Board of Studies

Board of Studies

Board of Studies

(1) There shall be a separate Board of Studies for each subject or group of subjects, as may be prescribed by Regulations.

(2)  Each Board of Studies shall consist of–

               (i)   the Director of the Institute/Chairperson of the University Institute/ Teaching Department;

              (ii)   all Professors and Associate Professors in the Institute/ University Teaching Departments;

             (iii)   two experts to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor;

             (iv)   three teachers, other than University teachers, to be appointed by the Syndicate from Colleges; and

              (v)   one Assistant Professor and one Lecturer to be appointed by rotation in order of seniority from the Department concerned:

Provided that in the case of professional subjects which are taught in the affiliated institutes/colleges only and not in the University, such as Medicine, Dentistry, Home Economics and Education, etc. the Board of Studies shall consist of –

          (i)   the Principals of the Colleges, Directors of the Institutes, Heads of the Institutes concerned;

          (ii)   five teachers of the Colleges, to be appointed by the Syndicate; and

         (iii)     two experts to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor:

Provided further that in the case of such subjects of Humanities and Sciences as are taught in the affiliated colleges only and not in the University, the Board of Studies shall consist of –

          (i)   three teachers from the Colleges doing teaching work in the subject to be appointed by the Academic Council; and

          (ii)   two experts to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.

(3)  The term of office of members of the Board of Studies, other than ex-officio members, shall be three years.

(4)  The quorum for meetings of the Board of Studies shall be one-half of the number of members, a fraction being counted as one.

(5)  The Chairperson of the University teaching Department/ Institute concerned shall be the Chairperson and Convener of the Board of Studies. Where in respect of a subject there is no University teaching Department, the Chairperson shall be appointed by the Syndicate.

(6)  The functions of the Board of Studies shall be to –

  1. advise the Authorities on all academic matters connected with instruction, publication, research and examination in the subjects concerned;
  2. propose curricula and syllabi for all degree, diploma and certificate courses in the subjects concerned;
  • suggest a panel of names of paper setters and examiners in the subjects concerned; and
  1. perform such other functions as may be prescribed by Regulations.