Dr. Asma Seemi Malik
Chairperson/Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Date |
Title |
Institute |
Nov 2021- till now |
● HOD/Incharge ● Incharge |
Department of Sociology, LCWU. Independent Living Center, LCWU |
May 2013-till now |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Gender and Development Studies, LCWU |
2010- May 2013 |
Section Officer |
SW & BM Department, Lahore. |
2009-2010 |
Sociologist |
Contech International, Health Consultants |
2008-2009 |
Research Associate |
Contech International, Health Consultants. |
2005-2008 |
Section Officer
SW, WD & BM Department, Lhr |
2001-2004 |
Medical Social Officer |
Officer, Fatima Memorial Hospital |
2000-2001 |
Medical Social Officer |
Gulab Devi Hospital, Lahore |
1999-2000 |
Social Welfare Officer |
SW, WD & BM Dept |
Honor and Awards
- Developed and revised curricula of MS and PhD program in Gender and Development Studies in collaboration with George Washington University, USA.
- Won Research Incentive Award by Lahore College for Women University for the year 2017.
- Won Research Incentive Award by Lahore College for Women University for the year 2016.
- Advanced Studies Program for Visiting Scholars (fully funded), George Washington University, and Washington DC, USA from 23rdMarch to 8th April, 2015.
- Merit Scholarship for Post-graduation, University of the Punjab, Lhr.
- Academic Roll of Honor from Lahore College for Women, Lahore
- Program Coordinator Sociology ( 6 years)
- BS Coordinator Sociology (6 years)
- BS Coordinator Gender and Development studies (5 years)
- Member, Faculty Grievance Committee ( 2 years)
- Member, Sexual Harassment Committee (2 years)
- Convener, Day Care Committee (1 year)
- Member Ethics Committee, Department of Gender and Development Studies, LCWU, Lahore
- Member Board of Studies, Department of Gender and Development Studies, LCWU, Lahore
- Member, Disability admission committee
- Member Board of Studies, Department of Sociology, Leads University, Lahore, Pakistan
- External Examiner, MS/PhD University of Punjab, Lahore.
- Reviewer, Asian Journal of International Peace and Security.
- Reviewer, Pakistan Journal of Criminology
- Reviewer, Journal of Humanities, Social and Management Sciences
Graduate Students/ Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Service Activity
- Head of Department, Department of Sociology.
- Incharge, Independent Living Center, LCWU
- Academic Coordinator
- Examination Coordinator
- Teaching
- Research supervision
- Development and Revision of curriculum
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Dr. Asma Seemi Malik
- Malik, A.S., Javed, N., & Mahmood,A. (2022). Influence of Single Parenting on Self-Efficacy of Adolescents: A comparative Study of Broken and Intact Households. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 6 (3), 373-384.
- Malik, A. S., Mahmood, A., & Abbas, R. (2022). Impact of single parenting on the development of young adults: a comparative study of intact and non-intact families in Lahore, Pakistan. Journal of Humanities, Social and Management Sciences (JHSMS), 3(1), 283–299. https://doi.org/10.47264/idea.jhsms/3.1.20
- Malik, A. S., Nadeem, M. ., &Tariq, M. (2022). The Gender Difference In Students-Teachers Interaction At University Level: A Quantitative Analysis. Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, 22(1), 29–50. https://doi.org/10.46568/pjgs.v22i1.573
- Yasmeen , B, Ramzan, M., & Malik A S . (2022). Perception of Dowry: Effects on Women Rights in Punjab. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 2(4), 897-909. https://doi:10.47205/jdss.2021(2-IV)71
- Javed, N., Malik, A.S.,&Ikram, K. (2022). Waiting for the Right One: Phenomenological Analysis of Contemporary Delayed Matrimonial Relationships in Pakistan. Asian Social Studies and Applied Research (ASSAR), 3 (1), 135-143.
- Adil, F., Malik, A.S., & Anjum, F. (2022).The Gender-Based Violence in Educational Institutions as aBarrier towards Women Education: Archival Analysis. Asian Social Studies and Applied Research (ASSAR), 3 (1), 80-90.
- Malik, A.S., Akhtar, H., Mahmood, A.,& Khadija, Z. (2022). Spousal Autonomy in Domestic Decision-Making in Urban Areas of Lahore. International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences, 10 (1), 105-116.
- Malik, A.S., Javed, N., & Mahmood,A. (2022). Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on the Social Development and Self-Esteem of Adolescents: A Comparative Study of Single and Two-Parent Households. Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 16-27. https://doi.org/10.33152/jmphss-6.1.3
- Malik, A.S., Shakeel,B., Yasmeen, B., Mahmood, A., & Hussain, M. (2021). Attitudes Of Women Towards Liberal Feminism And Women's Rights Movements; A Quantitative Analysis Of Young And Older Women In Pakistan. Webology, 18 (5), 957-970.
- Haq, E.U., Malik, A.S., Lak, T.A., Ahmed, U., & Hussain, M. (2021). Efficacy of Non Formal Education System Regarding Uplifting Of Life Skills of Illiterate Adults in Division DG Khan, Pakistan. Webology, 18 (6), 5262-5274.
- Malik, A.S., Sohail, M., Javed, N., & Mahmood, A.(2021). The Importance and Implication of Communication Competence and Level of Satisfaction for Lawyer-Client Interaction in Court Cases. International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9 (3), 255-270.
- Malik, A.S., Mahmood, A.,& Tahir, A. (2021). The Behavior and Knowledge of Strategies of Households as Determinants for Water Conservation in Katchi Abadis of Lahore. International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9 (4), 111-127.
- Malik, A.S., Anjum, F., & Mahmood, A. (2021). The Job Satisfaction as the Determinant of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Employees of Banks. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 2 (III), 167-180.
- Malik, A.S., Yasin, A. S., Riaz, S., & Mahmood, A. (2021). The Water Conserving Attitude and Habits of People at Katchi Abadis Households: A Quantitative Gender-Based Analysis, Asian Journal of International Peace and Security, 5 (2), 118-134.
Malik, A.S., & Mahmood, A. (2021). The gender difference in behavior and intentions of households toward water saving practices in Katchi Abadis of Lahore, Pakistan. Journal of Humanities, Social and Management Sciences, 2 (2), 77-98.
Javed, N., Alizai, A., & Malik, A.S. (2021). Gendered Division of household labor and Care work during Covid-19 Outbreak: Evidence from Pakistan, Asian Journal of International Peace and Security, 5 (2), 178-186.
Malik, A.S., Ikram, K., & Mahmood, A. (2021). Impact of Work-Family Conflict on the Physical Health of Employees: Evidence Across the Banks in Lahore. Asian Social Studies and Applied Research, 2 (3), 163-177.
Malik, A.S., Javid, M., & Mahmood, A. (2021). Role of Age and Education on Attitude and Habits of People in Katchi Abadis to Adopt Water Conservation Practices: A Gender- Based Difference. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 5(2), 462-477.
Malik, A.S., Malik, M., Javid, M., & Gardezi, F. (2021). Women’s Autonomy in reproductive health decision making: A comparative study of Working and Non-working Women. Asian Journal of International Peace and Security, Vol. 5, No. 1, (2021, Spring), 129-144
Malik, A.S., Javid, M., Khadija, Z. (2021). The Demographic Determinants and Water Conserving Attitude of Households at Katchi Abadis of Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 5(1), 204-217.
Malik, A.S & ONTUNC , S.K. (Ed). (2020). EL RUHA 7th International Conference on Social Sciences. Proceeding Book. Libya: Farabi Publishing House.
Malik, A.S., Hashmi, M.R., Abid, S., & Mahmood, A. (2017). Work-Family Conflict and Organisational Commitment among Employees of Multinational Companies. Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies: Alam –e-Niswan, 24 (2), 79-91. 13p.
Zafar, M., and Malik, A.S. (2016). A Study of Urban Women’s Reproductive Health Decision within socio-cultural Context of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies: Alam-e-Niswan 23 (2) , 115-134, ISSN: 1024-1256.
Malik AS. (2015). Rural urban migration; socio-cultural changes in Pakistan preventive measures taken by government and civil society to control it. Professional Med J, 22(6), 674-682.
Javed, M., Malik, S. A., Mahmood. A., (2021) “Effect of Single Parenthood on the Wellbeing of Adolescent” in Proceeding of TARAS SHEVCHENKO 7TH international Congress on Social Sciences being Held in Ankara, TURKEY, November 24-25, 2021
Javed, M., Malik, S. A., Mahmood. A., (2021) “The impact of Rural to Urban Migration on Social Institutions” in Proceeding of international archaeology, art, history and cultural heritage congress being Held in Adana, TURKEY, November 13-14, 2021
- Javed, M., Malik, S. A., Mahmood. A., (2021) “The controversial Indo- Pakistan Relationship and Prolonged Water Based Conflict” in Proceeding of international symposium on War studies being Held in Ankara, TURKEY, October 29-30, 2021
- Javed, M., Malik, S. A., Akhtar, H., (2021). Spousal Autonomy in Financial Household Decision Making in proceeding of 7th International Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities being held in MUS, TURKEY, September 18-19, 2021
Javed, M., Malik, S. A., Mahmood. A., (2021). Emo Culture: The Self-Destructive Teens in Proceeding of CUKUROVA 7th International Scientific Research Conference, Adana, Turkey, September 7-8, 2021
Javid, M, Malik, A.S & Riaz, T 2021 “Emerging Economics Crisis and Challenges During Pandemic and Post Pandemic Time Span in Pakistan” in Proceeding of II International Symposium on Global Pandemics and Multidisciplinary Covid-19 Studies, Ankara, Turkey, July 19-20, 2021.
Javid, M, Malik, A.S & Mahmood, M 2021 “Sheesha Smoking a New Craze among Pakistani Young Adults and Its Impact on their Health” in Proceeding of the 2th International Conference on Gastronomy, Nutrition and Dietetics, Gaziantep, Turkey, June 19-20, 2021
Ikram, K., Malik, A.S & Tehreem. “COVID-19 and Remote Learning: Experiences of Parents with Children during the Pandemic”, in Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Management and Social Sciences on COVID-19 Pandemic: Change-Resilience-Strategies being Held in Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan, June 19-20, 2021
Javid, M, Malik, A.S & Mahmood, M 2021 “Yes I am still Single, Will Society Accept me?(The Traumatic Experiences of Adult Singles in Pakistani Society)” in Proceeding of Atlas 8th International Social Sciences Congress, Ankara, Turkey, June 11-13, 2021.
Javid, M, Malik, A.S & Mahmood, M 2021 “Parenting Techniques and its Influence on the Adolescents Social Behavior and Self-Esteem” in Proceeding of IV International European Conference on Social Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 4-6, 2021.
Javid, M, Malik, A.S & Mahmood, M 2021, “Coping Strategies Used for Humanly Survival in Current Covid-19 Pandemic (A Comparative study with previous global epidemics)” Proceeding of the World Conference on Pandemic Studies-I Ankara, Turkey, 1st May, 2021.
Javid, M, Malik, A.S & Mahmood, M 2021, “The study of Socio-economic Factors that Prevent Women to Access the Maternal Health Care Facilities in Public Sector Hospitals”, Proceeding of the International Women Studies Congress Ankara, Turkey, 8-9th March, 2021.
Javid, M, Malik, A.S & Sohail, T 2021, ‘The Never-ending Trend of Romanticizing Violence Against Women in Media’, Proceeding of the World Women Conference-II Baku, Azerbaijan Tripoli, Libya, 11-12th
Javid, M, Malik, A.S & Sohail, T 2020, ‘The Aftermaths of Indus Basin Treaty (1960) on the Turmoil of Kashmir’, Proceeding of the EL RUHA 7th International Conference on Social Sciences American University of Libya being held in Tripoli, Libya, 3-5th
Javid, M & Malik, A.S 2020, ‘Sociocultural Barriers in Coping with the Sensitive Nature of Elderly People During Covid-19 Pandemic Breakout’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Covid-19 Studies, Ankara, Turkey, 21-23, June.
- 3 Days Workshop on Syllabus Development and Adaptation in Higher Education by DFDI & LCWU, Lahore, 24th-26th November, 2020
- One day training on Digital Exclusion Program by DFDI, LCWU, 11th May, 2020
- Second Provincial Conference on Girl’s Rights LCWU & Bedari NGO 26th November, 2019
- Care and Welfare Youth Internship Program by Customs Health Welfare Society in 26th October, 2019
- 3 days’ Workshop on Gender Analysis LCWU & Asian Institute of Tech. AIT, Thailand, 23-25th September , 2019
- Master Trainer for Awareness on the Social Aspects of Sexual Abuse, Workshop on Sexual Abuse Preventive Measures by Women Girl Guard Association on 7 September, 2019
- Workshop on Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis by Government College University, Lahore Gender Studies dept. LCWU24th April, 2019,
- Seminar on “Water crisis issues and challenges in Pakistan” 28th March, 2019
- Three days’ workshop on Professional Praxis by Dr. Anita Weiss, Gender Studies dept. DFDI LCWU, 14-16TH Jan, 2019
- Back off: How to confront and stop sexual harassment. Conducted by Dr.Rafiq Jaffer, Director, and Institute of Social Science in collaboration with LCWU and PAK-US Alumni Network, 8th December, 2017
- Stress reliving and coping strategies by Dr. Alia Aftab Gender Studies LCWU, 22nd Jan, 2017
- Workshop on Scholarly Writing. LCWU conducted by Prof. Dr. Shaista E. Khilji in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA,. 10 November, 2016
- First International Conference on Education, Building Knowledge Competencies for Sustainable Development in Asia: Achieving the Goals of Life Long Learning. LCWU conducted by Institute of Education, LCWU, November, 2016
- International Symposium on Gender and Disasters. LCWU conducted by Dr. Jane Henrici, in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, 8 March, 2016
- Workshop on Interview Techniques. LCWU conducted by Dr. Jane Henrici, in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, 9-10 March, 2016
- Workshop on Qualitative Analysis. LCWU conducted by Dr. Jane Henrici, in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, 14-15 March, 2016
- Workshop on Qualitative Methodologies. LCWU conducted by Prof. Dr. Lena Marinsson and Dr. Erika Alm, University of Gothenburg Sweden, November, 2015
- Lecture Research Methodology and the feminist Perspective. LCWU Conducted by Ms. Neelum Hussain, Simorgh, Women Resource and Publication Center, Lahore, October 2015
- Course Anthropology, Gender and Research. LCWU conducted by Prof. Dr. David D. Gow in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, 1-14 October, 2015
- Conference ‘Third World’ Women and Politics of Feminism. Organized by LCWU and George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, 24 April, 2015
- Workshop Scholarly Writing and Train the Trainer. LCWU conducted by Prof. Dr. Shaista E. Khilji in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, April, 2015
- Professional Development Workshop Coding and Beyond Qualitative Data Analysis, April, 2015 , LCWU conducted by Prof. Dr. Shaista E. Khilji in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.
- Workshop Scholarly Writing and Train the Trainer LCWU conducted by Prof. Dr. Shaista E. Khilji in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, April, 2015
- Course Development, Gender and Representation: An Anthropological Perspective. LCWU conducted by Prof. Dr. David D.Gow in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, 8-19 September 2014
- Workshop Grounded Theory. LCWU Course conducted by Dr. Aneeq Ahmad, Henderson State University, USA, 23rd June 2014
- Qualitative Methodology in Gender & Development Studies. LCWU Course conducted by Dr. Aneeq Ahmad, Henderson State University, USA, June 2014
- One Day Leadership Training on Competency Leadership- from “Self to the other” March 2014 , LCWU conducted by Prof. Dr. Shaista E. Khilji in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.
- the course titled “Globalization, Change and Learning- A Gender Perspective. LCWU conducted by Prof. Dr. Shaista E. Khilji in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, March 2014
- Train the Trainer Workshop, Effective Strategies in Instructional Design and Teaching, March 2014, LCWU conducted by Prof. Dr. Shaista E. Khilji in collaboration with George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.
- Two days’ workshop on Leadership Skills for Young Academic Leaders. LCWU conducted by Ms. Shehla Ahmad, LCWU, February 2014
- One day seminar on Research Methodology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 2008
- One day workshop on Developing a research Proposal, University of the Punjab, Lahore , June 2006
- One Week Course on Accountability Procedures. Lahore conducted by Management and Professional Dev. Department, Lahore. April 2004
- One day workshop on Protection from Child Abuse Child Labor, ILO Lahore and Human Resource Department Govt. of Punjab, 2003
- Civil Defense Welfare Course for Officers, of Pakistan Civil defense Academy, Lahore, 2002
- One Month Training in National Plan of Action (Human Resource Centre), Director General SW, WD & BM department Lahore, November 2000
- One day workshop on Child Abuse and Neglect, UNICEF & Directorate General Social Welfare, Lahore, June 2000
- Two days’ Workshop on Gender Sensitization, Federal Ministry of Women Dev, Social Welfare, Islamabad. April 2000
- 20 March -08 April, 2015 Advanced Studies Program for Visiting Scholars. Attended the Course at George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.
- Chair/Moderated the session in7th International Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities being held on September 18-19, 2021, MUS, TURKEY.
- Chaired/Moderated the session in EL RUHA 7th International Conference on Social Sciences American University of Libya being held on August 3-5, 2020, Tripoli, Libya
- Worked as organizer in Ist International Conference on Global Gender Perspective in calloboration with GWU and LCWU 2018.
- Co-chaired the session on Maternal Reproductive Health in Ist International Conference on Global Gender Conducted by LCWU and George Washington University, Washington DC, USA. 14-16 November, 2016
- Delivered a seminar entitled Women’s Leadership in Pakistan: Beyond Stereotypes and Myths at George Washington University, Washington DC, USA. 8th April, 2015
Presented a research paper titled “Effect of Single Parenthood on the Wellbeing of Adolescent” in TARAS SHEVCHENKO 7TH international Congress on Social Sciences being Held on November 24-25, 2021, in Ankara, TURKEY.
Presented a research paper titled “The controversial Indo- Pakistan Relationship and Prolonged Water Based Conflict” in international symposium on War studies being Held on October 29-30, 2021 in Ankara, TURKEY.
Presented a research paper titled “Spousal Autonomy in Financial Household Decision Making” in 7th International Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities being Held on September 18-19, 2021, MUS, TURKEY.
Presented a research paper titled “Emo Culture: The Self-Destructive Teens” in CUKUROVA 7th International Scientific Research Conference being Held on September 7-8, 2021 in ADANA, TURKEY.
Presented a research paper titled “Digital Life “A new Emerging Lifestyle in Current Pandemic’s Situation” (A Case study of Pakistan ) in 4th International Conference on Globalization and International Relations being Held on August 1-2, 2021, Ankara, Turkey.
Presented a research paper titled “Emerging Economics Crisis and Challenges During Pandemic and Post Pandemic Time Span in Pakistan” in II International Symposium on Global Pandemics and Multidisciplinary Covid-19 Studies being Held on July 19-20, 2021 Ankara, Turkey.
Presented a research paper titled “COVID-19 and Remote Learning: Experiences of Parents with Children during the Pandemic” in COVID-19 Pandemic: Change-Resilience-Strategies: 1st International Conference on Management and Social Sciences being Held on June 19-20, 2021 in Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan.
Presented a research paper titled “Yes I am still Single, Will Society Accept me?(The Traumatic Experiences of Adult Singles in Pakistani Society)” in Atlas 8th International Social Sciences Congress being Held on June 16-17, 2021 Ankara, Turkey.
Presented a research paper titled “Yes I am still Single, Will Society Accept me?(The Traumatic Experiences of Adult Singles in Pakistani Society)” in Atlas 8th International Social Sciences Congress being Held on June 11-13, 2021 Ankara, Turkey.
Presented a research paper titled “Parenting Techniques and its Influence on the Adolescents Social Behavior and Self-Esteem” in IV International European Conference on Social Sciences being Held on June 4-6, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Presented a research paper titled “Coping Strategies Used for Humanly Survival in Current Covid-19 Pandemic (A Comparative study with previous global epidemics)” World Conference on Pandemic Studies-I being Held on May 1, 2021, Ankara, Turkey
Presented a research paper titled “The study of Socio-economic Factors that Prevent Women to Access the Maternal Health Care Facilities in Public Sector Hospitals” in International Women Studies Congress being Held on March 8-9, 2021, Ankara, Turkey
Presented a research paper titled “The Never-ending Trend of Romanticizing Violence Against Women in Media” in World Women Conference-II being Held on February 11-12, 2021, Baku Girls University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Presented a research paper titled “The Aftermaths of Indus Basin Treaty (1960) on the Turmoil of Kashmir” in EL RUHA 7th International Conference on Social Sciences American University of Libya being held on August 3-5, 2020, Tripoli, Libya
Presented a research paper titled “Sociocultural Barriers in Coping with the Sensitive Nature of Elderly People During Covid-19 Pandemic Breakout” in international conference on COVID 19 Studies by Institute of economic development and social researches being held on 21-23 June, 2020, Ankara, Turkey.
Presented the research paper on Women’s Autonomy and Reproductive health decision in Urban Society of Pakistan. Ist. International Conference on Global Gender Perspective. Conducted by LCWU and George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, November, 2016