Dr. Talat Zeeshan
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
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- Profile
- Research Publications
Academic Record
PhD 2012 - 2018
Lahore college for women university Lahore, Lahore
Ph.D. Thesis: Growth and Characterization of nano crystallite spinel ferrites and their thin films -
University of Engineering and technology Lahore, Lahore
M.Phil. Thesis: Fabrication and Characterization of Thin Film by PLD Technique -
Government College university, Lahore -
Queen Mary College, Lahore
Assistant Professor Oct 2002
Lahore college for women university Lahore, Lahore
Eighteen years’ experience of teaching and research in under graduate and post graduate level at LCWU.
Conferences and Trainings
- Oral presentation National Conference on Material Science in BZU Multan 2000
- Poster presentation on material Science in International Conference in Islamabad 2001
- Poster presentation in international conference in PCSIR 2005.
- Poster presentation in one day workshop in nano materials and nano technology
- Poster presentation in international conference of PIP in UET Lahore.
- Oral presentation in international conference on solid state physics 2012.
- Oral Presentation of in international conference on solid state physics 2018
- Organizing International e-conference emerging trends in physics, 23rd to 25th Nove,2021 in LCWU
- Organizing 3rd international webinar in current era(MCCE), 24th to 26th Aug, 2021 in LCWU
- Success stories of Pakistan’s nuclear and missile program, 24th June 2021 in LCWU
- Organizing 2nd International webinar on matter and energy in current era 15th Feb 2021 in LCWU
- International seminar on Physics (ISP )17th to19th April 2021 in LCWU
- Attending a training onCapacity building program organized by HEC Researcher building program, 29th July 2022.
- STEM training session for capacity building of STEM faculty 22nd June and 4th July2022
- Supervised MS and BS research students, Published nineteen papers in impact factor journals
Investigation of cationic distribution, Y-K angles, optical and dielectric properties of as-synthesized cerium doped cobalt nano- ferrites prepared by co-precipitation method Safia Anjum, Talat Zeeshan*, Salma Waseem", "Muhammad Danish Al, Iqra Waseem, "Zeeshan Mustafa, Journal of Applied Physics A, Volume 128. DOI 1007/s00339-022-05470-8 . May (2022),
- Salma Waseem*, Talat Zeeshan, Hafsa Tariq, Farzana Majid, Muhammad Danish Ali, Zohra Nazir Kayani, Mongi Amami “The influence of transition metals (Fe, Co) on Structural, magnetic and optical properties of TiO2 nanoparticles synthesized by hydrothermal method”, Applied Physics A 128:690A (2022)
- Robust effectiveness behavior of synthesized cobalt doped Prussian blue graphene oxide ferrite against EMI shielding” Muhammad Danish Ali, * Ammara Aslam, Talat Zeeshan*, Rafia Mubaraka, Syed Aashir Bukhari, Muhammad Shoaib, Mongi Amami, Iamia ben Farhat, Samia ben Ahmed, Jawhar Abdelhak, Salma Waseem, Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Communications Volume 137, March (2022),
- Kashif Iqbal, Muhammad Ahmad Ishaq, Ali Ahmad, Muhammad Danish Ali, Talat Zeeshan, Waqia Tahir, Ammara Aslam, Mongi Amami, Iamia ben Farhat, Samia ben Ahmed, Jawher Abdelhak “Fabrication and characterizations of hybrid materials based on Polyaniline, metal oxide, and Graphene nano-platelets for Supercapacitor electrodes” Journal of Inorganic Chemistry communications, Volume 137, 109201March (2022),
- Salma Waseem, Safia Anjum, Talat Zeeshan, Lubna Mustafa, Zohra Nazir Kayani, Zohra Nazir Kayani, Ismat Shah, “Pulsed laser deposited Cobalt doped Ti0.9Fe0.1-xO2 thin films: Structural, morphological, magnetic, optical and electrical properties” Ceramic international Journal. Volume 47, Issue 6, , Pages 8555-8565, 15 March (2021)
- Talat Zeeshan*, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Farzana Majid, Danish Ali, Ammara Aslam,” Influence of Zinc substitution on Structural, Elastic, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Cobalt Chromium Ferrites” Material science Poland journal https://doi.org/10.2478/msp--0008 (2021)
- Salma Waseem, Safia Anjum, Talat Zeeshan, “Exploration of properties of KNbO3” Journal of M 271. 115261 (2021)
- First principle and experimental investigations of monodispersed Au plasmonic nanoparticles on TiO2” Hamna Ilyas; Talat Zeeshan; Naila AbdulSattar; Shahid Ramay; Asif Mahmood” Journal of Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 783, 139080 (2021)
- Waseem, , Anjum, Zeeshan, T., Shah, I. “Effects of Cr-doping on structural, morphological, magnetic, optical and electrical properties of Ti0.9 Fe0.1-x O2 thin films” Journal of optik.(2020)
- Kayani, N., Anjum, M., Riaz, S., Naseem, S., Zeeshan, T “Role of Mn in biological, optical, and magnetic properties ZnO nanoparticles: Materials Science and Processing, applied Physics A, 126:197 (2020)
- Talat Zeeshan, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Madeeha Riaz, Rehana Zia Structural, optical, magnetic and (Y–K) angle studies of CdxCo1-x Cr 0.5Fe1.5 O4 ferrite Volume 46, Issue 3, 15 February 2020, Pages 3935-3943
- Talat Zeeshan*, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Madeeha Riaz, Rehana Zia “Tuning of structural, magnetic and optical properties silver doped cobalt chromium ferrites thin film by PLD technique” Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol. 13, No. 1, January, p. 129 – 139, March (2018).
- Salma Waseem, Safia Anjum, Lubna Mustafa, Talat Zeeshan, Zohra Nazir Kayani, Khalid Javed “Structural, magnetic and optical investigations of Fe and Ni co-doped TiO2 dilute magnetic semiconductors” Ceramic International Journal Vol 44, 17767-17777- (2018)
- Talat Zeeshan, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Lubna Mustafa, “Tailoring of structural and magnetic properties by substitution of copper in cobalt chromium ferrites” Ceramic International Journal Vol 44, Issue 15, 17709-17715( 2018),
- Talat Zeeshan, Safia Anjum, Hina Iqbal, Saira Riaz, Rehana Zia, “Role of copper in cationic distribution of cobalt chromium ferrite and their structural, magnetic and optical Journal of material science Poland” Materials Science-Poland http://www.materialsscience.pwr.wroc.pl/ DOI: 10.1515/msp--0011 (2018)
- Talat Zeeshan, Safia Anjum, Salma Waseem, Rehana Zia, “Study of Structural and Magnetic Properties of Co1-xZnxCr0.5Fe1.5O4 Ferrite Thin Film by PLD Technique”. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 13, No. 1, January - March 129 – 139, (2018)
- S Anjum *, H Nazli1, R Khurram, T Zeeshan, S Riaz and A Usman,” Role of Zn substitution on structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Cu–Cr spinel ferrites”, Indian journal of physics, ISSN :0974-9845DOI10.1007/s12648-015-0817-2 (2016)
- Salma, Safia Anjum, Lubna Mustafa, Talat Zeeshan, Absence of room temperature ferromagnetism in Co and Cr Co-doped TiO2 based dilute magnetic semiconductor, Digest Journal of nano materials and bio structure, 2016
- S. S Gilani, Talat Zeeshan, Asma Maqsood, M. Shakeel, Salma Waseem: "A symmetric computational study to understand the effect of metals (Mg, Ca, Sr) doping and external isotropic static pressure on phase stability, electronic band structure and optical
- Tahir, W., Zeeshan, T., Waseem, S., ...Mehtab, S.M.T., Ezzine, S. Impact of silver substitution on the structural, magnetic, optical, and antibacterial properties of cobalt ferrite Scientific Reports 2023, 13(1), 15730
- Talat Zeeshan*, Muhammad Tauseef Qureshi b, Zohra Nazir Kayania ,Amara Arshad a,Farman Ullah c ,Wajid Rehman d ,Murtaza Saleem e “A comparative computational and experimental study of Al–ZrO2 thin films for optoelectronic applications”Solid State Communications. 358 15 December , 115006(2022)
- Structural, electronic and optical study of Zr:CeO2 thin films by computational and experimental approach Waseem, S., Zeeshan, T., Khalil, K., ...Alanazi, A.M., Saleem, M.
Physica B: Condensed Matter , 2023, 653, 414671
- Anwar, M., Kayani, Z.N., Hassan, A., ...Riaz, S., Naseem, S., Zeeshan T Enhancement in photocatalytic activity and biological properties of Sm doped ZnO nanostructures by the increase in Sm contents
Inorganic Chemistry Communications., 2023, 158, 111431
- Waseem, S., Zeeshan, T., Ramzan, K., ...Ramay, S.M. Saleem, M. , First principle and experimental study on AlxMg1-xO compound thin films for electronic, optical, and antibacterial activity, Solid State CommunicationsThis link is disabled., 2023, 372, 115302
- Waseem, S., Zeeshan, T., Khalil, K., ...Alanazi, A.M., Saleem, M. Structural, electronic and optical study of Zr:CeO2 thin films by computational and experimental approach
Physica B: Condensed Matter 2023, 653, 414671.
Total impact factor 70.806
Total Citations 89