahmad Zaira, Chaudhry Hina, Ali Hassan, et al. Suitable Habitat Evaluation of Eurasian Otter (Lutra Lutra) In Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Transylvanian Review: Vol XXV, No. 18, June 2017. 4756-4766
H. Chaudhry, M. Ijaz, M. Saeed, et al. Exposure Assessment For Prevalence Of Lung Related Diseases In Cotton Operatives (Ginners). Pakistan Journal of Science (Vol. 6 9 No. 3 September , 201 7 ) 276-283
HEC RecognizedX category
Hina Chaudhry, Munazza Jawad, Arifa Tahir, Nadia Ghani, Zaira Ahmad, Zahra Asghar, Saima Atif, Fakhra Aslam and Maryam Ijaz Asbestos Exposure in Workers of Brake Shoe Manufacturing Industry in Pakistan Transylvanian Review: Vol XXV, No. 22, November 2017
Chaudhry, H., Ahmad, Z., Ali, H., Atiq-Ur-Rahman, M., Nisar, N. and Tahir, A. (2019). Mapping historic and current distribution of marbled teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris) in Pakistan. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 29 (01). 316-324.
Chaudhry, H. 2019. Hyperaccumulation of silver in Indian mustard Brassica juncea. International Journal of Biosciences, 15(2), 439-444.
HEC Recognized International Journal
Description of Research work carried out
Sr. No: |
Title of Thesis/Report |
Degree |
Year |
1 |
Some Studies On The Health Status Of Poor Married Women From Rural And Urban Areas Of Lahore. |
B. Sc |
2003 |
2 |
Monitoring and Evaluation of Effluents, Gaseous Emissions And Noise Levels In An Electroplating Industry. |
M. Sc |
2005 |
3 |
Modelling of Species Distribution using Geospatial Technology: A Case Study of Marbled Teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris) in Pakistan. |
MS |
2012 |
4 |
Defense responses in hyperaccumulator due to Zinc, Cadmium and Silver uptake |
Ph. D |
2020 |