Dr. Sobia Dilpazir
Assistant Professor (IPFP)
Department of Chemistry
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- Nov. 2021-present Assistant Professor (IPFP) Chemistry,
Lahore College, Women University (LCWU), Pakistan. - July 2021- Sep.-2021 National Faculty Development Program (NDFP), National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE), Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan.
- Sep. 2016 – July 2020 Doctoral research fellow, Institute of Process Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences, (IPE-CAS), Beijing, China.
- Oct-2015-Aug 2016 Lecturer University of Wah Cantt, Pakistan.
- Aug. 2014-Oct. 2015 Research Assistant at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) Lahore Pakistan
Honor and Awards
- Excellent Poster award at 7th CAS-TWAS Symposium on Green Technology 2018 Beijing, China.
- Excellent Poster award at International Workshop on Energy Materials and Nanotechnology" EMNT-2018 COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus.
- CAS-TWAS President Fellowship award for PhD Studies (2016).
- 2nd Poster Prize at “Chemical Trends 2014” Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) Lahore Pakistan
Brief Statement of Research Interest
- Applications of metal free carbon materials for efficient electrocatalytic techniques for Oxygen reduction reactions (ORR), Oxygen evolution reactions (OER), Hydrogen evolution reactions (HER), water splitting and Carbon dioxide reduction reactions (CO2RR)
- Fabrication and performance evaluation of Zn/Metal air batteries
- Synthesis of Porphyrin Organic Frameworks (POF) for bi-tri functional electrocatalysis under wide pH range.
- Synthesis of single atoms incorporated POF for practical applications in energy storage and conversion devices including fuel cells, water splitting and metal air batteries.
- Synthesis of metal free graphene based carbon materials/nanostructures for promising electrocatalysis
- Fabrication and performance evaluation of Organic Solar Cells
- Sobia Dilpazir, Rongji Liu, Menglei Yuan, Muhammad Imran, Zhanjun Liu Yongbing Xie, Zhao He,Guangjin Zhang. Br/Co/N Co-doped Porous Carbon Frameworks with Enriched Defects for High-Performance Electrocatalysis, Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2020, 10865-10874.
- Sobia Dilpazir, Pengju Ren, Rongji Liu, Menglei Yuan, Muhammad Imran, Zhanjun Liu, Xie Yongbing, Zhao He, Yijun Yang, Xi Wang, Carsten Streb, Guangjin Zhang. Efficient Tetra-Functional Electrocatalyst with Synergetic Effect of Different Active Sites for Multi-Model Energy Conversion and Storage, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 23017-23027.
- Sobia Dilpazir, Hongyan He, Zehui L, Meng Wang, Lu Peilong, Rongji Liu, Zhujun Xie, Denglei Gao and Guangjin Zhang. Cobalt Single Atoms Immobilized N-doped Carbon Nanotubes for Enhanced Bifunctional Catalysis towards Oxygen Reduction and Oxygen Evolution Reactions, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, 3283-3291.
- Menglei Yuan, Sobia Dilpazir, Meng Wang, Yu Sun, Denglei Gao, Yiling, Bai, Min Zhang, Peilong Lu, Hongyan He, Xiangyang Zhu, Shuwei Li, Zhanjun Liu, Zhaopeng Luo and Guangjin Zhang. Polyoxometalate-assisted Formation of CoSe/MoSe2 Heterostructures with Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Activity, Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2019, 3317-3326.
- Meng Wang, Sobia Dilpazir, Peilong Lu, Yu Wang, Menglei Yuan, Shuwei Li, Guangjin Zhang. Synthesis of polyoxometalates derived bifunctional catalyst towards efficient overall water splitting in neutral and alkaline medium, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 774-781.
- Sobia Dilpazir, Mohammad Usman, Shahid Rasul, Salman Arshad. A simple UV – Ozone surface treatment to enhance photocatalytic performance of TiO2 loaded polymer nanofiber membranes. RSC Advances, 2016, 14751-14755.
- Sobia Dilpazir, Muhammad Siddiq and Azhar Iqbal. Synthesis of Zinc Sulphide Nanostructures by Co-precipitation: Effects of Doping on Electro-optical Properties, Kenkyu Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 34-39.
- Peilong Lu, Yijun Yang, Jiannian Yao, Meng Wang, Sobia Dilpazir, Menglei Yuan, Jingxian Zhang, Xi Wang , Zhujun Xie , Guangjin Zhang. Facile synthesis of single-nickel-atomic dispersed N-doped carbon framework for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 113-119.
- Menglei Yuan, Meng Wang, Peilong Lu, Yu Sun, Sobia Dilpazir, Jingxian Zhang, Shuwei Li, Guangjin Zhang. Tuning carbon nanotube-grafted core-shell-structured cobalt selenide@carbon hybrids for efficient oxygen evolution reaction. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 503-512.
- Menglei Yuan, Honghua Zhang, Denglei Gao, Hongyan He, Yu Sun, Peilong Lu, Sobia Dilpazir, Qiongguang Li, Le Zhou, Shuwei Li, Zhanjun Liu, Junhan Yang, Yongbing Xie, He Zhao, Guangjin Zhang. Support Effect Boosting Electrocatalytic N2 Reduction Activity of Ni2P/N,P-Codoped Carbon NanoSheet Hybrids. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2020, 2691-2700.
- Peilong Lu, Jingxian Zhang, Hongyan He, Meng Wang, Zhaopeng Luo, Denglei Gao, Zhanjun Liu, Xi Wang, Menglei Yuan, Sobia Dilpazir, He Zhao, Yongbing Xie, Guangjin Zhang. Iron/nickel nano-alloy encapsulated in nitrogen-doped carbon framework for CO2 electrochemical conversion with prominent CO selectivity, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 227496.
- Peilong Lu, Denglei Gao, Hongyan He, Qiaoxin Wang, Zhanjun Liu, Sobia Dilpazir, Menglei Yuan, Wenyue Zu, Guangjin Zhang. Facile synthesis of bismuth nanostructure with enhanced selectivity for electrochemical conversion of CO2 to formate, Nanoscale, 2019,7805-7812.
- Zehui Li, Yuheng Jiang, Zhuoya Wang , Wenbo Wang, Yi Yuan, Xiaoxue Wu, Xingchen Liu, Mingjie Li, Sobia Dilpazir, Guangjin Zhang, Dongbin Wang, Chenming Liu, Jingkun Jiang. Nitrogen-rich core-shell structured particles consisting of carbonized zeolitic imidazolate frameworks and reduced graphene oxide for amperometric determination of hydrogen peroxide, Mikrochimica Acta, 2018, 501-509.
- M. Imran, M. Ikram, A. Shahzadi, Sobia Dilpazir, H. Khan, I. Shahzadi, S. Amber Yousaf, S. Ali, J. Geng and Y. Huang. High-performance solution-based CdS-conjugated hybrid polymer solar cells, RSC Advances, May 2018, 18051-18058.
- M. Imran , M. Ikram, S. Dilpazir, M. Nafees, S. Ali, J. Geng. Towards efficient and cost-effective inverted hybrid organic solar cells using inorganic semiconductor in the active layer, Applied Nanoscience, 2017, 747-752.
- Menglei Yuan, YuSun, YongYang, JingxianZhang, SobiaDilpazir,TongkunZhao, Shuwei Li, Yongbing Xie, He Zhao, Zhanjun Liu, Guangjin Zhang. Boosting oxygen evolution reactivity by modulating electronic structure and honeycomb-like architecture in Ni2P/N,P-codoped carbon hybrids. Green Energy & Environment, 2020.
Conferences and Proceedings
- International Workshop on Energy Materials and Nanotechnology" EMNT-2018 at COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus (August 15-August, 2018).
- 7th CAS-TWAS Symposium on Green Technology 2018 Beijing, China (July 22-July 25, 2018)
- 2018 Spring School on Frontier and Inter Disciplinary Sciences for the Oversea Students in IC-UCAS, Wuhan, China (May 13-May 19, 2018)
- Joint NSFC-RSC Symposium on Sustainable Chemistry and Processes Beijing China (November 04-November 05, 2017)
- ChemComm Symposia on Energy and Materials Beijing, China (October 09, 2017)
- CAS-TWAS Symposium on Green Chemistry and Technology for sustainable development Beijing, China (September 04-September 06, 2017)
- Work shop on “Turnitin software” at University of Wah by HEC Pakistan (January 23, 2016)
- Ist Multi Disciplinary Student Research Conference at University of Wah by HEC Pakistan (November 14-November 15, 2015)
- Work shop on NanoScience and Nanotechnology at Government College University Lahore (August 27, 2015)
- “Chemical Trends 2014” at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) Lahore (October 17, 2014)
- Series of one day workshops on computational studies at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad (May 02-July 02, 2013)