Dr. Moneeza Abbas
Department of Environment Science
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- Profile
- Research Publications
2016 PhD: Zoology. Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
2006 M. Sc Zoology. Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
2002 B. Sc (Zoology, Botany), Punjab University
2000 F.Sc. Pre medical, Lahore Board
1997 Science group, Lahore Board
2016-Present: Assistant Professor, Environmental Science Department Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
2010 - 2016 Lecturer, Environmental Science Department Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
Higher Education Link Research Project 2006-2009 “Studies On Fluoride And Arsenic Contamination Of Drinking Water In And Around Lahore Pakistan-A Growing Threat To Human Health” Funded by Delphe (DFID) UK, HEL with University College, London, UK and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangla
2007-2010 Worked as Assistant link coordinator of the projects funded by HEC-BC JHELP-II & DelPHE (DFID, UK) (2007-2010) at Lahore College for Women University. Lahore. Pakistan. Higher Education Link Research Project 2006-2009 “Studies On Fluoride And Arsenic Contamination Of Drinking Water In And Around Lahore Pakistan-A Growing Threat To Human Health” Funded by Delphe (DFID) UK, HEL with University College, London, UK and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2006-2010 Over four years experience (Job joined on 1.03.2006) of Research Associate in Departments of Zoology and Environmental Science at Lahore College for Women University. Lahore. Pakistan.
- Visited University College London UK from 5th July 2009 to 23rd July 2009 for training on Dionex and ICP.
- Visited BUET ( Bangladesh University of engineering and Technology, Dhaka Bangladesh) from 12th Feb,2008 to 21st Feb 2008 for attending seminars and workshops on water contamination.
Assistant Professor on adhoc, Environmental Science Department Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
Environmental Health, Microbiology, Air, Water and Soil Analysis
Environmental Microbiology,
Research Methodology,
Fundamentals of Ecology,
Principle of Life,
Biological resources
Introduction to environment
Waste Managment
Supervised and evaluated 31 research thesis of B.Sc (hons.)BS environmental sciences
Supervised and evaluated 1 research thesis of MS environmental sciences(2016).
Awarded Certificate as Resource Person for presentation on “Quality of Water” on four day work shop “ Training of Trainers for Women on Water Networking for Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas UNESCO-ISESCO (11-14 March,2008)
Delivered a Presentation on water related diseases one day seminar on water, women and hygiene, organized by the Environmental Science Department of Lahore College For Women University (27.08.08)
Attended the three month training course of National Guards Service (NCC).
Awarded Certificate on the completion of operational training on Solar M6 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer with Data Station Software conducted by the Thermo Electrone’s Trained Experts(April,2007).
Participated in the Report Writing and Presentation Skill Workshop Organized by Lahore College for women university Lahore and obtained a certificate (February 11-12, 2005).
Attend the fifteen days Teacher’s Orientation Programme organized by University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore from 14-06-07 to 29-06-07 qualified the Test and Awarded Certificate.
Awarded Certificate on the One day training course on Implementation and Improvement of Emergency Response Procedures in Industries” on 28 July, 2007
Participated and Awarded Certificate on the “Three dray Short Course on Research Methods and Survey Techniques for Environmental Research” Organized by Lahore College for women university Lahore from 15-17 November, 2007.
Attended Tow day Workshop on “Assay Techniques for the Isolation of Bioactive Compounds” from 12-13 December, 2007 and Awarded with Certificate.
Awarded Certificate On the “Special Lecture and Training on Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer” as a participant and Resource Person (15 December 2007).
Attended one-day seminar and Awarded with Certificate on the “Environmental issues: Wildlife and conservation” Organized by Lahore College for Women University Lahore (8thMarch, 2004).
Awarded with certificate as resource person on Presentation “Pathophysiology of Gastroenteritis and its Prevalence in different areas of Pakistan” on one day workshop Epidemiological Methods (22 November,2008).
Participated in One day Training Course on “Occupational Health and Safety” LCWU, Lahore, 19 January, 2009.
Prepared Manual on Resource Person at One day Training Course on “Environmental Impact Assessment”, LCWU, Lahore, September,
Participated in Two days Training Course on “Environmental Literacy through Picture Map Analysis” Under (Leaf, UDERC and ICLC) organized by Environmental Science Department LCWU, Lahore, 25-26 May, 2009.
Resource Person at One day Training Course on “Environmental Impact Assessment”, LCWU, Lahore, 29th September, 2009.
Attended three days Training Course on “Health Risk Assessment and Management “as participant, HEC-BC JHELP-II, organized by Environmental Science Department, LCWU, Lahore, Dec., 17-19, 2009.
Participated in Two days Training Course on “Best Solid waste disposal techniques” Urban unit, Lahore, 2010.
Received a certificate in recognition of Significant Contribution to the Projects funded by HEC-BC JHELP-II and DElPHE (DFID) (2007-2010).
Participated in one day seminar on Organic Roof top farming: “The Edible Garden” LCWU, Lahore, 2012.
Attended one day workshop on “HCFC’s Phase out and Alternatives” at PC organized by Ozone Cell Ministry of Climate change in collaboration with HVACR Pakistan, 12 February 2013.
Attended training course on “CLIMATE CHANGE: ISSUES AND STRATEGIES” organized by INSPIRE-Transnational Education Partnership Programme, 4-8 March 2013.
Participated in one day Training of Presiding and Assistant Presiding Officers organized by the Election commission of Pakistan at Kahna Nau, Lahore 3rd May 2013.
Organized and participated in the seminar captioned “Water Awareness Day” at LCWU, Lahore, 17th March 2014.
Attended one day seminar and walk on “World Forest Day” at Jallo Forest Park, Lahore, March 21, 2014.
Attended one day workshop on “Health, Safety and Environment” organized by Environmental Science Department LCWU and Enviro Safe Society, Lahore, 27th May, 2014.
Participated in “Waste Recycled Exhibition” organized by Department of Environmental Science, LCWU, Lahore, 10th March, 2015.
Participated in one day Training of Presiding and Assistant Presiding Officers organized by the Election commission of Pakistan at Lahore October 2015.
Attended one day seminar on “Mercury Exposure and health risks: Dental mercury amalgam use in Pakistan” jointly organized by Environmental science department & INSPIRE HEL Projects between LCWU and university college London, UK.
Class Incharge: 2012-20016
Member of departmental Time Table committee
Member of Departmental Purchase committee
Member of QEC team
Member of Date Sheet committee
Organized many events (Exhibitions, Walk, workshops, Plantation) related to environment
- Moneeza Abbas, Sidra Sarwar and Sabiha Fazal. 2011. Quantification of nickle and manganese in soil samples collected from an agrochemical industry near Lahore. The Environ.monitor. Vol. Xl (6-11).
- Moneeza Abbas, Muhammad Atiq-ur-Rahman, Farkhanda Manzoor and Afshan Farooq.2012. A quantitative analysis and comparison of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in rice husk and wheat bran samples. Pure and Applied Biology, 1(1): 14-15.
- Farkhanda manzoor, Sadiya asma, Sabiha fazal, Moneeza abbas and Mahnoor. Estimation of Degradation of Different Termiticides under Field Conditions using TLC Method. Sci., Tech. and Dev., 31 (2): 128-132.
- Moneeza Abbas, Muhammad Atiq-ur-Rahman and Asma Safdar, 2012. Detection of heavy metals concentration due to leather tanning industry and prevelant diseases pattern in Kasur Pakistan. Environment and Urbanization Asia, 3(2): 375-384.
- Moneeza abbas, Kausar Jamal cheema1 & Mariam Faiz, 2013. Studies on the Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern of Bacterial Pathogens isolated from Cancer Patients. BIOLOGIA, 59 (2), 307-314.
- Ridha Kamran, Moneeza Abbas, Samina Sarwar.2014. Detection of chromium in hair samples of male tannery workers near gajju matah. Asian journal of agricultural biology, 2(2):149-152.
- Moneeza Abbas and Kausar Jamal Cheema.2014. Correlation Studies of Arsenic Level in Drinking Water and hair Samples of Females in District Sheikhupura, Pakistan. International journal of current microbiology and applied sciences, 3(8) 1077-1085.
- Farkhanda Manzoor, Sumaira Saleem and Moneeza Abbas. 2014. Laboratory Evaluation of Imidacloprid against Microtermes obesi (Holmgren) (Isoptera: Macrotermitinae). Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences 51 (1): 43–48.
- Moneeza Abbas and Kausar Jamal Cheema. Studies on Arsenic Levels in Drinking Water and Associated Health Risk in District Sheikhupura, Pakistan. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 25(3): 719-724.
- Moneeza Abbas &Kausar Jamal cheema. 2015. Studies on Arsenic contents in the Blood Samples of Female and Male Population from District Sheikhupura. BIOLOGIA, 61 (1), 89-
- Afshan Kaleem1, Asma Tanveer, Irfana Iqbal, Moneeza Abbas, Roheena Abdullah,Mehwish Iqtedar, Mahwish Aftab, Tehreema Iftikhar and Shagufta Naz.2015. The effect of packaging and storage of vitamin-C in fresh and commercial orange juices, International Journal of Biosciences, 7(4): 22-30.
- Moneeza Abbas, S. Razzaq, R. Shahzadi, A. Rahman, F. Manzoor and Z. Ali. 2015. Determination of indoor and outdoor air quality under different ventilation conditions in a residential area of lahore, pakistan. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 25(3): 672-676.
- Manzoor, Abbas, M and MU Latif. 2015. Comparative study of resistance and feeding preference of 24 wood species to attack by Heterotermes indicola (Wasmann) and Coptotermes heimi (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in Pakistan. Sociobiology, 62(3):417-425.
- Anum Saeed, Moneeza Abbas, Farkhanda Manzoor and Zulfikar Ali.2015.Assessment of fine particulate matter and gaseous emission in urban and rural kitchens using different fuels. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 25(3): 687-692.
- Moneeza Abbas, Farkhanda Manzoor, Muhammad Atiq-ur-Rahman, and Ayesha Kanwar. 2015. Comparison of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus contents in cow dung and slurry generated in biogas plant. Journal of agricultural research, 53(2):179-186.
- Moneeza Abbas, R. Shahzadi1, Fatima Noor, Amina Abrar and Ammara Mushtaq. 2016. Air quality monitoring of gaseous emission and PM2.5 released from generators in Anarkali bazar Lahore. Journal of innovative sciences, 2(1):62-66.
Abstract Published
- Mishal Safdar, Rabia Shehzadi , Moneeza Abbas and Amina Abrar. (15th-17th March, 2016). Impact of bio fertilizer and chemical fertilizer on organic fertilizer on organic matter,phosphorus and potassium content in soil Healthy soil for food security :16th International Conference held in Arid agriculture Rawalpindi, 2016.
- Research paper titled” Effect of N-methyl-D-Aspartic acid on the testosterone level of male rabbit has been published in the 27th international congress of Zoology (27 Feb, 2007 to 1 Mar, 2007) BZU, Multan.
- Abstract titled “Determination of aspartate aminotransferase enzyme in serum samples of goats from fluoride effected areas around Lahore” has been published in the 28th International congress of Zoology held at Government college University, Faisalabad (18-20th March, 2008).
- Abstract Entitled “Antimicrobial resistance pattern of bacterial pathogens isolated from cancer patients” has been published in the 26th International congress of Zoology held Punjab University, 2006.
Scientific Research Poster Exhibited international and National Conferences
- Toxicological evaluation of malathion :an organo phosphate insecticide ,on testosterone concentration ,body weight and complete blood count in oryctolagus cuniculus (Arifa Tahir Nadia Ghani, Moneeza Abbas and Amen Hanif)
- Baseline air quality assessment for construction of power plant in a food industry at sheikhupura (Amina Abrar, Tehrim Rizvi and Moneeza Abbas)
- Detection of chromium in soil and wheat straw sample collected from agricultural land irrigated with rohi nullah industrial darin near gajjumatta road Lahore (Rabia Shehzadi ,Sadaf Touqir, Moneeza Abbas ).
- Efficacy of Euclayptus bark for the removal of chromium from waste water sample collected from rohi nullah industrial drain ( Rabia Shehzadi , Moneeza Abbas, Sara Asghar, 2015).
- Paper entitled “Fluoride Contamination of drinking water in all Towns of Lahore and Kasur, Pakistan at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh 02-26th Feb,2008( Kausar Jamal Cheema and Moneeza Abbas).
- Poster entitled “Air quality monitoring of gaseous emission and PM2.5 released from generators in Anarkali bazar Lahore. National conference and training workshop on WILD LIFE and AEROBIOLOGY. 6 to 7 Feb, 2105. Organized by environmental health and wildlife department of zoology, PU, Lahore Pakistan (Moneeza Abbas, Shahzadi1 Amina Abrar and Ammara Mushtaq).