Dr. Maryam Azam
Department of International Relations
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Date |
Title |
Institute |
2008 |
Lecturer |
Department of Political Science, LCWU, Lahore |
2012 |
Assistant Professor |
Department of International Relations, LCWU, Lahore |
Honor and Awards
I am the first faculty in my department to complete my PhD Program in International Relations
IPSA-International Political Science Association
Graduat Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
- Supervision of Thesis of BS Level Students
- Supervision of Internship Reports of BS Level Student
- Supervision of Thesis of MS Level Students
Service Activity
- Departmental Coordinator 2013-2018
- Remained Departmental BS admission coordinator from 2012-2019
- Departmental Examination coordinator
- Coordinator Research and Internship of BS program
- Board of Studies (BOS) coordinator from 2014-2019
Brief Statement of Research Interest
International Relations, Security Studies, Militancy and Counter Militancy
- Article Titled “Pakistan – India Security Paradox: Between Deterrence and Coercive Diplomacy,” published in Journal of Security and Strategic Analyses,” by Institute of Strategic Vision (SVI), Vol. VII, No. 1,2021, pp. 161-180. Accessed at https://thesvi.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/dr-marayam-azam.pdf
- Article Titled “Western Rhetoric on Jihad: A Critical Appraisal,” published in Al-Azva, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, Vol. 36, Issue No. 55, 2021, pp. 75-86. Accessed at https://journal.aladwajournal.com/index.php/aladwa/article/view/422/330
- Article Titled “A Comparative Analysis of Populist Regimes in Pakistan and Turkey,” published in Journal of Politics and International Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, January–June 2021, pp.181–195,
- Co-Authored by Maryam Azam & Sadia Mahmood Falki, http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/politicsAndInternational/PDF/15_v7_1_2021.pdf
- Article titled, ‘Facebook as an Instrument of Political Participation in the Youth of Pakistan,’ published in Pakistan Journal of International Affairs, Vol 4, Issue (1) 2021: 19-51, Co-Authored by Komal Ahmed & Maryam Azam, http://pjia.com.pk/index.php/pjia/article/view/36/35
- Article titled, ‘Mapping Militant Manifestations in Balochistan,’ published in IPRI Journal, Summer 2020, Volume XX, Number 2: 53-87, Islamabad policy of research institute, Pakistan. https://doi.org/10.31945/iprij.200203.
https://ipripak.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Article-3-IPRI-Journal-XX-II.pdf - Article titled, ‘Infringements of International Law and UN Charter in Indian Occupied Kashmir’, published in Margalla Papers, Volume XXIV, Issue II, 2020: 71-82, Institute of Strategic Studies, Research and Analysis (ISSRA), National Defence University, Islamabad. https://ndu.edu.pk/margalla-papers/Margalla-Papers-2020-Issue-II/06-Infringement-of-International-Law-Maryam-Azam.pdf
- Article on Emergence of Sectarian Indigenous Militant Groups in Pakistan and Politicization of Militant Thought published in South Asian Studies
- A Research Journal of South Asian Studies Vol. 34, No. 2, July – December, 2019, pp. 505 – 516, accessed at http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/csas/PDF/10_v34_2_19.pdf
- Article on “The Sources of Militancy in Pakistan” Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan Volume No. 54, Issue No. 2 (July - December, 2017). Co-authored with Dr. Umbreen Javed, Accessed at http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/history/PDF-FILES/13-Paper_54_2_17.pdf
- Article on Genesis of Militancy in Pakistan, published in IPRI Journal XIV, no. 1 (Winter 2014): 102-123, Islamabad policy of research institute, Pakistan. Accessed at http://www.ipripak.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Article-no.-6-Maryam.pdf
Research Grants and Contracts.
NILOther Research or Creative Accomplishments
Policy Report· India – China Relations: A complexity of competitiveness with cooperation, India Desk, Pakistan study Centre, University of Punjab, March 2010. Accessed at https://nanopdf.com/download/china-india-relations-a-complexity-of-competitiveness-with_pdf
Selected Professional Presentations
Paper in International Conferences and Seminars:
- Paper titled, ‘Political Activism and Religiosity: A case of Religious Political Parties in Pakistan,’ presented in 26th International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress 2021(Virtual) held in Portugal from 10th- 14th July 2021. https://wc2021.ipsa.org/wc/paper/political-activism-and-religiosity-case-religious-political-parties-pakistan
- Paper titled, ‘An appraisal on Government and Community Responses to Covid-19 Pandemic in Pakistan,’ presented at Two-day Hybrid National Conference on ‘Challenges of Governance in Pakistan amid the COVID-19 Pandemic’ held from 7th June 2021-8th June 2021, organized by the Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
- Presented paper in International conference on, “Religion and Society: Creating tolerance through socio religious harmony” in University of Punjab, held on 13th November 2019, paper titled, “Curriculum development and Preventing Violent Extremism in Universities of Pakistan”
- Presented paper in International conference on “Women in Asia Conference 2019” in University of New South Wales, Australia, held on 21-23 July 2019, paper titled, “The Role of Media in Raising Women Voice and Recognition in Pakistan”. https://www.international.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/book_of_abstracts_final_v2.pdf
- Participated as a guest speaker in seminar on Kashmir Issue, presented a paper titled, “Recent Developments on Kashmir and Policy options for Pakistan” held in August 2019, in Department of Pakistan Studies, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Presentation on a policy proposal titled, “CVE (Counter Violent Extremism) in Schools and Universities of Pakistan” in the 2nd International Peace Symposium on De- Radicalization, countering violent Extremism (CVE) and Counter Narrative, 01-05 July, 2019, National Defence University, NDU, Islamabad, Pakistan
- Presented a joint paper titled, “National Security and Issues of National Integration in Pakistan” in 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities in the New Millennium: Challenges and Prospects, 14-16 December, 2017 http://icssh.vu.edu.pk/Download/ProgramICSSH2017.pdf
- Presented paper in international conference on “Shunning Sectarianism and Promoting Inter- Faith Harmony for Peaceful Coexistence” held on April,2016, paper titled ‘Sectarianism and inter-faith harmony: Revisiting curriculum’
- Presented paper in international conference on Inter-Regional Connectivity South-Asia and Central-Asia on 9TH -10TH November-9-10-2016, paper titled ‘Securitization of inter-regional connectivity: Challenges and options for Pakistan-China Relationship in South and Central Asia http://ps.gcu.edu.pk/international-conference-2016/concluding-session-17-2/