Dr. Aneeqa Sabah
Associate Professor (TTS)
Department of Physics
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- 2009 – 2013 AIT – Asian Institute of Technology Thailand
PhD – Nanotechnology. - 2005–2007 PU- University of the Punjab PakistanPhil –Solid state Physics, 1st Position, (Research topic:"Fabrication and Characterization of CdS nanoparticles by Chemical Aqueous Phase route Annealed by using Different Radiations”).
- 2002- 2004 PU – University of the Punjab Pakistan
M.Sc-Physics - 2000-2002
B.Sc- Maths Physics PU – University of the Punjab Pakistan
2015-date Lahore College for Women University Pakistan
Associate Professor (TTS) Physics Department
2009-2013 Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok
Research Fellow
2006–date Lahore College for Women University Pakistan
Faculty Member
Research & Development.
External Examiner (Punjab University, University of Engineering and Technology UET, Govt. College University, GCU)
Organizing Conferences and workshops at both national and International level.
Members of committees @ department and University level, Board of Studies (BOS), Doctoral Committee (DDPC), Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), American Chemical Society ACS @ International level
PhD Nanotechnology: Awarded for Overseas Scholarship for PhD degree in the field of Nanotechnology under the project entitled “Strengthening of 4 year degree programs Through expansion of Existing facilities” of Lahore College for Women University, Faculty Development Program by HEC, Pakistan.
Advanced Courses & Workshops
- Teacher training course organized by HEC Pakistan, Lahore College for Women University, 2008.
- Nanotechnology in Thailand ripe for growth, academics tell AIT/Nanotech international symposium, The “3rd Thailand Nanotechnology Conference 2009, (Nanomaterials in Health, Energy and Environment, nanotechnology, nano-simulation, nano-safety, nano-devices, nano-structures, nano-bio and nano-energy) organized by the Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology (CoEN) at AIT and National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC)
belonging to the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand, December 2009. - Talk on NanoSafety: Safety Implication of Nanosilver, Dr. Rawiwan Maniratanachote, Laboratory Researcher, Nano Safety and Risk Assessment Laboratory, National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC)
- Nanotechcnology moving beyond evolutionary architectures, Prof. Pinaki Mazumder, University of Michigan, USA
- "Biomedical applications of bacterial cellulose and self-assembled nanogels, Dr. Francisco Miguel Portela da Gama of the University of Minho, Portugal.
- Intellectual Property Rights - Imperative in Nanotechnology Development, Prof. Siddharth Jabade of Vishwakarma Institute of Technology (VIT)
- Training course on “ CLIMATE CHANGE: ISSUES AND STRATEGIES” ISPIRE- Translational Education Partnership Programme:
- Development of Collaborative Postgraduate Programme on
- Climate Change and Sustainable Development (BRITISH COUNCIL, UCL collaboration) – March 2013.
- One Day Symposium on Energy Storage Materials and Technologies for Zero emission hybrid Cars. Dr. Altaf Kareem, Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Lab, Newyork. Environmental Energy Technology Division. Lawrence Barkeley National Laboratory, California. 4-03-11.
- One Day Symposium on Plasma by Dr. Hassan Shah from FC College Lahore.
- International Conference on Physics and Contemporary Needs, Department of Physics and Center for Advanced Studies in Physics, Govt College University Lahore Pakistan, 19-21, 2014.
- One day symposium on Nanotechnology by UET, 21st March 2015
- First international conference on education ….2-4 November 2016, LCWU
- Aneeqa Sabah, 15th National symposium on frontiers in physics, GCU and Pakistan Physical Society, 29th to 31st January 2018.
- Aneeqa Sabah, British council-Higher Education Commission Capacity building Course for Researchers Lahore, Pakistan. 26th July 2022-29th July, 2022. Coventry, University UK.
- Training for capacity building of STEM faculty, British Council, STEM education in Pakistan, Theme: Physical Sciences. July, 2022
Research Contributions
- PhD Thesis: “Self Organization of Charge Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles on Directed Fungal Mycelia by External Stimuli for Various Application”
- Master Thesis: “Fabrication and Characterization of CdS Nanoparticles by Chemical Aqueous Phase Route Annealed at different Radiations ".
Research Interest
- Nanosynthesis and fabricati
- Self assembly and self organization
- Bio nanotechnology
- Nano communications
- Colloids
- Material science
- Quantum dots
- Membranes
- Metal doping Nanostructures
Conference proceedings And Workshops
- Aneeqa Sabah, Saadat Anwar Siddiqi, Salamat Ali, Fabrication and characterization of CdS nanoparticles annealed by using different radiations, International Conference on Computer, Electrical and System Science and Engineering, WASET, (World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology) Amsterdam, The Netherlands,04, 28th -29th September, 2010.
- Mohsin Nazir, Aneeqa Sabah, Co-operative Cognitive WBAN: Form game theory to population dynamism, Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), IEEE, 2011.
- Aneeqa Sabah, Waleed S Muhammad, Joydeep Dutta, Optical Modeling of biomimetic microwires growth based on Controlled Integration of microbial tropism and metallic self-organization, International Conference on impact of nano-science on energy technologies (NanoSET), Comsats Lahore, 2014.
- Sehrish Javed, Aneeqa Sabah, Synthesis of Metal Chalcogenide ZnS and CuS Nanoparticles by Radiation Assisted Approach. International Conference on impact of nano-science on energy technologies (NanoSET), Comsats Lahore, 2014.
- Aneeqa Sabah, Atika Hassan, Mohsin Nazir, NOOR, 2nd International Symposium on Applied Materials and Nanodevices, 14-16 November, 2016, Organized by National Institute of Laser and Optronic, Islamabad, Pakistan.
- Sahar Tasleem, Ujala Umber Cheema, Aneeqa Sabah, Comparison Of Hydrophobic Behavior Of Nano-Films Prepared By Natural And Chemical Surfactant, ICSSP’17, International Conference on Solid State Physics, 10-14 December 2017.
- Aneeqa Sabah, Swera Mubbashir, Mohsin Nazir, One Pot Facile Synthesis Of Zno Nano-Structures Via Surfactant Medicated Solution Technique”, ICSSP’17, International Conference on Solid State Physics, 10-14 December
- Aneeqa Sabah, Comparison Between Observed And Calculated Magnetic Moment Of Bismuth Doped Cadmium Ferrites, ICSSP’17, International Conference on Solid State Physics, 10-14 December 2017.
- Aneeqa Sabah, International Workshops on One Dimensional (1D) Nanostructures,18th December 2018. Physcis department UET.
- Nazir, I. Iqbal, A. Sabah, Energy efficient routing protocols for nano network communications, http://apicee.org/Files/paper_66.pdf, 2019.
- Aneeqa Sabah, Ist International Conference on Sustainable development Goals, 29th to 31st March, 2022.
- Aneeqa Sabah, Research Capacity Building Programme for Researchers, Four day training course, HEC, British council and Coventry University, England, 26th to 29th July, 2022.
- Aneeqa Sabah, International Conference on Software Engineering and Emerging Technologies, ICSEET-Jan 2022
- Aneeqa Sabah, 1st Graduate Physics Conference, August 23-24, 2022, Islamia Graduate College Civil lines, Lahore Pakistan.
- Aneeqa Sabah, 8- days, faculty training undergraduate STEM education in Pakistan, Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
Aneeqa Sabah, 3rd International conference on Emerging Science and Technologies (ICEST-2023-GIGCCL), ICEST, 2023, Govt, Islamia Graduate College Civil Lines,
Organized conferences and Talks
International Seminar on Physics (ISP-18) 17th – 19th April, 2018, Lahore College for Women University, LCWU, Lahore
- One day talk, 22nd October, 2019. Trends and Innovation in Energy Storage Devices: Merging the Chemistries of Super capacitors and Battery.
An International E-Conference On “Emerging Trends In Physics” 23rd to 25th November, LCWU, Pakistan
2ndInternational Conference On “Emerging Trends In Physics” 20th -22nd March, 2023, LCWU, Pakistan.
3: 3rd International Webinar on “Madam Curie of Current Era” 24th – 26th August, Physics department, LCWU, 2021.
4: Alumni Talk Series, A Common Man Nanotechnology, Asian Institute of Technology, AIT, August 10, 2020.
5: 3-day International Webinar on “Material Science in Current Era”, 18th-20th October 2022.
Poster Presentations
- Aneeqa Sabah, Mohsin Nazir, Saima Allah Ditta, Saliha Nazir, “A Hybrid Cloud Model for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing”, MCCT’14 International Conference on Modern Communication & Computing Technologies, 26-28 February 2014, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Systems Engineering, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology (QUEST) Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan.
- Aneeqa Sabah, Saliha Nazir, Madeeha Zahid, Mohsin Nazir, “Smart Business Desktop Cloud Solution (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Solution) for SMEs”, MCCT’14 International Conference on Modern Communication & Computing Technologies, 26-28 February 2014, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Systems Engineering, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology (QUEST) Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan.
- Arooj Masood, Saliha Nazir, Aneeqa Sabah, Mohsin Nazir, “An Efficient Horizonal Handoff Scheme for WLAN (IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11n) Technologies”, MCCT’14 International Conference on Modern Communication & Computing Technologies, 26-28 February 2014, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Systems Engineering, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology (QUEST) Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan.
- Sadiah Zafar, Mohsin Nazir, Aneeqa Sabah, Saliha Nazir, “An Impact Analysis: Agile Methodology on Non-Technical Aspects with focus on Social & Religious Challenges”, MCCT’14 International Conference on Modern Communication & Computing Technologies, 26-28 February 2014, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Systems Engineering, Quaid- e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology (QUEST) Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan.
- Mohsin Nazir, Faiza Khadim, Aneeqa Sabah, Saliha Nazir, “A Framework to Optimize Power Consumption in Computing Devices”, MCCT’14 International Conference on Modern Communication & Computing Technologies, 26-28 February 2014, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Systems Engineering, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology (QUEST) Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan.
- Mohsin Nazir, Aneeqa Sabah, Saliha Nazir, Maryam Daud, “Analysis of Security Specification on Management in Requirement Engineering”, MCCT’14 International Conference on Modern Communication & Computing Technologies, 26-28 February 2014, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Systems Engineering, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology (QUEST) Nawabshah, Sindh,
- Aneeqa Sabah, Bisma Shahid, Sol Gel Derived Nano-Structures Gold Doped Zno , Structural , Optical And Electrical Properties.ISP-18, 17th -19th April, 2018, LCWU, Lahore, GC university Lahore and Pakistan Physics society. 29-31st
- Ujala Amber cheemca, Aneeqa Sabah, Fabrication Of Alkyl Silica Nano- Membranes For Super Hydrophobicity By Sol-Gel Technique, ISP-18, 17th -19th April, 2018, LCWU, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Fareeha Ashraf, Aneeqa Sabah, Seed Mediated Synthesis Of Silver Nano- Particles Having Various Morphology, ISP-18, 17th -19th April, 2018, LCWU, Lahore,
- Hafiza Swera Mubashir, Aneeqa Sabah, Nanostructures Of Zno Were Prepared By Surfactant Medicated Solution Method, ISP-18, 17th -19th April, 2018, LCWU, Lahore,
- Marium Ahmed, Aneeqa Sabah, Optimization of Alumina Template by using different ISP-18, 17th -19th April, 2018, LCWU, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Sufyana Idrees, Aneeqa Sabah, Nanotechnology for Covid-19 Therapeutic and Vaccine Research, 1st International Webinar on Physics (NCE, 20), 7th to 9th September,2020
- Sufyana Idrees, Aneeqa Sabah, Covid-19, After effects, First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Physics, 23rd to 25th November, 2021
- Farah Anwar, Aneeqa Sabah, An Investigation Of Plasmonic Coupling On Spectral Response Of Gold Doped Zns Nanoparticles. 1st International Webinar on Physics (NCE, 20), 7th to 9th September,2020
- Imrana, Aneeqa Sabah, Investigation Of Metal Doped Zns Nanoparticle, 1st International Webinar on Physics (NCE, 20), 7th to 9th September,2020
- Farah Anwar, Aneeqa Sabah, SPR Effect For Gold And Silver Doped Zns Nanoparticles, 1st International Webinar on Physics (NCE, 20), 7th to 9th September,2020
- Maryam Bilal, Aneeqa Sabah, Synthesis and Characterization Of Cd-Co Doped Zns Nanostructures, 1st International Webinar on Physics (NCE, 20), 7th to 9th September,2020
- Maria murtaza, Saira Khanam, Aneeqa Sabah, Synthesis and Characterization of Multi-Core shell Quantum dots CdSe/CdS/ZnS.
“Emerging trends in Physics” , 23rd to 25th November, 2021. - Amna Arshad, Aneeqa sabah, Synthesis and Optical Analysis of Spherical Gold Nanoparticles, “Emerging Trends in Physics” 23rd to 25th November,2020
- Khadija Akram, Aneeqa Sabah, Optical Analysis of Ag doped Sr (NO3)2 ,
International Conference on an “Emerging Trends in Physics” (ICETP), 23rd to 25th November, 2021. - Asar Anbsat, Aneeqa Sabah, Chemical and Optical Properties of Silica Membrane for Purification of Water. Emerging Trends in Physics (ICETP), 23rd to 25th November, 2021.
Books Published
- Aneeqa Sabah. Author, Nano Botany, Springer publishers. (Chapter 4: Nanofibers and Nanowires, Chapter 5: Nano drugs, Chapter 10: Analytical Techniques in Nano botany), Springer Nano Botany, ISBN: 978-3-319-77119-9, 2018, UK.
- Sumera Javed, Aneeqa Sabah, prospects and constraints, Nanoagronomy, 13th May 2020
Research Projects
MS-Projects Supervised : 31
- 2014
- 2015
- 2020
02: To Investigate The Enhancement Of SPR Using Shape Controlled Growth Of Gold Nanoparticles.
03: Co-Precipitation Derived Ag Doped Strontium Nanoparticles: And Antibacterial Analysis.
04: Synthesis And Characterization Of Hydrophilic Zinc Oxide Doped Silica Membrane For Water Purification And Its Antibacterial Properties.
05: Synthesis And Investigation Of Mn Doped Core Multi Shell Quantum Dots Cdse/Cds/ZnS For Photo Detector.
06: Investigation Of Structural, Optical And Morphological Properties Of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles.
2023 (Ongoing Projects)
BS-Projects Supervised : 19
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023 (Ongoing Projects)
02: Investigating the Structural and Luminescent properties of CuAlSe2/ZnSe/ZnS Core Multi Shell Quantum dots.
Courses Completed in AIT, Thailand
- Catalysis
- Nano Thermodynamics
- Colloids and Nanoparticles
- Microelectronics and Nanofabrication technology
- Self-assembly, Organization and Molecular manufacturing
- Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- Characterization Tools in Nanotechnology
- Bio nanotechnology
Courses Completed in University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan
- X-Ray Diffraction I
- Semiconductor Theory
- Lattice Dynamics
- Non-Linear Physics
- Magnetism in Condensed Matter
- Optical Properties of solids
- Defects in Solids
- Surface Study by Electron Emission
- Experiments in Solid State Physics
- Solid State Electronics Devices
Courses Taught
- Microstructural Analysis
- Self-assembly and Self-Organization
- Nanotechnology
- Nano- Thermodynamics
- Colloids and Nanoparticles
- Nanostructure and Nanotechnology, A theoratical view
PhD, Physics @ LCWU, University, LHR, Pakistan.
- Material Science……..
- Cosmology…………..
- Medical Physics………………….
- Colloids…………………………
- Bio-nanotechnology
MS-Physics @ LCW University, LHR, Pakistan.
- Advanced Electronics Lab……….
- Solid State Physics I
- Solid State physics II
- Basic Electronics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Mechanics
- Nuclear Physics
- Genernal Physics
BS-Physics @ LCW University, LHR.
- Aneeqa Sabah, Saadat Anwar Siddiqi, Salamat Ali, Fabrication and characterization of CdS nanoparticles annealed by using different radiations, International Conference on Computer, Electrical and System Science and Engineering, WASET, (World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology) Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28th -29th September, 501-508, 2010.
- Sabah A, Dakua I, Kumar, P, Muhammad, W. S. Dutta. J.“ Indrani Duaka, “Growth of templated gold microwires by self- organization of colloids on Aspergillus niger, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 7, 2012, 583-591”. 0.785
- Sabah A, I, Kumar, P,Muhammad, W. S. Dutta. J, “Visible light induced directed gold microwires by self-organization of nanoparticles on Aspergillus niger.”, Particle and particle systems characterization, ,2013,1-8, 473-480. 3.099
- Sabah1,*, S. Javed1 and M. Nazir2, “Green one step microwave assisted synthesis of ZnS nanoparticles” The Nucleus, 52, No, 4 (2015),1- 4, ISSN 2306-6539.(Y)
- AyeshaAfzaal, Ayesha Iqbal, Aneeqa Sabah, Mohsin Nazir “Green Net: Agent Based Load Prediction Techniques for Smart Grid” Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technology 8 (1), 27, 2015 (y)
- Ayesha Iqbal, Ayesha Afzaal, Aneeqa Sabah, Mohsin Nazir “A Traffic Scheduler for Radio Resource Management of Long Term Evolution – Advanced (LTE-A)”, Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technology 8 (1), 47, 2015.(y)
- Safia Anjum, Mehru Nisa, Aneeqa Sabah, M.S.Rafique, Rehana Zia, Comprehensive analysis of structure and temperature, frequency and concentration- dependent dielectric properties of lithium-subsituted cobalt ferrites (LixCo1-xFe2O4), Applied Physics A, material science and processing (2017), 123:554. 1.784
- Zohra Nazir Kayani*, Iqra Shah, Bareera Zulfiqar, Saira Riaz, Shahzad Naseem and Aneeqa Sabah Structural, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Co-Doped ZnO Thin Films Grown by Sol–Gel, Z. Naturforsch.DE GRUYTER, 2018; 73(1) a: 13–21.0.961
- Syeda Ammaraa, Shahzadi Shamailaa, Nosheen zafara, Anwar Bokhari, Aneeqa Sabah, Non-enzymatic glucose sensor with high performance electrodeposited nickel/copper/carbon nano-tubes nano-composite electrode, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (0022-3697)120, P. 12-19,2018, 2.084
- A. S. Nazir, Z. Imran, A.Malik, M. Nazir, M. W. Ashraf, S. Tayyaba, Microwave assisted pH controlled ZnO morphology, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 13, P. 307-313, 2018. 0.638
- Sahar Tasleem*, Aneeqa Sabah*, Ujala A Cheema and Aneela Sabir, Transparent Hydrophobic Hybrid Silica Films by Green and Chemical Surfactants, ACS omega, a 2019, 4, P. 13543−13552. 2.58
- M. F. Wasim, M. W. Ashraf , S. Tayyaba , A. S. Nazir, Simulation and synthesis of ZnO nanorods on AAO nano-porous template for use in a mems devices, DJNB, 14 (3), July - September 2019, p. 559 – 567, 0.785
- M. Javaid Afzal, Farah Javaid, Shahzadi Tayyaba, Aneeqa Sabah andWasem Ashraf, Fluidic simulation for blood flow in five curved spiral microchannel, Biologia, December, 65, 2019. P. 1-5. (Z)
- Aneeqa Sabah, Sahar Tasleem, Maria Murtaza, Mohsin Nazir and Farzana Rashid, Effect of Polymer capping on photonic multi-core- shell quantum dots CdSe /CdS /ZnS: Impact of Sunlight and Antibacterial Activity, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 2020. P. 9009−9020. 4.189
- Aneeqa Sabah et al, Dimensionality Reduction for Internet of Things using Cuckoo Search Algorithm: Reduced Implications of Mesh Sensor Technologies, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2020, 1- 21 1.819.
- Nazir, M., Sabah, A., Sarwar, S., Yaseen, A., & Jurcut, A. (2021), May. Power and Resource Allocation in Wireless Communication Network. Wireless Personal Communications, 119, 3529–3552.I.F 1.601, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-021-08419-x.
- Sidra Zafar , Mohsin Nazir , Taimur Bakhshi , Hasan Ali khattak, Sarmadullah khan , Muhammad Bilal, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Aneeqa Sabah and Kkyung-Sup Kwak, A Systematic Review of Bio-Cyber Interface Technologies and Security Issues for Internet of Bio-Nano Things , Security in the Internet of Bio-Nano Things: Challenges and Research Opportunities, IEEE ACESS, 4, 2021, p. 1-41. IF: 3.367. W, 29 June 2021.
- Sidra Zafar, Mohsin Nazir , Aneeqa Sabah , Anca Delia Jurcu, Securing Bio-Cyber Interface for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things using Particle Swarm Optimization and Artificial Neural Networks based parameter profiling, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 136, 2021, September 2021, p. 104707, IF: 4.589. W, July
- Sahar Tasleem, Aneeqa Sabah, Maryam Tahir, Aneela Sabir, Ammara Shabbir and Mohsin Nazir, Alkyl Silica Hybrid Nanowire Assembly in Improved Superhydrophobic Membranes for RO Filtration, ACS Omega, 2022 : https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.1c04498
- Iqra Iqbal, Mohsin Nazir and Aneeqa Sabah, Design of Energy- Efficient Protocol Stack for Nano communication Using Greedy Algorithms. IEEE, 2022.
- Aneeqa Sabah; Imrana Shafaqat; Amin Naifar; Hind Albalawi, Muhammad Gul bahar, Investigation of band parameters and Electrochemical Analysis of Multi Core-Shell CdSe/CdS/ZnS Quantum dots., Optical Materials, Optical Materials 142, 114065, 2023.
- Burhanuddin , Muhammad Khalid, M.G.B. Ashiq, Hafsa Najam, Mohammed S. Alqahtani, Thamraa Alshahrani, Arshi Anwar, Aneeqa Sabah, M. Asadullah Nadir a, Lanthanum doped hybrid LaxBi2− xSn2O7/SnO2(β-Bi2O3) nanostructures for energy storage applications, journal of Alloys and Compounds, 963, 171245, 2023.
- Aneeqas Sabah, Fatima Rehman, Synthesis and Characterization of Magnesium doped ZnS nanoparticles to study optical properties Accepted in IEEE 13th September, Chapter. 2023.