Kalsoom Hanif
Assistant Professor
Department of History
- PhD ,History department, Punjab University (2020)
- Phil in History, University of the Punjab, Lahore (2013)
- A in Social Sciences (History), University of the Punjab, Lahore (2005)
- Graduation, University of the Punjab, Lahore (2003)
- Intermediate, Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Lahore (2001)
- Matriculation, Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Lahore (1999)
June 2020-present
Assistant Professor (Ad-Hoc)BPS-19: (History)
Lahore College for Women University, Jail Road, Lahore
April 2008- 20 June 2020
Lecturer BPS-18: (History)
Lecturer BPS-18: (History)April 2008- June 2020 Lahore College for Women University, Jail Road, Lahore
Honor and Awards
- Gold Medal in M.A History from Punjab University
- Member of the academic committee of Humanities and social sciences
- Member of Historians P.U University of the Punjab Lahore
- Member of LCA(Lahore College Association) LCWU.
- Member of Fatima Jinnah Historical Society, LCWU.
Graduate Students/ Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/ Honour Students
- 7 students MS Thesis supervised
- BS 40 students thesis supervised
Service Activity
- Teaching courses to MS classes
- Teaching of Bs History (Major).
- MS coordinator
- BS coordinator session 2016-2020
- Pakistan Study F.A Part 1/II. (Pakistan Studies,History)
- Member of Departmental Examination Committee.
- Coordinator of QEC
- Managing Departmental Administrator affaires.
- Examination Coordinator
Brief Statement of Research Interest
History, Pakistan Studies, Pakistan Politics, Govt&politics of Pakistan, Research Methods & Methodology, Freedom Movement in South Asia (1857-1947), Modern South Asia: History, Culture and politics, Pakistani Society & Culture, Punjab Politics, International Relations.
Institution of Punjab Legislative Assembly, Evolution and building process Post Independence 1947-55 Accepted Journal of Punjab University Historical society HEC recognized
China -Pakistan Economic Corridor: Challenges and opportunities for Pakistan Accepted in Linguistica Antverpiensia volume 2021, issue 2 HEC recognized
Determinants Of Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations Past, Present And Future published in Multicultural Education, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2021 HEC recognized
- Early Challenges of Pakistan and Response of Punjab Legislative Assembly and 1947-55: A Reappraisal, JRSP, 57, No3 (July-Sept 2020) HEC recognized
- Language Discrepancy and Separation of East Pakistan 1971, South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Volume 2, Issue, 2, April 2021.
- Article titled Architectural and Historical Description of Mughal Monuments at Shahdara “Way of Kings “in Journal of Punjab University Ancient Punjab – Volume 8, 2020 HEC recognized
- Paper titled Pakistan Afghanistan relations after 9/11 published in World History Association US2020 Annual Meeting Program Conference documents.
- Article titled State, Religion and Religious Minorities in Pakistan: Rememberingthe Participation of Christians in Punjab Legislative Assembly 1947-55 published in Pakistan Social Sciences Review June 2020, Vol. 4, No. 2 [842-851] HEC recognized
- Paper published titled Comparative Study of Jinnah and Nehru’s Political Leadership from 1928 to 1930 published in JRSP, Vol. 57, Issue 2(July-Dec 2020) HEC recognized
Paper titledInstitutional Development of Legislation in Punjab 1849-1947: An Historical Analysis published in Pakistan Vision Vol. 20 No. 2. HEC recognized
Paper published in Journal of Punjab University Historical society titled Pakistan Afghanistan economic relations after 9 /11 in Jan 2018, HEC recognized
Paper published titled Mapping the ‘Khalistan’ Movement, 1930-1947: An overview in Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan Volume No. 55, Issue No. 1(January - June, 2018) HEC recognized
Other Research or Creative Accomplishments
- Ph.D. title History of formation and working of Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946-55
- M.Phil. Thesis Pakistan-Afghanistan’s Relations 2008-2012.
- M.A thesis’ Women’s Rights in Pakistan Zia ulhaq era 1977-88. Punjab University
Selected Professional Presentations
- Presented paper in International conference The role of mysticism establishing Harmony& peaceful coexistence titled ideological structure of mysticism in Punjab in 20th century and role of Geng Bakhsh Hijwairi Dated 21_23 February 2018.
- Presented paper titled Pakistan Afghanistan Relations and Foreign interference in 1st National Graduate conference March 15-16 2017 at Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
- Presented Paper titled Role of communist party in Punjab in National conference Punjab Past and present at GCU Faisalabad.
- Presented paper titled "Pakistan-Afghanistan’s economic relations after 9/11" in 18th National Research Conference held on 16 January 2014