Ms. Rabia Shehzadi
Department of Environment Science
- Profile
- Research Publications
B. Sc (Hons.), Environmental Sciences
M.Sc Environmental Sciences and Management (LCWU)
MS Applied Environmental Science (LCWU)
Role of honor in B.Sc (Hons) Environmental Science
Role of honor in M.Sc Environmental Science and Management
Environmental Microbiology
Soil Sciences
Water pollution
Waste Water Treatment
Disaster risk Management
Environmental Microbiology
Detection of Aspergillus sp. in unpacked samples of nuts from various markets of Lahore
Comparative studies on effect of different antimicrobial agents on bacterial population of lettuce leaves
Detection of various types of Algal sp.in domestic water tanks of Shadman, Lahore
Comparative studies on antimicrobial efficacy of different plants extracts on Escherichia coli isolated from cauliflower
Comparative studies on antifungal efficacy of different plants extracts on Aspergillus Niger isolated from onion
B.Soil Sciences
Analysis of organic matter ,phosphate and potassium in soil samples of soil applied bio-fertilizers and chemical fertilizers
Analysis of salt content in samples of soil applied biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers
Detection of chromium in the samples of soil and wheat straw collected from agricultural site around Rohi Nallah
Water Pollution
Determination of Chlorine, nitartes and flourides in drinking water samples from public and private schools of lahore
Physiochemical Analysis of water samples of upper Chenab Canal ,Sheikhupora
D.Waste Water Treatment
Efficacy of neem bark to reduce chemical oxygen demand from effluent of textile industry
Efficacy of euclaptus bark to the remove methylene blue dye from the effluent of textile industry
Efficacy of banana peel for the removal of phosphate from the water samples collected from agricultural land near Lahore
Efficacy of banana peel for the removal of nitrate from the water samples collected from agricultural land near Lahore
Efficacy of bamboo charcoal to remove methylene blue from waste water sample of textile industry
Efficacy of bamboo charcoal to remove nitrate and phosphate from water samples collected from fertilizer industry
Efficacy of activated carbon of saw dust to remove of phosphate and nitrate from the fertilizer industry
Efficacy of activated carbon of saw dust to remove methylene blue dye from waste water samples of dying unit of textile industry
To compare the efficacy of rice husk and wheat straw to reduce chemical oxygen demand of water sample collected from rohi nallah
Efficacy of euclaptus bark to remove chromium from water sample collected from rohi nallah
Efficacy of grass sp.to remove nitrate from waste water samples
Eficacy of grass species to remove phosphate from waste water sample
Disaster Risk Management
Hazard vulnerability analysis of structural failure in building of different schools of Lahore
Hazard vulnerability analysis for fire in different schools of Lahore
Technical Skill Based Trainings
Two - days training course on “ Environmental Monitoring Techniques(4th -5th August,2008)
Three-Days workshop on “Global positioning systems for spatial data management” (19th to 21st April,2010)
Five- days training workshop on “Application of GIS and GPS for Spatial Data Management (31st May -4th June, 2010)
Two-days training work shop on “PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and DNA Sequencer(17th -19th May,2008)
Two –Days Phycological workshop on “Algal Collection &Bio Fuel Production”(12th-13th April, 2016) GCU , Lahore.
Teaching Skill based Trainings
Two-days training work shop on “Report Writing And Presentation Skills” (11th -12th Feb, 2005 )
Two- days international workshop on “Fundamental of assessment in higher education” (13th-14th Sep,2013)
Three-Days training course on “Scientific Design ,Data Analysis & Publication” (4th – 6th May,2010)
One-day training on “Online Teaching” (6th May,2014)
Certificate Course
Ten-Days Certificate course on “Climate change ,policy and mitigation” (CCPM) (18th Nov -3rd Oct, 2013)
Three- Day certificate course on “ Sustainable Environment and Development “(25th -27th June,2014)
One-Day National seminar on “ Health and Safety and Environment in Industry “(17th Dec ,2002)
One day seminar on world environment day in LCCI auditorium (4th June,2003)
One day Seminar on(Food & Beverages Conferences and Exhibition (13th October ,2004)
One day seminar on Women ,water and hygiene (27th August,2008)
One-Day Seminar on “Environmental issues: Wild life and conservation “(8th March, 2004)
International food and beverages conference (13th Oct, 2004)
Three-days international workshop on “Training Of Trainers For Women On Water Networking For Poverty Alleviation In Rural Areas “(27th -29th May ,2008)
Two-Days training work shop on” Development Of Sustainable And Collaborative Research Networks “ Under Talented Research Exchange Programme-INSPIRE Pakistan (2nd -3rd August,2010)
One-Day Training Workshop on “Disaster Risk Management”(16th -17th Jan,2012)
One-Day training workshop on “Weather forecasting” (17th Feb,2012)
Five-Days training workshop on “Climate change : issue and strategies” (4th-8th March, 2013)
One-Day International course on “rhetoric and action role of state ,organization and individuals in transportation in Australia” ( 23rd April,2013)
360 sec ideas challenge 2015 at Comsat (15th April,2015)
Waste recycled exhibition (10th March ,2015)
One Day Seminar on Mercury Exposure and health Risk :Dental Mercury amalgam use in Pakistan at LCWU ( 14th Jan,2016)
One day seminar on Wetland For future Sustainable Livelihood at LCWU (2nd Feb ,2016)
Pakistan Japan Joint Seminar on Disability & Development at CRP Deptt ,LCWU (24thOct, 2016)
Three day International Conference on Climate Change and sustainable Development (28th -30th Jan,2016)
120 sec Challenge for innovative idea presentation about energy and water issues (4th May, 2015)
One-day seminar on “Environmental Radioactivity and harmful effects of ionizing radiation” 20th May,2014
One-day seminar on “water Awareness day’’ (17th March,2014)
One-day seminar on “Forest Protection and Environmental Conservation”( 9th Dec, 2013)
One-Day international seminar on “The impact of Climate change on human health and welfare”. How shall we deal with it” (29th March,2012)
One-Day seminar on Organic Roof top farming: “The Edible Garden”.(5th April,2012)
Earth Day 2010 with LEAF
Tahir, A, .Shehzadi, R., Mateen, B., Univerdi, S., Karacoban, O. (2009). Biosorption of Nickel (II) From Effluent of Electroplating Industry by Immobilized Cells of Bacillus Sp. Journal of Engineering in Life Sciences (Electronic), 9(6):462-467 (Impact Factor :1.64 , Citation :1)
Abbas, S. Razzaq , R. Shahzadi , A. Rahman , F. Manzoor and Z. Ali.(2015).Determination Of Indoor And Outdoor Air Quality Under Different Ventilation Conditions In A Residential Area Of Lahore, Pakistan. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25(3 Supp. 2) : 672-676 (ISSN: 1018-7081) (Impact Factor .0.488)
Moneeza Abbas ,Rabia Shehzadi, Fatima Noor ,Amina Abrar, and ammara mushtaq .(2016) .Air quality monitoring of gaseous emission and PM released from generators in Anarkali Bazar .Journal of Innovative Science .vol#2
Mishal Safdar , Rabia Shehzadi , Moneeza Abbas and Amina Abrar (15th-17th March ,2016).Impact of biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer on organiz matter ,phosphorus and potassium content in soil . Healthy Soil for Food Security :16th International Conference
Numerah Nisar, Hina Chaudhry , Rabia Shehzadi, Zaira Ahmad ,Zahra Asghar, Fakhra Aslam ,Saima Atif ,Vijittra Luangin, Abdul Hadi, albasr. (17th March,2016). Phosohorylaton of claspin is initiated by specific nucleoplasmic ratio and casin kinase 1 at the xenopus laevis midblastula transition .Kinase 2016:Next Generation Inhibitor
In “International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Development’” (28th Jan-29th Jan, 2016)
Baseline Air Quality assessment for the construction of power plant in a food industry at sheikhupora
Detection of Chromium in soil and wheat straw samples collected from agricultural land irrigated with rohi nullah industrial drain near gujjumatta road ,Lahore
Air quality monitoring of gaseous emissions and PM 2.5 released from generators in Anarkali Bazar Lahore
Efficacy of Euclaptus Bark Removal of Chromium from waste water samples collected from Rohi Nullah industrial drain.