Madiha Nadeem
Gender & Development Studies
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Academic Background
PhD Candidate Gender StudiesPunjab University Pakistan & Bristol University, UK(2018-) funded by PHEC
- MS Gender & Development Studies (2012-2014)
Lahore College for Women University
- Masters in Gender Studies (2007- 2009)
University of the Punjab
- Bachelors (2002- 2004)
University of the Punjab
- Inter Computer Science (2000- 2002)
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Gujranwala
- Matriculation (2000)
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Gujranwala
Other Formal Non-Degree Education
- Virtual Winter Session Courses: Women and Gender in Islam, Race, Class, and Gender in Pop Culture, Everyday Surveillance Technology and Society , Ecofeminism, Environmental Justice, and EcoGrief from The NY-St. Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition and Culture(The Herzen State Pedagogical University & Stony Brook University)
18th January to 29th January, 2021
- The Course of Anthropology, Gender and Research
organized by Gender and Development Studies Department LCWU & George Washington University, U.S at Lahore College for Women University
1st October to 14th October, 2015
- Online Course “Women and Global Politics”
Summer Semester, 18th May to 27th June, 2015
The Elliott School of International Affairs
George Washington University, U.S
- Mix Method Research and Global Gender Policies
Summer Semester, 7th July to 14th August, 2014
The Elliott School of International Affairs
George Washington University, U.S
- Gender Advisor: Roles and Skills
Summer Semester, 7th July to 14th August, 2014
The Elliott School of International Affairs
George Washington University, U.S
- Independent Research Project
Summer Semester, 7th July to 14th August, 2014
The Elliott School of International Affairs
George Washington University, U.S
- The Course of Development, Gender and Representation: An Anthropological Perspective organized by Gender and Development Studies Department LCWU & George Washington University, U.S at Lahore College for Women University
8th September to 19th September, 2014
- The Course of “Globalization, Change and Learning –A Gender Perspective”
organized by Gender and Development Studies Department LCWU & George Washington University, U.S at Lahore College for Women University
11th March to 25th March, 2014
Post Graduate Certificate Course English Academic WritingDirectorate of Faculty Development &Internalization, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore14th February to 28th April, 2014
Professional Experience
- Working as Lecturer at Lahore College for Women University: 2018 to till date
- Worked as Teaching Assistant at Lahore College for Women University: 2011 to February 2018
- Worked as an Active Citizen Program facilitator with the British Council
- Worked as Program Coordinator in Women Workers Helpline (NGO) Lahore: March 2011 to October 2011
- Internship in ActionAid, Lahore: March 2009 to April 2009
- Worked as Junior Teacher in “The City Kehakshah School” (A Project of City School), Gujrat. May 2005 to October 2005
Personal Skills & Areas of Interest
- Working Knowledge of Microsoft Office, SPSS and Internet Browsing
- Good in English and Urdu Languages
- Theoretical Framework of Feminism &Contemporary Gender Issues
Academic Certificates
Gold Medal in MS in Gender and Development Studies, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Gold Medal in Masters in Gender Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore
Got College Merit Certificates in Graduation, Govt. Marghzar College, Gujrat
Got Diploma Certificate in English Language, (2th June,2005 to 1st August, 2005) by Farhan Institute of Technology Gujrat
Research incentive award LCWU 2016 & 2017
PHEC PhD split Program award, 2017
Funded Projects and Achievements
- Supervised funded project of students “Aghai” on reproductive health (funded by Punjab Population innovation Fund and led by Green Star)
- CO PI GW-LCWU Partnership Building Connections, Building Capacity Three Year Project funded by the United States Govt and administered by USEFP
- Worked as facilitator in a project on Capacity Building in Gender Studies funded by U.S mission for Pakistan under Pakistan US partnership grant program
- PUAN Small grant Award, 2017 on project strategies to confront sexual harassment
- Supervised national award winning social action project of students “smile again”(Under the Active Citizen Program of British Council)
International /National Conferences/Symposium (Attended)
- Populism, Gender and Feminist Politics. Between Backlash and Resistance: AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 10-11th December 2020 by Faculty of Political and Social Science, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence (virtual)
- International Conference on Gender Language and Education on 2nd Dec 2 to 4th Dec, 2020 by The Education University of Hong Kong (virtual)
- The Marginalization of Third World Feminists in Academia and Politics on 30th Oct , 2020 by the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (virtual)
- Conference Queer Feminist approaches to social reproduction in the environmental crisis on 23rd Oct 23, 2020 by University of Cambridge (virtual)
- Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences in the World : Threats against Academic Freedom by Linnaeus University on 16th September, 2020 (virtual)
- School of Education Virtual Doctoral Conference by Bristol university on 5th &6th June, 2020 (virtual)
- A one day national symposium on Social Science Research conducted by e-Library and Pakistan Librarians Welfare Organization held on January 26, 2019 at e-Library Lahore
- 2nd International Conference on Gender Perspectives, Realities and Challenges held on December 3rd to 5th, 2018 organized by the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, Lahore College for Women University.
- International conference on Pakistan Futures: Imagination, Impact & Dialogue on May 12th to 13th, 2018 organized by Arizona State University and University of the Punjab, Lahore
- International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities in the New Millennium: Challenges and Prospects on December 14th to 16th, 2017 organized by Virtual University and Lahore College for Women University,
- Three days International Conference on Global Gender Perspective organized by Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with the Global Gender Program of The George Washington University, USA on November 14th to16th, 2016.
- 1st International Educational Conference on “Building Knowledge Competencies for Sustainable Development in Asia: Achieving the Goals of Life Long Learning” organized by the Institute of Education, Lahore College for Women University on November 2nd to 4th,
International Conference on State, Society And Democracy in the Postcolony funded by An American Institute of Pakistan Studies and organized by Clemson University, USA and the Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan with support from the Lahore College Women University and the Fulbright Program on August 5th, 2016.
Students Colloquium on Gender Studies”, Saeeda Waheed Gender Studies Initiative, LUMS on April 9th, 2016
Three- day international conference on “Shunning Sectarianism and promoting Interfaith Harmony for Peaceful Coexistence” organized by Lahore College for Women University, on April 27th to 29th, 2016
One day International Symposium on Gender and Disaster held on March 8th, 2016 at LCWU
One day International Conference titled “Third World Women and Politics of Feminism” held on 24th April, 2015 at LCWU
14th International Conference of Psychology titled “The Current Challenges for Psychology:From Crisis to Sustainable Solutions” held on 19th to 21st March, 2015 at Punjab University Lahore.
International Conference on “Women’s Empowerment and Equality Challenges, Progress, and Opportunities” by Global Gender Program, The Elliott school of International Affairs, George Washington University, U.S on 7th August, 2014
Global conference “The Next Generation, Insecure Voices and Untold Stories” by LCWU & the British Council on 8th May 2014.
Mini Conference “Leadership and Entrepreneurship Challenges & Potential” on dated 27th March, 2014 conducted by George Washington University and Gender and Development Studies Department, LCWU
International video Conference with George Washington University on 19th February, 2014 by Gender and Development Studies, LCWU
International video Conference with George Washington University on 3rd December, 2013 by Gender and Development Studies, LCWU
Women Entrepreneurship Conference by KFC, Women Forum on 30th August, 2013
International conference on “Language Science and Developing World” conducted by HEC and LCWU on 11th January, 2013
Peace Conference and Theatre Performance conducted by SPO and LCWU on 16th October, 2012.
Workshops /Trainings
- Virtual Workshop on Postcolonial Feminism: Women’s digital activism in South Asian conducted by GDS, LCWU in collaboration with USEFP and Forman Christian College on 9th December, 2021
- Virtual Workshop on Effective Strategies in Instructional Design and Teaching conducted by GDS, LCWU in collaboration with USEFP and Forman Christian College on 23rd November and 30th November, 2021
- Workshop on Qualitative Data Analysis with a Gender and Intersectional Framework conducted by GDS, LCWU in collaboration with USEFP and Forman Christian College from 25th October to 27th October, 2021
- Empower and Transform Pakistani Universities in online environment, online training conducted by AIOU in collaboration with USEFP, Islamabad Conducted From 1st April to 30th September, 2021
- Decolonizing Writing by South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP), UK on 21st Jan, 2021 (Virtual)
- Co-produced approaches in Research on19th January, 2021 by Brigstow Institute, University of Bristol (SWDTP)
- Decolonizing Methodology by South West Doctoral Training Partnership(SWDTP), UK on 14th Jan, 2021
- Webinar on Phenomenography By Leeds University on 9th Dec , 2020
- Introduction to rapid Qualitative Research by Nvivo & Sage on 4th Dec, 2020
- Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis by Bristol Doctoral College on 4th Dec, 2020
- Teaching Qualitative Data Analysis using f4analyse by CAQDAS on 18th Nov, 2020 by University of Surrey
- Narrative and Participatory co-design methods and research on 12th November, 2020 by Lancaster University
- Connecting for Collecting Data: Qualitative Research Online by Nvivo and SAGE on 12th Nov, 2020
- Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis by Bristol University on 9th Nov, 2020
- Qualitative Data Analysis: Using Critical discourse Analysis on 6th Nov 6 , 2020 by University of Chester
- Paper Publication Reviews By Bristol University on 2nd Nov, 2020
- Paper Publication Workshop by Bristol University on 26th Oct 26
- Data in the spotlight :Qualitative and Mixed Method Data on 26th Oct 26 by NCRM
- PGRs and Supervisor Workshop by Bristol University on 21st Oct , 2020
- The Qualitative Research Process: A narrative researcher’s perspective by Lancaster University on 13th Oct , 2020
- Mixed method research: from design to dissemination by Tread Excellence on 4th Oct , 2020
- Webinar on doing qualitative research in a digital world by University of Surrey on 30th September, 2020
- Qualitative Data Management and Thematic Analysis by using NVivo Training Course Held Online from 21st – 25th September, 2020 by the Vital Extra Learning and Consultancy
- Thematic analysis Workshop by Dr.Russell Delderfield, University of Bradford on 26th August, 2020
- Reflexivity: writing it into thesis by Dr.Russell Delderfield, University of Bradford on 25th August, 2020
- Qualitative Analysis with Nvivo by Tread Excellence on 22nd August and 23rd August, 2020
- Virtual training SPSS advanced level analysis by High Impact Quantitative analysis from 29th June 29 to31st July, 2020
- Workshop on Dissertation vs Procrastination by University of Bristol Study Skills on 17th July, 2020
- Remote Methods &Fieldwork during pandemic by Human Geography, Bristol University on 8th July, 2020
- Data analysis for everyone: coding for data analysis: by University of Sunderland institute of coding on 24th June, 2020
- Dos and Don’ts of online teaching training by LCWU on 14th May, 2020
- Introduction to prepare audio/video lectures by LCWU on 20th April,2020
- Two-day workshop on “Qualitative Research Essentials” organized by Department of Information Management, Punjab University on the 30th to 31st July, 2019 at PU
- Three-day workshop on advanced statistical Techniques by Dr. Iram Fatima at LCWU on 28th to 30th August, 2018 organized by LCWU
- Two days’ Workshop on “Understanding Child Rights Advocacy & UN Human Right Mechanisms on 16th & 17th August, 2018 at Lahore organized by Child Right Movement
- Workshop on Research Methodology by Professor Joel Gordon (University of Arkansas) on 11th & 12th July, 2018 at Government College University, Lahore
- Regression Analysis Workshop organized by Government College, University, Lahore on May 9th, 2017
- Quality in Qualitative Data Collection, Designing and Conducting Mixed Method Research organized by Government College, University, Lahore on 25th March, 2017
- Leadership Training “Ma Pakistan Ho” organized by Gulistan-e- Saida at Aiwane Iqbal on 17th, 2017 to March 24th, 2017
- Transforming English Language Skills (TELS) Training Workshop conducted by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan from 6th to 11thFebruary, 2017 at Lahore College for Women University
- Scholarly Writing Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Shaista Khilji from George Washington University at Lahore College for Women University on November 10th, 2016
- SPSS Advanced level workshops conducted by DFDI, Lahore College for Women University from September 20th to October 25th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University
- SPSS and AMOS Workshop conducted by Lahore School of Management, on August 27th, 2016 at Lahore School of Management, The University of Lahore
- Training workshop on Qualitative Analysis by Dr. Jane Henrici, Professorial Lecturer, Elliott School of International Affair, George Washington University, on March 14th and 18th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University
- Training workshop on Interview Skills by Dr. Jane Henrici, Professorial Lecturer, Elliott School of International Affair, George Washington University, on March 9th & 10th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University
- Workshop on Research Methodology and the Feminist Research by Neelam Hussain Executive Coordinator, Simorgh at Lahore College for Women University on 27th November, 2015
- Session on Qualitative Methodologies and Analysis by Prof. Dr. Lena Martinsson Professor of Gender Studies and Dr. Erika Alm Associate Professor of Gender Studies from Department of Cultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden at Lahore College for Women University on 3rd November, 2015
- Train the Trainer Workshop on “Scholarly Writing” conducted by George Washington University and Lahore College for Women University on 27th & 28th April, 2015
- One day “Leadership Development Workshop” conducted by George Washington University and Lahore College for Women University on 23rd April, 2015
- One day Professional Development workshop on “Coding and Beyond Qualitative Data Analysis” conducted by George Washington University and Lahore College for Women University on 22nd April, 2015
- One day workshop on “Teaching Y Generation” conducted by Mr. Wali Zahid, CEO Skill City and DFDI, LCWU on 31st March, 2015
- One day workshop on “Grounded Theory” on 23rd June, 2014 by Government College University and Gender and Development Studies Department at LCWU
- Workshop on “Qualitative Methodology in Gender & Developmental Studies” on 15th May to 24th June, 2014 by DFDI and GDS at LCWU
- Training of “Active Citizen Training of Facilitators Refresher Course” on 24th to 25th April, 2014 by British Council & LCWU.
- One day training of “Competent Leadership from Self to the Other” on 27th March, 2014.
- Two days professional development training on “Data, Data Everywhere Staying Calm & Methodically Analyzing the Qualitative Data” on 17th & 19th March, 2014 by DFDI & GDS, LCWU.
- Train the Trainer Workshop for LCWU Faculty “Effective Strategies in Instructional Design and Teaching” on 14th March, 2014
- One Day workshop on “Proposal Writing” conducted by ORIC, PU on 7th September, 2013.
- Active citizens Training of Facilitators conducted by LCWU and British Council on 9th to 13th July, 2012.
- Workshop on “Stories for Change” Conducted by Simaorgh and LCWU on 21st to 23rd February, 2012.
- Capacity building workshop on “Communication, Advocacy & Lobbying conducted by Medecins Du Monde (MDM) Pakistan on 11th to 12th October, 2011.
- Thesis: A study of Gender Differences in Science Concept Acquisition and related variables in Secondary Schools Students of Punjab Province, Pakistan
- Thesis: A Comparative Study of University Students about Perception of Fashion Trends and Differences in Purchasing Behaviors.
- Nadeem, M., & Malik, R. (2023). Reproductive Health in Health Polices of Punjab Province: Gaps and Challenges. Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 11(2), 60–76. https://doi.org/10.52015/jrss.11i2.229
- Batool, Aeman., Nadeem, Madiha. (2022). Socioeconomic Condition and Challenges of Female Labor Working in Brick Kilns. Pakistan Perspectives 27(1)
- Nashmena, H., Malik, S., & Nadeem, M. (2022). Impact of Civic Responsibility on Decision to Vote among Adults. Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 10(2), 31–50. https://doi.org/10.52015/jrss.10i2.188
- Malik, A. S., Nadeem, M., & Tariq , M. (2022). The Gender Difference In Students-Teachers Interaction At University Level: A Quantitative Analysis. Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, 22(1), 29–50. Retrieved from https://www.socialsciencejournals.pjgs-ws.com/index.php/PJGS/article/view/573
- Hashmi, Abdullah., & Nadeem, Madiha. (2021). Store as a Brand and its Impact on Consumer Purchasing Behavior for Consideration. Pakistan Business Review, 23(2), 115-129, DOI:https://doi.org/10.22555/pbr.v23i2.410
- Khadija, Zain., Malik, Subha & Nadeem, Madiha. (2021). Married Women’s Negotiations about their Reproductive Rights with Patriarchy. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 5(4) ,147-159.
- Latif, Jaweria., Malik Subha., & Nadeem, Madiha. (2021). Perceptions and Effects of Dramas on University Students. Journal of Research in Social Sciences,9(2), ISSN:2305-6533
- Nadeem, M. (2019). The Debate of Minimizing Subjectivity in Gender Studies: A Critical Analysis. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 164-187.
- Malik, Subha., Nadeem, Madiha., & Nadeem, Farhat (2018).Gender Differences in University Students’ Attitude Towards Gender Roles. Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies 17, 279-298, ISSN: 2072-0394
- Malik, A. S., Hashmi, M. R., Abid, S., & Mahmood, A. (2017). Work-Family Conflict and Organizational Commitment among Employees of Multinational Companies. Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies, 24(2).
- Nadeem M., Shahed S., (2017). Factors Influencing the Attitude of Urban Educated Women towards Politics. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 1 (4).
- Nadeem, M., & Shahed, S. (2017). Attitude of educated urban youth towards rape myths. Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies Alam-e-Niswan Alam-i Nisvan, 24(1), 17.
- Malik S., & Nadeem M. (2016). Bonded Laborers: Women as Victims A Curse that Lingers on .Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 3(1), 27- 52.)
- Shahed, S., Hashmi, M. R., & Hashmi, A. M. (2016). Correlates of Science Concept Acquisition: Foundations for Better Doctors, Engineers, and Scientists. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 22(2).
- Rauf, M., & Shahed, S. (2015). Factors Influencing the Acquisition of Science Concepts in Secondary School Students. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 13(1), 20.
Presented Papers
Identify reconstruction in couples living with involuntary childlessness. Paper presented at the virtual conference on The Emerging and new Researchers Emerging in the Geographies of Health and Impairment held on 30th June to 2nd July, 2021 arranged by Lancaster University, University of Salford & University of Groningen
A Qualitative Study to Explore the Prevailing Situation of Women Brick Kilns` Workers in South Punjab, coauthor of the paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Gender Perspectives, Realities and Challenges held on December 3rd -5th, 2018 at Lahore College for Women University.
Women Entrepreneurs: Challenges of Women Working in the Livestock Sector, coauthor of the paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Gender Perspectives, Realities and Challenges held on December 3rd -5th, 2018 at Lahore College for Women University.
Gender differences in the Career Satisfaction, Financial and Mental Well-being of Lawyers, coauthor of the paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Gender Perspectives, Realities and Challenges held on December 3rd -5th, 2018 at Lahore College for Women University.
Gender differences in motivation of students pursuing Masters and Doctoral degree program paper presented at 2nd AIOU National Graduate Conference held on August 28-29, 2018 at Islamabad
Women Empowerment, Decision Making & their Role in Agricultural Sector:A qualitative Study, coauthor of the paper presented at 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities in the New Millennium: Challenges and Prospects December14-16, 2017 organized by Virtual University and Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
Impact of HUM TV dramas on University Students of Lahore coauthor of the paper presented at 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities in the New Millennium: Challenges and Prospects December14-16, 2017 organized by Virtual University and Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
Living with Terrorism : How does it affect University Students, coauthor of the paper presented at International Conference on Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Challenges and Resolution Strategies held on November 29-30, 2017 organized by COMSAT Lahore
Stress and Coping Behaviors of Spouses of Deployed Military Personnel coauthor of the paper presented at 1st International Conference “ Clinical Psychology and the Developing World: Issues, Challenges and Solutions on March 9, 2017 at the Faletti's Hotel organized by University of Management Science, Lahore
Women Empowerment, Decision Making & their Role in Agricultural Sector: The Case of Village Bahuman, District Sheikhupura, Punjab, Pakistan” coauthor of the paper presented at 1st International Conference “ Clinical Psychology and the Developing World: Issues, Challenges and Solutions on March 9, 2017 at Faletti's Hotel organized by University of Management Science, Lahore
The Attitude of University Students towards Gender Roles paper presented at 1st International Conference on Gender : Global Gender Perspective November 14-16, 2016 organized by LCWU and GWU at Pearl Continental Hotel
Rape Myths among University Students, paper presented at 1st International Conference on Gender : Global Gender Perspective November 14-16, 2016 organized by LCWU and GWU at Pearl Contienetal Hotel
Educated Women’s Attitude towards Politics, paper presented at the International Conference on State, Society and Democracy in the Postcolony organized by Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with Clemson University, USA and Lahore University of Management Sciences funded by the American Institute of Pakistan Studies on August 5-6, 2016.
A Paper on “Multiculturalism and Feminism: The Case of Muslim Women” presented at “ Students Colloquium on Gender Studies”, Saeeda Waheed Gender Studies Initiative, LUMS on April 9, 2016.
“Legislation and Policies for Promoting Political Empowerment of Women in Pakistan” coauthor of the paper presented at international conference titled “Empowering Women through Political Participation and Empowering Politics through Women Participation held on 30th July, 2015 at George Washington University, U.S.
A Paper “A Study of Gender Differences in Science Concept Acquisition and Related Variables in Secondary School Students” presented at the 14th international conference of psychology entitled “The Current Challenges for Psychology: From Crisis to Sustainable Solutions” held on 19th to 21st March, 2015 at Punjab University Lahore.