Zahra Asghar
Department of Environment Science
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Department of Environment Science
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- Working as Lecturer in Environmental Science Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore since 27-04-2006,
- Teaching various courses to degree and master classes in discipline of Environmental Science since nine years: Environmental Geology, Current Environmental Issues, Occupational Health and Safety, Water resources, Water Pollution and Management, Environmental Law And Policies, History and Philosophy of Environmental Thought, Energy Resources, Introduction to environment etc
- Worked as lecturer on contract basis, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore from 21-12-2005,
- , 2004 - March, 2005, worked as an internee at Global Environmental Lab (GEL) Lahore.
- July-Aug 2004, Worked as an internee for British Petroleum through Western International Caterers and Contractors (WICC)
Honor and Awards
- Attained Third Position in B.Sc (hons.) Environmental Science and won a Bronze Medal.
- Achieved Academic Roll of Honour in Sc (hons.) Environmental Science (2003) and M.Sc Environmental Science and Management (2005).
- Winner of Chief Minister (Government of the Punjab) Scholarships (2003-2005).
- Won a shield for speaking on Air Pollution in a seminar in Al-Hamrah (2001).
- Winner of Miraj Khalid ward 2006.
- Member of PSGIS.
- Member of “LEAF” society, LCWU, Lahore
- Member of “SEA” society, LCWU, Lahore
Service Activity
Attended the first national seminar and expo on “Sustainable Development through Cleaner production” (The environ vision 2025), 13-14 October,2001
- Attended a national seminar and Expo on “Health, safety and environment in industry” 17th December 2002
- Completed a British Council/JPC Women/ BPWO workshop in CONFIDENCE BUILDING at The British Council, Lahore, 20th march 2002
- Attended an International Food and beverages conference and exhibition on Occasion of World Food Day as delegate on 13th October 2004
- Anchored a One day seminar and expo on occasion of World environment day on 4th June, 2003 at LCCI Auditorium
- Attended a one day seminar on “Environmental Issues: Wildlife and conservation” organized by LCWU,8th March, 2004
- Attended a seminar on “WTO and environment: Challenges for Pakistan” 20th June, 2006 organized by The WTO cell, planning and development department and environment protection department Government of Punjab
- Attended a 4 day training course on “Atmospheric Sciences” at SPARCENT-SUPARCO-HQs Karachi.(27—30 Nov, 07).
- Attended short course on ”Activated carbons and their environmental applications” on 13-14 December, 2010 at PIEAS, Nilore, Islamabad.
- Attended the Fourth National Training Course on Modern Techniques at the “National Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering”(NIBGE), Faisalabad (2006).
- Attended a 2 day international workshop on “Carbon and water exchange in plants and soil under changing climatic conditions” at University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi. (5-6 Nov, 07).
- Attended a two day workshop on “Water Resources and Conservation” at LUMS, 2006.
- Resource Person at Two day Training Course on “Environmental Monitoring Techniques”, 2008.
- Compered many seminars related to environment (2000 to date).
- Participated in confidence building workshop of British Council Lahore (2002).
- Actively participated in the international conference on Food Security and Biodiversity (2004).
- Achieved many certificates in various environmental seminars (2000 to date).
- Participated in Regional Skill Share Workshop on Hospital waste management organized by WWF-Pakistan (2004).
- Attended a two day International Workshop on “Health Impact Assessment and Risk Mitigation of Arsenic Contamination in Rural Areas through Community Participation”, LCWU, Lahore (2006).
- Attended a one day consultative workshop on Surface Water Quality Standards for Pakistan (30-11-06) organized by WWF-P.
- Successfully completed the two day training of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer LCWU Lahore (2007).
- Participated and won a shield on “Environment Day” held at children’s complex (5th June, 2007)
- Compered and conducted a Pakistan-Japan Joint Seminar on “Arsenic in Pakistan-Drinking Water Disaster Management through Civil Society”, LCWU, Lahore. (2007).
- Attended a one day training course on Implementation and Improvement of Emergency Response Procedures in industries at LCWU, 28th July, 2007
- Attended a special lecture and training on ELISA (ENZYME – LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY) organized by environmental science department LCWU, Lahore on 24th January, 2008
- Completed an operational training on SOLAAR M6 ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETER with Data station software conducted by the THERMO ELECTRONE’S trained experts
- Attended one day Training Course on “Women, Water and Hygiene” LCWU, Lahore. 2008.
- Attended Three day Training Course on “Health Risk Assessment and Management “as participant, HEC-BC JHELP-II, organized by Environmental Science Department, LCWU, Lahore, Dec., 17-19, 2009.
- Participated in One day Training Course on “Occupational Health and Safety” LCWU, Lahore,2009’
- Received a certificate in recognition of Significant Contribution to the Projects funded by HEC-BC JHELP-II and DelPHE (DFID) (2007-2010)
- Attended certificate course on ”Climate Change, Policy, and Mitigation” (CCPM) INSPIRETransnational Education Partnership Program: Development of collaborative postgraduate program on climate change, September-October 2013
- Attended a workshop on “HCFC’s phase out and alternatives” organized by Ozone cell Ministry of climate change in collaboration with HVACR Pakistan 12 February 2013
Series of Lecture on Museum Studies and Planning organized by DFDI, LCWU, Lahore, from 5- 7 August, 2014.
Class Incharge: BSES 2004-2008
Class Incharge: BSES 2008-2012
Class Incharge: BSES 2015-2019
Supervised 26 research thesis of B.Sc (hons.)BS and M.Sc environmental sciences to date
Member of departmental syllabus committee
Member of Departmental Purchase committee for chemicals and consumables etc
Incharge of website committee
Member of time tables committee
Member of Kala shah Kaku committee
Discipline duties
Organized and anchored various seminars and conferences
Resource person in workshops
Brief Statement of Research Interest
- Fields of research interest
- Environmental monitoring
- Environment and Health
- Bioremediation
Phosphorylation of claspin initiated by specific nucleoplasmic ratio and casin kinase 1 at the xenopus laevis midblastula transition .Kinase Numrah Nisar, Hina Chaudhry , Rabia Shehzadi, Zaira Ahmad ,Zahra Asghar, Fakhra Aslam ,Saima Atif ,Vijittra Luangin, Abdul Hadi, albasr. 17th March,2016. :Next Generation Inhibitor
Enhanced Cadmium accumulation and nutrient acquisition in Triticumaestivum and Avena sativa grown in phosphorous fertilized soil.
Detection of chromium in soil samples collection from various residential area of Kasur district .
Baseline air quality assessment for construction of power plant in a food industry at Sheikhupura.
- Synthesis of furo[3,2-d]pyrimidine and furo[2,3-b]pyridine derivatives through chemical modifications as potential c-Met kinase inhibitor and anticancer agents. Kinase next generation inhibitor, 2016.
- Asbestos Exposure in workers of Brake shoe manufacturing industry in Pakistan. Hina Chaudhry, Munnaza Jawad, Nadia Ghani, Zaira ahmad, Zahra Asghar, Saima Atif, Fakhra Aslam, Maryam Ijaz, Transylvanian Review 1 (8), 2017
- Exposure Assessment for prevalence of Lung related diseases in cotton operatives (Ginners). Pakistan Journal of Science (69) 15th Sep 2017.
- Managing Paper and Pulp industry By –Product waste utilizing Sludge as a Bio-Fertilizer. Sania Fahim, Numrah Nisar, Zaira Ahmad, Zahra Asghar, Saima Atif, Amir Said, Nadia Ghani, Naseem qureshi, Gul Soomro, Munawar Iqbal, Arif Nazir. Polish Journal of Environmental studies 28 (1) August 2018
- Detection of sulfates in the effluent of an electroplating industry near Lahore. Zahra Asghar. 13th International SAARC conference, 2006 (Abstract)
Isolation of pesticide degrading fungus from the industrial waste. Zahra Asghar, Usba Fayyaz, Numrah Nisar. International conference of Punjab University 2019, Recent innovations in molecular sciences, November 06-08 2019.(Abstract)
Research Grants and Contracts.
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Date Title Agency / Organization
Total Award Amount
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Funded and in progress
In review