Dr. Numrah Nisar
Department of Environment Science
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- Profile
- Research Publications
Completely funded MS leading to PhD merit based scholarship to study abroad (HEC, 2007)
Role of Honour in MSc.
Distinction in both BS (Hons) and MSc
Miraj Khalid Award in Science due to active participation in research ISESCO women in Science Award
Careers and experience
Hands on the techniques GC-MS, HPLC, LC/MS/MS, NMR and IR spectroscopy.
Experienced in two D gels, SDS-PAGE, DNA and RNA isolation as well as protein purification and expression.
Assistant Prof. Department of Env Sciences, LCWU (2013-present)
Served as lecturer at LCWU (2007)
Served as Research associate at LCWU (2005-2007)
Isolation and Biochemical Characterization of Chromium reducing bacteria from Hudiara Drain sludge. 2014. IRJES. Vol. 3 (4).
Phytoavailability of chromium in T. aestivum in natural and synthetically fertilized soil irrigated with Hudiara drain wastewater. 2014. IJAAR. Vol. 4.
Adsorption of Cadmium from Aqueous Solution on Low Cost Adsorbent. 2016. IJGHC. Vol. 5 (pp 101-109)
Antibacterial Activity of Amaranthus virdus. 2016. BEPLS. Vol 5. 103-110.
Role of FAS in apoptosis. 2016. BEPLS. Vol 5. 83-90.
Controversies: Stem cell research. 2016. BEPLS. Vol 5. 120-127
Clonal Multiplication of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) through soft wood cuttings using IBA under low-plastic tunnel. 2016. IJAB. DOI: 10.17957/IJAB/15.0172.
Polytetrafluoroethylene as a proton exchange membrane in an algal fuel cell. 2016. JMS. Recently accepted for July issue.
Reduction of Reactive red 241 by oxygen insensitive azoreductase purified from a novel strain Staphylococcus KU898286. Submitted after revision to International Bioremediation and Biodegradation.
Uptake of dinitrotoluene isomers and their toxicity variation at tritrophic level: host pest relationship. Under process with the help of Dr John T Rossiter (Imperial College London, UK) and Dr Tom Pope (University of Wye).
Reduction of DNTs assisted by hydrogenase I from E. coli follows single electron transfer process. Will be submitted soon.
Synthesis of furo[3,2-d]pyrimidine and furo[2,3-b]pyridine derivatives through chemical modifications as potential c-Met kinase inhibitor and anticancer agents. Kinase next generation inhibitor, 2016.