Prof. Dr. Safia Anjum
Department of Physics
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Profile
- Research Publications
Teaching Experience
Post Held |
Grade (BPS) |
Place of posting |
Dates |
From |
To |
Professor |
21 |
13-02-2020 |
To date |
Associate Professor |
20 |
12th May 2012 |
12th Feb 2020 |
Assistant Professor |
19 |
14th October 2011 |
11th May 2012 |
Lecturer |
18 |
2010 |
13th Oct.2011 |
Lecturer |
17 |
Sep. 1999 |
2010 |
Computer Assistant |
GTZ, Lahore |
1992 |
1993 |
- Training of secretarial staff in basic skills of Computer under Punjab Information Technology Board Lahore (PITB)
- Three years Experience as a paper setter & Head Examiner in Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Lahore.
Research Experience
- 66 International Publication with impact factor
- 15 publications in international conferences
- 4 scholars have completed their PhD
Sr. No. |
Name |
Title |
Session |
1. |
Lubna Mustafa |
Synthesis of Nano-crystallite Dilute Magnetic Oxide Semiconductors and their Thin Films |
2011-2015 |
2. |
Salma Waseem |
Growth of Nanostructured Thin Films of Titanium based Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors |
2011-2015 |
3. |
Talat Zeeshan |
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystallite Spinel Ferrites and Their Thin Films |
2011-2015 |
4. |
Fatima Sehar |
Magnetic, Optical and Dielectrical Properties of Rare Earth and Transition Metal Substituted in M-type Barium Hexa-ferrites |
2021 |
- 5 International books LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
International Books
- Growth of Nano-Crystalline Thin Films of CoSb0.3Fe1.7Oby Asmara Shabab, Safia Anjum, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-659-78876-5 (5-12-2015)
- Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in CoCr0.5Fe1.5O4 Ferrite Thin Films by Ayesha Salman and Safia Anjum, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing , ISBN 9783659788772, (3-10-2015)
- Growth of Nano-structured Thin Films of Magnetic Materials by Safia Anjum and Shahid Rafique, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ,ISBN : 978-3-639-71523-1, (27-4-2015)
- . Fabrication and characterization of Zn substituted Cu – Cr Ferrites by Hina Nazli and Safia Anjum, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing , ISBN: 9783659808753 (2-12-2015)
- Synthesis and characterization of Bismuth doped cobalt ferrite by Fatima Sehar and Safia Anjum, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, IBSN: 978-3-659-80660-5 ( 2015-11-24 )
- Dr. Muhammad Shahid Rafique
Dean of Natural Sciences,
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Tabassum Afzal, Vice Chancellor COMSAT University, Islamabad
- Member Pakistan Institute of Physics (PIP)
Workshop /Symposium Organized
- The 2nd 3-day International webinar on "Matter and Energy in Current Era" (MECE, 2021), 15-17th Feb, 2021, Physics department (Online),
- 1st international webinar on ‘Nanotechnology in Current Era (NCE 20), 7-9th Sep, 2020, Physics department (Online),
- Designing Functional Nanomaterials for green energy applications, Altaf Kareem, 2014
- One day symposium on control growth of nano-materials and their assembly, 10th April 2013
- One day workshop on nanotechnology and their application, 19th April 2012, Department of Physics, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- One day National Symposium and poster Presentation on Material Science, Department of Physics, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. Nov. 2012
Invited Talk Deliver
- Invited lecture, International Conference on Solid State Physics, December 21-02-2022 24-02-2022, held in Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- Keynote speaker in “The International Webinar on Science, Sustainable Development and Ecosystems in Saudi Arabia 2021 (SSDE).” 6-7April 2021, college of science at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Title of tale “Investigation of magnetic and ferroelectric properties of chromium substituted M-type barium hexaferrites”
- Keynote speaker in International Conference on”Light Generation, sensing and energy sources” 02-04 March 2020, organized by Women University Multan, Pakistan. Title of talk “Effect of Cobalt doping on Crystallanity, Stability, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles”
- International Conference on Solid State Physics, December 10-14, 2019, held in Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- International Conference on Solid State Physics, December 10-14, 2017, held in Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- International Conference on Solid State Physics, December 1- 2015, held in Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- International Conference on Solid State Physics, December 1- 2013, held in Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- International Scientific Spring, March 11-15, 2013. Jointly organized by National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad, Pakistan
- International Nathia Galli Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, 27th June to 8th July 2011
- 2nd National Conference on Radiation, Particles and Matter at GCU Lahore, 26-28 October 2010.
- One day meeting on Nanotechnology Research in Pakistan Centre for Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, 3rd August 2010.
Coursera courses designed by DLSEI HEC
- Successful Presentation by University of Colorado Boulder Completed
- Plant Bioinformatics by University of Toronto Completed
- Bioinformatics Methods II by University of Toronto Completed
- Corporate Finance I: Measuring and Promoting Value Creation by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Completed
- Accounting Analysis II: Accounting for Liabilities and Equity by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Completed
Participated as Judge
- Poster competition, International Conference on Solid State Physics, December 21 to 24th Dec. 2022, held in Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- "Poster Competition, 23rd April 2013. Organized by Department of Physics, UET, Lahore.
- International Conference on Solid State Physics, December 10-14 2017, held in Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- Training on Analysis of a Moment structures from 22nd Nov to 6th Dec 2016 held at Lahore college for Women University, Lahore.
- One week training course on "PC-1 preparation" for Officers from 28th May to 1st June 2012 held at Punjab Institute of Management and Professional; Development.
Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Attended
- Hands on Workshop on LaTex, organized by statistic department LCWU, Dated 26th to 31 Jan. 2022, Lahore
- International Conference on Solid State Physics, December 1-6 2017, held in Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- 14th National Symposium FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS , 23-25 November, 2016 held in Bokhari Auditorium, GC University, Lahore
- International Conference on Solid State Physics, December 1-6 2015, held in Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- International Conference on Solid State Physics, December 1-6 2013, held in Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- International Scientific Spring, March 11-15, 2013. Jointly organized by National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad, Pakistan
- "IRP Patent and Patenting" conducted by Barisstor Ahmad Farooq Malik, Feb. 22, 2013 organized by office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC)
- Methodology of conducting qualitative research for high impact factor publications with introduction to NVIVO Ver 10
- Physics Colloquium organized by department of Physics at CIIT, Lahore 03-04-2013.
- British council, Active citizens, In appreciation in young democracy Policy dialogue on Economy, Education and Energy Feb/ March 2013. Director of Faculty Development & Internationalization (DFDI) at LCWU.
- One day workshop on Lasers and Nanotechnology on 14th June 2012, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore.
- Workshop on Material Characterization by X-ray Diffraction organized by Material Division at PINSTECH from 21-25 May 2012, Islamabad.
- Technology Workshop on Atomic Physics and Nano-Fabrication ,3rd to 5th April, 2012, organized by National Institute of Lasers and Optronics (NILOP), Islamabad- Pakistan.
- International conference on nanomaterial and nanotechnology, November 2011 at COMSATS Lahore
- Workshop on avoiding plagiarism on 2nd May 2012, Lahore College for Women University Lahore.
- Seminar on scopus on 18th Nov. 2011, at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- International Nathia Galli Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, 27th June to 8th July 2011
- Lecture Series on Graphene Physics organized by Khwarizimi Science Society at the Department of Physics, Lahore University of Management Sciences, May 20 to 22, 2011
- One day workshop on Development & analysis of Non-ferrous alloy, 14th October 2010.
- International Nathia Galli Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, 28th June to 10th July 2010.
International Publications in impact factor Journals
- Safia Anjum, Talat Zeeshan, Salma Waseem, Iqra Waseem, Zeeshan Mustufa, Investigation of cationic distribution, Y-K angles, optical and dielectric properties of as-synthesized cerium doped cobalt nano-ferrites prepared by co-precipitation method
- Salma Waseem, Safia Anjum, Talat Zeeshan , Exploration of Ti9Fe0.1-xNixO2 thin films as dilute magnetic semiconductors, Thin Solid Films737(2021)138941
- Fatima Sehar, Safia Anjum*, Anam Mansoor, Zeeshan Mustafa, “Formation of non-centrosymmetric covalent bonds due to the substitution of Cobalt contents in M-type barium hexa-ferrites BaFe(12-x)O19”, Journal of Applied Physics A, Accepted 2021
- Talat Zeeshan, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Farzana Majid, Muhammad Danish Ali, Ammara Aslam, “Influence of zinc substitution on structural, elastic, magnetic and optical properties of cobalt chromium ferrites”, Material Science Poland 2021
- Salma Waseem, Safia Anjum, Talat Zeeshan, Lubna Mustafa, Zohra Nazir, Kayani, Farzana Majid, Asif Warsi, S. Ismat Shah “Pulsed laser deposited Cobalt doped Ti0.9Fe0.1-xO2 thin films: Structural, morphological, magnetic, optical and electrical properties”, Ceramics International, 2021
- Safia Anjum 1, Mehwish Sattar 1, Zeeshan Mustafa 2, Structural, optical and Multiferroic properties of La+3 substituted M-type barium hexaferrite properties BaLaxFe12-xO19, Journal of Materials Science: material in electronics 2021
- Safia Anjum, Anam Mansoor, Zeeshan Mustafa, Shahid Atiq, “Comparison between centrosymmetric and non‑centrosymmetric chromium substituted M‑type barium hexaferrites”, Applied Physics A, 2020 (IF 870)
- Safia Anjum, Maryam Anjum, Zeeshan Mustafa, “Investigation of magnetic and dielectric properties of Agx‑substituted Co0.05−x Zn0.95Odilute magnetic semiconductor prepared by co‑precipitation method”” Applied Physics A, 2020 (IF 870)
- SEHAR, S. ANJUM*, Z. MUSTAFA, Evolution of fero electric and fero magnetic properties of Aluminum substituted M-type barium hexa ferrites at room temperature, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol. 15, No. 3, July - September 2020, p. 609 – 620 (IF 0.64)
- Safia Anjum, Tafruj Ilayas, Zeeshan Mustafa Influence of antimony substitution on structural, magnetic and optical properties of cadmium spinel ferrite”, Applied Physics A 126:227, (2020) (IF 870)
- Fatima Sehar, Safia Anjum, Zeeshan Mustafa, Shahid Atiq, Co-existence of Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic Properties of Bi+3 Substituted M-type Barium Hexaferrites, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (2020) (IF 161)
- Salma Waseema, Safia Anjum, Talat Zeeshana, Ismat Shahb, Effects of Cr-doping on structural, morphological, magnetic, optical and electrical properties of Ti0.9Fe0.1-xO2 thin films, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 212 (2020) 164630 (IF 2.187)
- Alliya Qamar, Rehana Zia, Madeeha Riaz, Tousif Hussain, Safia Anjum, Influence of Mg Incorporation on Mechanical, Dielectric and Biological Properties of Hydroxyapatite Ceramic”, 2020
- Talat Zeeshan, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Madeeha Riaz, Rehana Zia, “structural, optical, magnetic and (Y-K) angles studies of CdxCo1-xCr0.5Fe1.4O4 ferrites”, Ceramic International, 2020, 46(3), pp3935-3943
- Talat Zeeshan, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Madeeha Riaz, Rehana Zia “Tuning of structureal, magnetic and optical properties of silver doped cobalt chromium ferrites thin film by PLD technique”, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol. 14, No. 4, October-December 2019, p. 855-866 (IF 0.64)
- Talat Zeeshan, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Madeeha Riaz, Rehana Zia, “Structural, optical, magnetic and (Y–K) angle studies of CdxCo1-xCr0.5Fe1.5O4 ferrite”, October (2019) Ceramics International (IF 3.64)
- Safia Anjum, Amber Sehar, Zeeshan Mustafa, “Effect of La3+ ions substituted M‑type barium hexa‑ferrite on magnetic, optical, and dielectric properties”, Applied Physics A (2019) 125:664 (IF 1.87)
- Madeeha Riaz, Rehana Zia, Snudia Aslam, Alliya Qamar, Tousif Hussain and Safia Anjum, “Low temperature synthesis of wollastonite using sol gel combustion method: In vitro bioactivity evaluation”, International Journal of Modern Physics B Vol. 33, No. 10 (2019) 1950081 (9 pages) c World Scientific Publishing Company DOI: 10.1142/S0217979219500814 (IF 0.83)
- Safia Anjum, Saba Shaheen, Saif Awan, “Effect of various surfactants on optical and electrical properties of Cu+2 -doped ZnS semiconductor nanoparticles”Applied Physics A, (2019), (IF 1.694)
- Safia Anjum, Maryam Fayyaz, Afshan Rashid, Rehana Zia, “Investigation of Cationic Distribution, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Cr-Substituted Mg Ferrites”, Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 48, No. 2, (2019) (IF 579)
- Safia Anjum, Arshia Masud, “Stuctural and temperature dependent dielectric properties of tin substituted cobalt ferrites”, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol.13, No.4, October - December 2018, p. 1063-1080 (IF 0.64)
- Safia Anjum, Jazaria Fayyaz, Rabia Khurram,· Rehana Zia, “Tuning of Magnetic and Optical Properties of Co0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4SpinelFerrite Thin Films Based on Post Annealing Temperature”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetismhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s10948-018-4662-3. (2018) (IF 142)
- Talat Saeed, Safia Anjum, “Substitutional effect of copper on cation distribution of cobalt chromium ferrite and their structural and magnetic properties”, Journal of Material Science Poland, (2018) (IF 854)
- Talat Zeeshan, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Lubna Mustafa “Tailoring of structural and magnetic properties by substitution of copper in cobalt chromium ferrites” Ceramic International, (2018) (IF 3.02)
- Salma Waseem, Safia Anjum, Lubna Mustafa, “Structural, magnetic and optical investigations of Fe and Ni co-doped TiO2 dilute magnetic semiconductors
Ceramic International, (2018) (IF 3.02) - Rehana Zia, Madeeha Riaz, Nageena Farooq, Alliya Qamar, Safia Anjum, “Antibacterial Activity of Ag and Cu Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Reduction Method: A comparative analysis”, Material Research Express, (2018) (IF 1.43)
- Salma Waseem, Safia Anjum, Lubna Mustafa, Rehana Zia, Shahid Ramay, “Effect of Fe and Co co-doping on structural, magnetic and optical properties of Ti9Fe0.1-xCoxO2 magnetic semiconductor, Journal of Superconductivity and magnetism, (2018), (IF 1.142)
- Lubna Mustafa, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Shazia Bashir, Khalid Mahmood, Murtaza Saleem, Ejaz Ammed, “Structural and optical properties of ZnO co-doped Co and Ni thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition technique”, Optiks 161 (2018) 54-63 (IF 3.356)
- Safia Anjum, Fatima Sehar, Zeeshan Mustufa, MS Awan, Enhancement of structural and magnetic properties of M-type hexaferrite permanent magnet based on synthesis temperature, Applied Physics A, (2018), 124:49 (IF 1.694)
- Talat Zeeshan, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Rehana Zia, “Study of structural and magnetic properties of Co1-xZnxCr0.5Fe1.5O4 ferrites thin films by PLD technique”, Digest journal of nano materials, (2018), 13, 129-139 (IF 2.207)
- Safia Anjum, Mehru Nisa, Aneeqa Sabah, M. S. Rafique, Rehana Zia, Comprehensive analysis of structure and temperature, frequency and concentration-dependent dielectric properties of lithium-substituted cobalt ferrites (LixCo1-xFe2O4), Applied Physics A, 123: 554, (2017) (IF 1.694)
- Sadia Waheed, Shazia Bashir, Asadullah Dawood, Safia Anjum, Ali Zaheer, Effect of Magnetic Field on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2 ) Plasma, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Volume 140, July 2017, Pages 536-544 (IF 1.191)
- Saba Amin, Shazia Bashir, Safia Anjum, Khaliq Mahmood, Optical emission spectroscopy of magnetically confined laser induced vanadium pentoxide (V 2 O 5 ) plasma, Physics of Plasmas (2017) (IF 1.926)
- Madeeha Riaz, Rehana Zia, Ambreen Mirzaa, Tousif Hussainb, Farooq Bashira, Safia Anjum, “Synthesis, characterization of CaF2 doped silicate glass-ceramics”, Materials Science and Engineering: C, Volume 75, Pages 872–876 (IF 5.08)
- Safia Anjum, Rabia Tufail, Khalid Rashid, Rehana Zia, Saira Riaz, “Effect of cob\alt doping on crystallinity, stability, magnetic and optical properties of magnetic iron oxide nano-particles”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 432 (2017) 198–207 (IF 3.046)
- Safia Anjum Rabia Tufail· Hafsa Saleem· Rehana Zia· Sira Riaz, “Investigation of Stability and Magnetic Properties of Ni- and Co-Doped Iron Oxide Nano-particles”, J Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, DOI 10.1007/s10948-017-4044-2, 2017 (IF 1.142)
- Safia anjum , Sania Hameed, M.S.Awan, Ejaz Amed , Abdul Sattar, “Effect of strontium doped M-Type barium hexa-ferrites on structural, magnetic and optical properties”, Optik 131(2017)977-985 (IF 1.191)
- Muhammad Rafique. Muhammad Shahid Rafique, Shariqa Hassan Butt, Umber Kalsoom, Amina Afzal , Safia Anjum, Arslan Usman, “Dependence of the structural optical and thermo-physical properties of gold nano-particles synthesized by laser ablation method on the nature of laser”, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Volume 134, April 2017, Pages 140–148 (IF 1.01)
- Arslan Usman, M.S. Rafique, S.F. Shaukat, Khurram Siraj, Afshan Ashfaq, Safia Anjum, Muhammad Imran, Abdul Sattar, “Impact of Argon gas on optical and electrical properties of Carbon thin films”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 503, 2016, Pages 157–161 (IF 0.77)
- Safia Anjum, Fatima Sehar, M.S. Awan, Rehana Zia, “Role of Bi3+ substitution on structural, magnetic and optical properties of cobalt spinel ferrite”, Apr 2016, Applied Physics A (IF 1.694)
- Lubna Mustafa Safia Anjum · Salma Waseem, Shahid Atiq, “ Effect of Co and Ni Codoping on the Structural, Magnetic, Electrical and Optical Properties of ZnO”, Jul 2016 ·Vol 84, Materials Research Bulletin (IF 2.87)
- Saima Khalid, Farhat Saleemi, Rehana Zia,Safia Anjum, Farooq Bashir, Nawaz Tahir, Anwaar-ul Haq “Crystal development and analysis of zinc-antimony oxide synthesized by solid state synthesis technique” Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Volume 127, Issue 21,November 2016, Pages 10172-10179 (IF 1.01)
- Safia Anjum, Hafsa Saleem1, Khalid Rasheed2, Rehana Zia1, Saira Riaz3, Arslan Usman; “Role of Ni2+ ions in magnetite nano-particles synthesized by co-precipitation method”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (IF 1.42)
- Safia Anjum, Asmara Shababa, Shahid Rafiqueb, Rehana Zia, Saira Riaz, Sania Hameed, Madeeha Riaz; “Crystal growth of antimony substituted cobalt ferrites thin films deposited by electron beam”, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Volume 127, Issue 20, October 2016, Pages 8487–8498 (IF 1.01).
- Salma Waseem, SafiaAnjum, Lubna Mustafa, Talat Zeeshan, Rehana Zia, “Absence of room temperature ferromagnetism in Co and Cr codoped TiO2 based dilute magnetic semiconductor materials”, Digest journal of nano materials and biostructure, 2016, 411-418 (IF 2.207)
- Rehana Zia, Madeeha Riaz, Quratul ain,Safia Anjum, “Study the effect of thiourea concentration on optical and structural properties of CdS-nanocrystalline thin films prepared by CBD technique”, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Volume 127, Issue 13, July 2016, Pages 5407-5412 (IF 1.01)
- Rehana Zia, Madeeha Riaz, Nida ul nasir, Farhat Saleemi, Zora Kayani,Safia Anjum, Farooq Bashir, Tousif Hussain, “Bioactivity analysis of the Ta (V) doped SiO2–CaO–Na2O–P2O5 ceramics prepared by solid state sintering method”, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, Volume 26, Issue 1, February 2016, Pages 41-4 (IF 1.952)
- S Anjum, H Nazli, R Khurram, T Zeeshan, S Riaz and A Usman, “Role of Zn substitution on structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Cu–Cr spinel ferrites”, Indian Journal Phys DOI 0.1007/s12648-015-0817-2 7 Jan 2016 (IF 0.967)
- Usman, M. S. Rafique, S.F. Shaukat, S. Anjum , H. Latif, A. Sattar, “Morphology, structural and electrical transport properties of graphite based multilayer thin films”, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol. 10, No. 3, July - September 2015, p. 915 – 925 (IF 2.207)
- Safia Anjum, Ayesha Salman, M. Shahid Rafique, R. Zia, S. Riaz, Hina Iqbal, “Investigation of Magnetic Anisotropy in Cobalt Chromium (CoCr5Fe1.5O4) Spinel FerriteThin Films” journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism. DOI 10.1007/s10948-015-3129-z (2015) (IF 1.142).
- Rehana Zia, Madeeha Riaz, Sitara Maqsood, Safia Anjum, Zohra Kayani, Tossif Hussain, “Titania doped bioactive ceramics prepared by solid state sintering method”, Ceramic International PII: S0272-8842(15)00586-6 2015, (IF 3.057)
- Salma Waseem, Safia Anjum, Lubna Mustafa, Anam Dar, Farooq Bashir, Rehana Zia, Effect of Cr and Fe co-doping on structural, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of titanium dioxide (TiO2)”, journal of Material Science Poland, DOI: 10.1515/msp-2015-0092 (IF 854)
- Hamid Latif, M.Shahid Rafique, M. Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, Abdul Sattar, Anjum, A. Usman, S. Zaheer and R.S. Rawat (2014), "Surface modification of platinum by laser-produced X-rays", Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Vol: DOI: 10.1080/10420150. 2014 .972398 (IF 0.42)
- Lubna Mustafa, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Rehana Zia, Rameesha Chaudhary, Shahid Ramay, Asif Mahmood, Shahid Atiq and Salah Ud-Din Khan, “Investigation of Structural, Magnetic and Optical properties of ZnO codoped with Co and Cd," Advances in Condened Matter Physics, Volume 2014, Article ID 362864, 6 pages, November 2014 (IF 959)
- Safia Anjum, Afshan Rashid, F. Bashir, S. Riaz, Maryam Pervaiz, Rehana Zia” Effect of Cu doped Nickel Ferrites on Structural, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties” IEEE Transaction on magnetic, vol No. 50, No.8 August 2014 (IF 467)
- Safia Anjum, M. Shahid Rafique, K. Siraj, “Magnetic Anisotropy in nano-crystalline BaFe12O19 thin Films deposited under various applied field”, Thin Solid Film, Vol 545, 31 October 2013 pages 608-613 (IF 939)
- Saman Iqbal, Muhammad Shahid Rafique, Safia Anjum, Asma Hayat, Nida Iqbal "Impact of X-ray irradiation on PMMA thin films" Journal of Applied Surface Science, Volume 259, 15 October 2012, Pages 853-860 (IF 0.913)
- Siraj , M. Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, S.I. Hussain, M.S. Rafique, S. Anjum, “Effect of deposition temperature on structural, surface, optical and magnetic properties of pulsed laser deposited Al-doped CdO thin films”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 24, 16 June 2011, Pages 6756–6762 (IF 3.771
- Safia Anjum, M. Shahid Rafique, M. Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, K. Siraj, A. Usman, S. I. Hussain and S. Naseem, “Investigation of Induced Parallel Magnetic Anisotropy at Low Deposition Temperature in Ba-hexaferrites Thin Films” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2012) (IF 046)
- Safia Anjum, H.M. Tahir, K. Hussain, M. Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, M. S. Rafique, “Structural and Magnetic Properties of Cadmium Substituted Ni- Al ferrites”, Journal of Physica-B 406 (2011) 2555-2558 (IF 1.435)
- Safia Anjum, M. Shahid Rafique, M. Khaleeq-ur-Rahaman, Khurrum Siraj, Aisha Ahsan, Arslan Usman, S. Naseem, “Effect of external magnetic field on the growth of Nano Structured ZnxMn1-x+yZryFe2-2yO4 thin films”, Journal of Crystal Growth 324 (2011) 142-148 (IF 1.742)
- Safia Anjum, M. S. Rafiquea, M. Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, K. Siraja, A. Usman , Latif, K. A. Bhatti, S. Hussain, & S. Naseem, “Magnetic and optical properties of amorphous NdFeCo thin films by pulsed laser deposition technique”, Vacuum 85 (2010) 126-130 (IF 2.067)
- Safia Anjum, G. Hassnain Jaffri, Abdul K. Ramaiz, M. S. Rafique and S. Ismat Shah, “Role of vacancies in NiFeO in transport and magnetic properties of nickel ferrite thin films” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43 (2010) 265001 (7pp) (IF 2.373)
- Hassnain Jaffri, Safia Anjum, Abdul K. Ramaiz, S. Ismat Shah, “Role of vacancies in transport and magnetic properties of Nickel ferrite thin films by pulsed laser deposition”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society APS,, March Meeting 2010, Volume 55, Number 2, March 15-19, 2010; Portland, Oregon (IF 3.075)
- Usman, M. S. Rafique, M. Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, K. Siraja, S. Anjum, H. Latif, Taj Mohammad Khan, Mazher Mahmood, “Growth and characterization of Ni:DLC composite films using pulsed laser deposition technique”, Journal of Material Chemistry and Physics 126 (2011) 649-654 (IF 2.210)
- Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, K.A. Bhatti, M.S. Rafique, S. Anjum, A. Latif, M. Anjum, A. Ahsan, H. Ozair, “Morphological and structural analysis of Nano structured Gold thin film on silicon by pulsed laser deposition”, Vacuum 85, (2010) 353-357. (IF 2.067)
- S. Rafique, M. Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, Saif-ur-Rehman, Safia Anjum, M. Shahbaz Anwar, K.A. Bhatti, Saba Saeed, M.S. Awan, “Effect of external magnetic field on the deposition of BaFe12O19”, Vacuum 82 (2008) 1233–1237 (IF 2.067)
Publication in Y category Journal
- Safia Anjum, Reda Fatima, Rehana Shrif, Rehana Zia, “Fabrication and characterization of Ni nanowires by anodizing process”, Journal of innovative Science, Vol 2, Issue 1 (2016)
Publications in Proceedings
Salma Waseem,Safia Anjum, Lubna Mustafa, Farooq Bashir, Nosheen Mohsin, “Investigations of Structural, Optical, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of TiO2 Based Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors Doped with TM where (TM= Fe1, Cr0.1, Fe0.06Cr0.04)” Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 10, Part B, 2015, Pages 5799-5803
Lubna Mustafa,Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Hafsa Khurshid, Rameesha Choudhary, Farooq Bashir, “Effect of Co and Cd Doping on Structural, Magnetic, Electrical and Optical Properties of ZnO Based Dilute Magnetic Oxide Semiconductor”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 10, Part B, 2015, Pages 5256-5261
Safia Anjum, Hina Nazli, Farooq Bashir, Kiran Mahmood , “Structural, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Zn0.5CuxCo0.5-x Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 10, Part B, 2015, Pages 5552-5558
SafiaAnjum, Afshan Rashid, F. Bashir, Maryam Pervaiz, Rehana Zia, “Effect of Cu Doped Nickel Ferrites on Structural, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties”Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 10, Part B, 2015, Pages 5559-5567
SafiaAnjum, Sania Hameed, Farooq Bashir, Microstructural, Structural, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Antimony Doped Cobalt Spinel Ferrites”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 10, Part B, 2015, Pages 5329-5336
Lubna Mustafa,Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Hafsa Khurshid, Sehrish Javed, “Structural, Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of n9Co0.1O, Zn0.9Ni0.1O, Zn0.9Co0.06Ni0.04O” Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 10, Part B, 2015, Pages 5638-5644
SafiaAnjum, Fatima Sehar, F. Bashir, M.S. Awan, Zeeshan Mustafa, “Role of Bismuth in Cobalt Spinel Ferrite”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 10, Part B, 2015, Pages 5182-5189
Salma Waseem,Safia Anjum, Lubna Mustafa, Farooq Bashir, Nosheen Mohsin, “Structural, Optical, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Ti9Co0.1O2, Ti0.9Cr0.1O2, Ti0.9Cr0.04Co0.06O2“, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 10, Part B, 2015, Pages 5378-5383
SafiaAnjum, Rabia Khurram, F Bashir, Hina Nazli, “Fabrication and Investigation of Structural, Magnetic and Dielectrical Properties of Zn Substituted Co-ferrites”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 10, Part B, 2015, Pages 5515-5521
Khalid Rashid, Saba Shaheen, Safia Anjum, “Synthesis and characterization of Nickel substituted cobalt nanoferrites using co-precipitation”, Frontier in nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2014
Khalid Rashid, Saba Shaheen, Safia Anjum, “Synthesis of Zinc substituted nanocrystallites cobalt ferrites by co-precipitation method”,Frontier in nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2014
Saima Shaukat, Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, K. Siraj, A. Latif, J.Z. Hashmi, S. Anjum, “Effect of Substrate Temperature and Doping on properties of Copper Oxide Thin films, Proceeding of the Pakistan Institute of Physics International Conference.; 01/2011
Siraj, A. Ahsan, M. S. Rafique, M. Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, S. Anjum, Influence of transverse magnetic field on the growth of soft ferrite thin films by pulsed laser deposition” (In the proceeding of Pakistan Institute of Physics conference, 2009)
Hamid Latif, M.S. Rafique, M.Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, R. S. Rawat, S. Naseem, A. Sattar, Anjum, A. Usman, “ Effecct of laser produced x-rays on the surface of gold and platinum”, (In the proceeding of Pakistan Institute of Physics conference, 2009)