Syeda Fizzah Z. Gardezi
Assist. Manager
Stakeholders Engagement Cell, WILL
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- 2017-2020 D Scholar, in Gender Studies, Dept. of Gender Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore
- 2012 - 2014 M.S/ M.Phil in Gender and Development Studies, LCWU, Lahore
- 2009-2010 Diploma In HRM, Skills Development Council and Pakistan Institute of Modern Studies (PIMS), Lahore
- 2007-2009 Sc In Gender Studies. University of the Punjab, Lahore
- 2008 - 2012 Bachelors In Arts, College (W) Samanabad, Lahore
- 2003-2005 Intermediate, College (W) Samanabad, Lahore
- 2002-2003 Matriculation (Science Group) I.S.E, Lahore
Courses Attended
- Online Course on “Women and Global Politics” George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA organized under the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU & George Washington University, USA Partnership (18th May-27th June 2016)
- Attended the Course by the name of “Anthropology, Gender and Research” conducted by Prof. Dr. David D. Gow (George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA) organized under the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU & George Washington University, USA Partnership. (1st - 14th October, 2015)
- Attended the 1 Credit Hour 3 days Course by the name of “Academic Writing for Publication” LCWU Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Teaching conducted by Dr. Seemi Aziz (Visiting and Adjunct Assistant Prof., University of Arizona, Arizona, USA) organized by DFDI, Lahore College for Women University (4th - 6th March, 2015)
- Attended the Course by the name of “Development, Gender & Representation: An Anthropological Perspective” conducted by Prof. Dr. David D. Gow (George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA) organized under the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU & George Washington University, USA Partnership (8th - 19th September, 2014)
- Global Gender Program/International Scholarship Course Under GWU-LCWU, Partnership at George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA (July-August, 2014)
- Attended the Course by the name of “Sustainable Environment and Development” Inspire-Transnational Education Partnership Program: Development Collaborative Postgraduate Program on Climate Change organized by the Faculty of Natural Sciences, LCWU (25th - 7th June, 2014)
Professional Experience
- Assistant Manager, Stakeholders Engagement Cell, Women Institute for Leadership and Learning (WILL), LCWU Lahore. 22nd May, 2014 to till date
Identification of stakeholder and strengthening the linkage and coordination among stakeholders for bridging the gaps between students and career opportunities.
Quarterly meeting with the referral partners to brief them on institute’s services and promote networking with the partners.
Liaison and negotiate with national and international institutions with the same common objectives and goals for sharing their expertise.
Internship Placement of BS. Gender and Development Studies and BS. Sociology students in various Govt. Departments and NGOs
Organizing the International and National Conferences as an active member of planning, publications & printing material, financial, and media coverage committees for Dept. of Gender and Development Studies, WILL.
Organizing meetings, seminars, awareness sessions, and events in collaboration with various organizations Organize Celebration of National and International Days.
Develop detailed annual work plan, describing the specific activities to be carried each month or quarter and implemented.
Reporting and record keeping of WILL events.
Finalize monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports.
Coordination of Harassment Inquiry Committee meetings and minutes taking and drafting letters relate to those meetings (2016-2018)
- District Project Coordinator, Project Smart Vote, Development Dimensions Society, Lahore. 15th March, 2013 to 31st December, 2013
- Provide leadership for effective implementation of DDS’s overall program implementation in District Lahore, Punjab.
- Head the Program department operations to manage, coordinate and administer the program activities with technical and strategic inputs.
- Identify opportunities for building effective partnerships and developing constructive working relationships with principal stakeholders, including partner communities, local government, Govt. Agencies and other humanitarian national and international NGOs
- Assist head office with the planning efforts and ensure optimum utilization of resource utilities, and vehicle management and their mobilization by assessing and interpreting local needs effectively through project design and formulation
- Provide timely and planned inputs for procurement of goods and services to formulate the annual procurement plan and to follow up and ensure timely delivery as per Annual Work Plan.
- In liaison with QA Unit, assist in drawing up of monitoring and reporting schedule for all the programming activities and undertake regular reporting accordingly
- Program Officer, Madadgaar Helpline, Punjab Focal Point Lahore at Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid, Karachi 6th Feb, 2012 till 17th September, 2012
- To guide and counsel children / women in crisis situations and refer them to appropriate sources of help and relief.
- Referral of the clients as per need.
- Update the referral directory to include new partners and develop a referral and follow up mechanism with the referral partners.
- Quarterly meeting with the referral partners to brief them on helpline services and promote referral both to and from the partners.
- Liaison and negotiate with institutions with the same common objectives and goals and co-operate with referral partners.
- Maintain a data / record of survivors of abuse for ready reference and follow-up.
- Review and follow up implementation of tasks.
- Analyse and evaluate programs to ensure achievement of program objectives.
- Assure that targets set are being achieved.
- Develop detailed annual work plan, describing the specific activities to be carried each quarter and implemented.
- Take part in, the other out station project activities like capacity building trainings, seminars, workshops and conferences as and when the need arises.
- Monitor work of other staff members in implementing program activities.
- Finalize monthly, quarterly and annual progress and financial reports
- Child Protection Officer at Child Welfare Unit Multan, (CPP-UNICEF) collaborated with the Directorate of Social Welfare & Bait UL Mall Punjab, Lahore.
1st March, 2011-31st December, 2011.
- Prepare and submit monthly action plans and M & E reports of the activities of the respective Child Protection Unit of the district.
- Organize workshops/seminars and meetings with stakeholders and community members.
- Prepare advance financial requests for each month jointly with the DO (SW).
- Prepare joint financial utilization report for each month with the DO (SW) and submit in the directorate of social welfare along with vouch accounts.
- Supervise in data base management & reporting regarding child protection unit in the respective district.
- Establish and maintain effective coordination with key stakeholders, Govt. Departments, CSOs, community organizations and other service providers.
- Submission of assignments completion reports to the supervisor at the end of every month.
- Gender Specialist as Head of Gender Department-Development Dimensions Society.
- 1st Feb, 2010 – 31st December, 2010
- Responsible for providing and ensuring over-all technical assistance and direction to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of IP and Gender Frameworks and Action Plan.
- Organized training on gender issues.
- Responsible for making gender sensitized training manuals for DDS trainings.
- Internship at Gender Based Governance System (GBG) Project -UNDP:
- 2nd March, 2009-30th May, 2009 & 1st October, 2009-31st December, 2009
- Report Writing of Trainings
- Data Entry in MS Excel and Urdu Typing
- Data Analysis by using SPSS
- Reviewing of Training Manuals with Gender Lens
- Monitoring of Trainings
- Assisting the team in organizing Training Program
- Compiling information regarding all Gender related initiatives in the country
- Facilitating the PPM, M & E and AFA in any task assigned.
Major Research Projects
Research Studies conducted during M.Sc and MS/M.Phill
Research Thesis on: "Psycho, Social And Marital Issues Among Married Couples Living Apart, A Gender Based Study."
Research Thesis on: "Follow up study of the capacity building of Women Councillors by Women's Political School Project (UNDP)"
Organized number of seminars in different Govt Girls institutions (colleges or universities) for female youth awareness regarding their Marital and Nikahnama
Research Papers Presented
- Issues Among Married Couples Living Apart due to Male Spouse Migration, A Gender Based Study at International Conference Gender, Sciences and Humanities: New Directions in Scholarship organized by Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi in collaboration of the University of Texas, Austin USA (13th – 15th January, 2016)
- Challenges to Education for All: A Perspective of Natural Disasters at International Symposium on Gender and Disasters organized by the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore in collaboration of the George Washington University, USA. (March 8th, 2016)
- Gender Differences Among Psychosocial and Marital Issues Faced by Married Couples Living Apart at International Conference Gender: Global Gender Perspective organized by the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore in collaboration of the George Washington University, USA (14th – 16th November, 2016)
Conferences Organized
- 2nd International Conference on “Perspectives, Realities and Challenges: Gender Issues” organized by Department of Gender and Development Studies, Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU-Pakistan (3rd-5th December, 2018)
- International Conference on Gender (ICG-2016) “Global Gender Perspective” organized by the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU-Pakistan & Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, USA (14th-16th November, 2016)
Attended Workshops & Conferences
- Attended Workshop on USEFP Capacity Building Training Workshop LCWU, 2023 (Phase I), by Department of Mass Communication, Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with Department of Mass Communication, University of Gujrat Hafiz Hayat Campus under US Pakistan Universities Partnership Grant Program 2023. at Department of Mass Communication, Lahore College for Women University and Pakistan (24th -26th July, 2023)
- USEFP Capacity Building Training Workshop LCWU, 2023 (Phase II) at Department of Mass Communication, University of Gujrat Hafiz Hayat Campus and Pakistan (22nd - 25th August, 2023)
- USEFP Capacity Building Training Workshop LCWU, 2023 (Phase III) at Department of Mass Communication, Lahore College for Women University and Pakistan (4th- 6th September, 2023)
- USEFP Capacity Building Training Workshop LCWU, 2023 (Phase IV) at Department of Mass Communication, University of Gujrat Hafiz Hayat Campus and Pakistan (14th - 17th October, 2023)
- Attended Workshop on “Come in stressed; revitalize” organized by Department of Gender and Development Studies, Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU-Pakistan (23-2-2018)
- Attended Workshop on “Psychological issues of youth and their solutions” organized by Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU-Pakistan (17-11-2017)
- Attended one day training on “Personal Grooming” organized by DFDI, LCWU-Pakistan (18-03-2017)
- International Women Days Conference, 2017 organized by Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU-Pakistan & Simorgh Organization Lahore-Pakistan (6th-8th March, 2017)
- Attended Foreign Linkages Scholarship meeting organized by DFDI- LCWU-Pakistan (07-02-2017)
- Attended Lecture on Stress reliving and coping strategies by Dr. Alia Aftab organized by Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU-Pakistan (22-01-2017)
- Attended Workshop on Qualitative Analysis by Dr. Jane Henrici George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA and Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU-Pakistan (14th–18th March, 2016)
- Attended Workshop on Interview Skills Training by Dr. Jane Henrici George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA and Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU-Pakistan (9th–10th March, 2016)
- Attended Workshop on Qualitative Methodologies by Dr. Lena Martinsson and Dr. Erika Alm Organized by University of Gothenburg, Sweden and WILL, LCWU/ Pakistan (3rd November, 2015)
- Attended Indigenous on Campus Training under HEC Modern University Governance Program Phase II organized by Directorate of Faculty Development Internalization, LCWU& Higher Education Commission. (26th October-13th November 2015)
- Attended Leadership Education Workshop on for LCWU Faculty “What is Leadership Development” conducted by Prof. Dr. Shaista Khiilji (George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA) organized under the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU & George Washington University, USA Partnership (23rd April, 2015)
- Attended Train the Trainer Workshop on for LCWU Faculty “Scholarly Writing” organized under the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU & George Washington University, USA Partnership (27th – 28th April, 2015)
- Attended One day Conference on “Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism” conducted by Prof. Dr. Shaista Khiilji (George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA) organized under the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU & George Washington University, USA Partnership (24th April, 2015)
- Attended Training Workshop on “Qualitative Methodology in Gender & Developmental Studies” conducted by Prof. Dr. Aneeq Ahmad (Henderson State Univ. Arkadelphia, AR, USA) organized by Lahore College for Women University in Collaboration with Ministry of Education & Training, Govt. of Pakistan (15th May to 24th June, 2014)
- Attended One day Workshop on “Grounded Theory” conducted by Prof. Dr. Aneeq Ahmad (Henderson State Univ. Arkadelphia, AR, USA) organized by the Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU in Collaboration with Government College University (23rd June, 2014)
- Attended Capacity building Training Workshop on "Organization Management" by Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO), Lahore (22th to 24th April, 2014).
- Attended Capacity building Training Workshop on "Conflict Management" by Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO), Lahore (11th to 13th March, 2014).
- Attended Capacity building Training Workshop on "Human Rights and Democratic Governance" by Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO), Lahore (3rd to 4th February, 2014).
- Attended International Conference on “Language Sciences and the Developing World” organized by Lahore College for Women University (11th to 12th January, 2013)
- Capacity Building Training for Madadgaar National Helpline Staff of Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Lahore in Karachi by Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA) collaborated with Plan International. (22nd April, 2012 to 25th April, 2012)
- Finance Management Training organized by Human Resource Development Centre, USAID-Gender Equity Program (GEP), at Lahore (1st Feb,2012 to 3rd Feb, 2012)
- Attended “Capacity Building Training of Child Welfare Units’ Staff “by UNICEF in collaboration with the Directorate of Social Welfare & Bait UL Mall Punjab (3rd to 5th October, 2011)
- Attended “Active Citizen Program (ACP)” training organized by the Youth Parliament of Pakistan-British Council of Pakistan, 28th Feb - 3rd March, 2011.
- Attended "Training of Master Trainers (TOMT)" By Development Dimension Society DDS in collaboration with St. Agnes College London. Held at Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lahore, on 10th January, 2011.
- Attended Training Workshop on "ICT Skills for Trainers" by UNDP- Gender Based Governance System (GBG) Project 29th to 30th March, 2010.
- Attended "Gender Based Union Council Management Training Program Training of Trainers (ToT)" by UNDP- Gender Based Governance System (GBG) Project 16th to 20th March, 2010.
- Attended Training of Trainers (ToT) of “Women Leaders 2009” by UNDP- Gender Based Governance System (GBG) Project at PLGA Lala Musa. (18th-19th May, 2009).
- Attended Training Workshop on “Drug Abuse Prevention” By Youth Council For Anti-Narcotics (YOCFAN). (24th June, 2005)
- Women’s Day Seminar on “Nazaria-e-Pakistan: Kal, Aaj aur Kal” By Girl Guide Association Punjab. (8th March, 2007)
- Proficient in English, Urdu and able to speak and understand Punjabi.
- Networking and Liaison Building Skills- Organizing skills - Administration skills - Interpersonal skills
- Excellent command over Monitoring & Evaluation Reports Writing.
- Good hands on experience with corresponding via email and report writing.
- Excellent Organizational Ability-working, well under pressure.
Research Interests
- Research on Gender issues
- Gender and Socialization
- Family and Gender Roles
- Gender and Development
- Gender based violence
- Gender and Politics
- Women empowerment
- Gender and Division of work
Women’s Autonomy in reproductive health decision making: A comparative study of Working and Nonworking Women. AJIPS, 59(1), 129-144. 2021.
Stakeholders Engagement Cell’s Profile
Purpose of Cell
Stakeholders Engagement Cell is working to promote WILL's activities by sharing information about international scholarship, capacity building & networking to promote and strengthen Gender & Development Studies and Sociology graduates to enter the job market and make a significant contribution in the economic & the social development of the country.
Major Tasks
- Social mapping for the identification of stakeholders.
- Develop and update the stakeholders' list/directory to include new partners and develop a referral and follow up mechanism with the referral partners/stakeholders.
- Liaison and negotiate with institutions with the same common objectives and goals and cooperate with stakeholders.
- Quarterly meeting with the referral partners to brief them on the institute’s services and promote referral both to and from the partners.
- Identification of international institutes in collaboration for sharing their expertise.
- Facilitating (both departments) Department of Gender and Development Studies and Department of Sociology in MOUs (with relevant Institute and Organizations) draft making, legal vetting and holding signing ceremonies.
- Taking follow ups of activities under signed MOUs of Both Departments.
- Renewals of MOUs.
- Strengthening of referral linkage and coordination among stakeholders for bridging the gaps between students and career opportunities.
- Provision of working opportunities with NGOs/INGOs to students of the Department of Sociology and Gender and Development Studies, so that they can practically implement their theoretical course knowledge about societal reforms and developmental programs.
- Internships Placement of BS. Gender and Development Studies and BS. Sociology students in various Govt. Departments and NGOs
- Supervision of BS. Gender and Development Studies and Sociology students’ internship reports and research thesis
- Organizing meetings, seminars, awareness sessions, and events in collaboration with various organizations Organize Celebration of National and International Days.
- Making of the Facebook alumnae forum to register online data of graduates of Gender & Development Studies.
- Arrange press briefing sessions on a quarterly basis for sharing and updating WILL's and Gender & Development Studies Department's activities.
- Review and follow up implementation of tasks.
- Analyze and evaluate programs to ensure achievement of program objectives.
- Assure that targets set are being achieved.
- Develop detailed annual work plan, describing the specific activities to be carried each month or quarter and implemented.
- Organizing capacity building trainings, seminars, workshops and conferences for students and faculty as and when the need arises.
- Reporting and record keeping of WILL events.
- Finalize monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports.