Dr. Shazia Razzaq
Assistant Professor
Department of Urdu
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- Ph.D 2013 -
- M.Phil 2003 1st 675.6\900
- M.A 1995 2nd 581\1000
- B.Ed 1996 1st 670\1100
- B.A 1992 1st 504\800
- F.A 1990 1st 702\1100
- Matric 1988 1st 607\850
- Assistant Professor(BPS19) LCWU 01-09-2005 till date
- Lecturer LCWU 17-09-2001 to 01-09-2005
- Lecturer G C W, Sheikhupura 01-09-1998 to17-09-2001
- lecturer G C W, Marghazar colony, 01-06-1998 to 31-08-1998
- Gujarat
External examiner Punjab university Lahore
External examiner for evaluation of Research Thesis Punjab University Lahore
External examiner for evaluation of Research Thesis Minhaj University Lahore
External examiner for evaluation of Research Thesis Educaton University Lahore
Service Activity
- Member of board of faculty of islamic learning and oriental languages LCWU
- Member of departmental Academic committee
- student's Advisor of department of Urdu LCWU
- جلFocal person of Quran Translation course LCWU
- InCharge of Kiran Magazine Urdu of LCWU
- InCharge Bazm e Mushaira LCWU
- Sub editor of Research journal “Oud e Tahqeeq” Urdu LCWU
- Member of doctoral committee URDU
- Member of curriculum committee, Urdu Department LCWU
- Member of Research committee of Urdu
- coordinator of BOS Urdu from 2017 to 2020
- Member BOS URDU Department LCWU2017 t0 2020
- In charge of PhD Urdu QEC LCWU team 2017
- Coordinator of BS all semesters, sessions: 2010 -2014, 2011-2015,
- 2012-2016
- Exams coordinator BS 2013-2015
- Research supervisor of BS, MS, PhD
- Teaching FA / FSC, MA, BS, MS, PhD
Research supervision
Class Research thesis session
M.A 01 2004 -2006
BS 24 2005-2023
MS 26 2009-2023
phD 05 (under suoervision)2017-2023
Formal Training or Education
- 10 Aug 2023,Qasim Ali Shah Foundation Lahore
- soft skills personality development and professional grooming
- Language Usage competency March 2017 - April 2017 DFDI LCWU
- Quality Assurance and quality-based education 31st May - 22ndSeptember 2016 ,21st Dec2016 LCWU
- Indigenous on Campus Training under HEC Modern University Governance Program,
Examination system 14- 4- 2015 to 16 -4-2015 LCWU
- Workshop about Javed Naama, 22-12 –2006 one day LCWU
- Intel teaching course 16- 05-2002 to 04 -06 –2002 LCWU
- Graphic Designing 19-05 2003 to 01-08 2003
- English language course 15- 08- 2000 to 28- 10 –2000 Kipling Education system Lahore
Creative Activities
1st International Mushaira 2017 LCWU
2ND International Mushaira 2019 LCWU
3RD International Mushaira 2020 LCWU
4th international Mushaira 2023 LCWU
Establishment of Halqa e Bazm e Mushaira 2013
Commencement of Perwarish e Loh o Qalam lcwu 2013
- 09, articles in different national Journals
- 02, articles are published in international journals of URDU
- 15, articles are published in HEC recognized journal