Arusa Aftab
Department of Botany
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- Research Publications
- 12 years 6 months
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/ Honour Students/ Undergraduate students
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Completed As Co- Supervisor |
In Progress As supervisor |
In Progress As Co supervisor |
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Brief Statement of Research Interest
Medicinal plants genomics Ethnophrmacological activity of plant extracts like antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anthelmintic, antipyretic etc.
Morphological variability assessment of Worldwide Germplasm of Pharmaceutically important Plant Nigella Sativa Arusa Aftab, Zubaida Yousaf, Madiha Rasheed, Afifa Younas, Nadia Riaz Qamar, Hamna Yasin and Hafiza Bushra Shamsher. Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Accepted). 2021, IF 0.17
Development of Carrot nutraceutical products as an alternative supplement for the prevention of disease. Nadia Riaz Qamar, Zubaida Yousaf, Zareena Yasmin, Muneeb Munawwar, Afifa Younas, Madiha Rashid, Arusa Aftab, Busha Shamsheer, Najeeb Ullah and Philip Simon. Frontiers in Nutrition (Food Chemistry). 2022 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2021.787351, IF 576
Thymoquinone: Biosynthesis, Biological Activities and Therapeutic Potential from Natural and Synthetic Sources. Arusa Aftab, Zubaida Yousaf, Hafiza Bushra Shamsheer, Nadia Riaz Qamar, Afifa Younas and Madiha International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, IF 0.82, 2021, 25(5): 1024-1034.
Green synthesis of dyes and appliance on silk by using metamordating technique. Bushra shamsheer, Tahira Aziz Zubaida Yousaf, Hamna Yasin, Nadia Riaz, Arusa Aftab and Maria Zahoor. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, IF 0.11, 2021, 64B (2): 116-125.
Ethnobotanicals and commercial trends of herbal markets in Punjab, Pakistan. Maria Zahoor, Zubaida Yousaf, Hamna Yasin, Zabta Khan Shinwari, Manahil Haroon, Nadia Saleh,Afifa Younas, Arusa Aftab, Bushra Shamsheer, Nadia Riaz Qamar and Madiha Rashid. Journal of Herbal Medicine, IF 3.0. Volume 26, April 2021, 10042. ISSN 2210-8033
Genetic variability assessment of worldwide spinach accessions by agro-morphological Madiha Rashid, Zubaida Yousaf, Muhammad Najeeb Ullah, Muneeb Munawar, Nadia Riaz, Afifa Younas, Arusa Aftab and Hafiza Bushra Shamsheer. Journal of Taibah University for Science, 14 (1): 1637-1650. 2020, IF 2.6
Wood degrading mushrooms potentially strong towards Laccase biosynthesis in Zill-e-Huma Aftab, Arusa Aftab, Iffat Siddique, Muzammil Aftab, Zubaida Yousaf and Farman Ahmed Chaudhary. Wood Research, 65(5):809- 818. 2020. Doi/10.373/wr.1336-4561/65.5.809818. IF 1.1
Pharmacological screening and GC-MS analysis of vegetative/reproductive parts of Nigella sativa . Arusa Aftab, ZubaidaYousaf, Zill-e-Huma Aftab, Afifa Younas, Nadia Riaz, , Hafiza Bushra Shamsheer, , Madiha Rashid, Arshad Javaid.doi.org/10.36721/PJPS.2020.33.5.REG.2103-2111.Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2020 IF 0.86. ISSN 1011-601X. 33(5):2103-2111
Antifungal activity of vegetative methanolic extracts of Nigella sativa against Fusarium oxysporum and Macrophomina phaseolina and its phytochemical profiling by GC-MS analysis. Arusa Aftab, Zubaida Yousaf, Arshad Javaid, Nadia Riaz, Afifa Younas, Madiha Rashid, Bushra Shamsheer and Aysha Arif. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 18–1111/2019/21–3–569–576, IF 0.869.
Ethnopharmacological exploration of medicinal Mushroom from Pakistan. HamnaYasin, MariaZahoor, ZubaidaYousaf, Arusa Aftab, Nadia Saleh, NadiaRiaz and Bushra Shamsheer. Phytomedicine, 2018, Volume 54, 15 February 2019, Pages 43-55. IF 126
An Ethnopharmacological Evaluation of Navapind and ShahpurVirkan in District Sheikhupura, Pakistan for their herbal medicines. Maria Zahoor, ZubaidaYousaf, Tehreem Aqsa, ManahilHaroon, Nadia Saleh, Arusa Aftab, SadiaJaved, Mouzma Qadeer and Habiba Ramzan 13 (27), 1-26: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicines, IF 2.414.
Ethnopharmacological Investigation of Rhynchosia pseudo- cajan: A perennial shrub for various Arusa Aftab, Zaheer-ud Din Khan, Zubaida Yousaf and Sana Khalid . 18(6), 898-902: 2016. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, IF 0.75.
Production of Stevoide from callus and cell suspension cultures of Stevia rebandiana (Bert) Sumera Javad, Shagufta Naz, Saiqa Ilyas and Arusa Aftab. 26(5), 1374-1382: 2016. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, IF 0.422
Systematic and Phytochemical evaluation of selected herbs of family fabaceae. Shabnum shaheen, M. Ahmad, Sana Khalid, M. Zafar, Arusa Aftab. 23(3): 2013. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences IF 422.
Phenotypic intraspecific diversity exploration among the accessions of Cymbopogon citratus (d.c.) stapf from Asia and American sub-continent through multivariate Hafiza Bushra Shamsheer, Zubaida Yousaf, Arusa Aftab, Afifa Younas, Nadia Riaz and Madiha Rashid. International Journal of biology and biotechnology. 17 (4): 679-691, 2020 (Y category)
Phytochemical analysis and antifungal potential evaluation of Phyllanthus emblica Faiza Anum, Arusa Aftab, A. Tahir, A. Khalid, Zubaida Yousaf, Zill-e-Huma Aftab, Khajista Jabeen, A. Alam, M.A. Saleem and S. Raza. 71(2): 89-95, Pakistan Journal of Science 2019 (Y Category)
Ethnomedicinal Exploration of Buxus papillosa K. Schneid (Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Anthelmintic activities). Arusa Aftab, Zill-e-HumaAftab, Zaheer-ud-Din Khan, ZubaidaYousaf, HamnaYasin and Farah Khan. 15(4): 773-782, 2018. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Y Category)
Nigella sativa from Traditional to Contemporary Medicine- A Arusa Aftab, ZubaidaYousaf, ArshadJavaid, AshiqRabbani, Shakeel Ahmed and Farah Khan. 15(2): 237- 254, 2018. Inernational Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (Y Category)
Antimicrobial Potential of Catharanthus roseus extracts against Pathogenic Bacterial and Fungal Arusa Aftab, Hina Chaudhary, ZubaidaYousaf, Zill-e-HumaAftab, Farah Khan and Hamna Yasin. 69(2),1-6: 2017. Pakistan Journal of Science (Y Category)
Evaluation of antioxidant potential of some selected wild edible Shabnum Shaheen , Tanzeem Akbar Cheema , NidaaHarun , Arusa Aftab , Farah khan , Mehwish Jaffer, Sehrish Ramzan & Sobia Sarwar. 62 (1), 163-16:2016. Biologia Pakistan (Y Category).
Microwave Assisted Extraction of Phenolics from Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sumera Javad, Maimoona Mubarik, Arusa Aftab and Amna Tariq. 3(2): 2016. Journal of Bioresource Management.
In vitro optimization of cultural condition for laccase biosynthesis by using Ganoderma lucidum author citation. Sana Bashir, Arusa Aftab , Zill-e-HumaAftab. (2015) 13(2): 117-120. Mycopath.
Effect of Auxins on Propagation of Honey Crop Stevia rebaudiana (BERTONI) BERTONI. Sumera Javad, Samia Basharat, Shabnum Shaheen and Arusa Aftab. 67(4): 2015. Pakistan journal of Science (Y Category).
Antifungal analysis of Sapindus mukorossi and Accacia concinna fruit extracts against plant pathogenic fungi. Faiza Anum, Arusa Aftab, Amara Rafi, Arifa Tahir, Ayesha Alam, Shahid Raza, Khalid Iqbal, Waseem Akhtar Qureshi, Said Anwar Shah, Zulqurnain, Uzma Ayaz. 5 (3), 323-328:2020. International journal of Botany Studies, RJIF 5.12.
Exploration of Ethnopharmacological Potential of Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Anthelmintic and Phytochemical Analysis of Medicinally Important Plant Centella asiatica (L.) Urban in and Eichl. Arusa Aftab, Zaheerud Din Khan, Zubaida Yousaf, Zill-e-Huma Aftab, Sumera Javad, Bushra Shamsheer, Maria Zahoor, Nadia Riaz, Sadia Javed, HamnaYasin, Habiba Ramzan. 8, 201-211:2017.American Journal of Plant Sciences, IF 1.1.
Comparative Studies on Cephalosporin C biosynthesis by Aspergillus and Acremonium Zill-e-Huma Bilal, Adeela Yousaf, Iffat Siddique and Arusa Aftab. 1(4), 926- 933: 2016. International journal of environment agriculture and biotechnology, IF 3.118
Pericarp of Trapa natans bispinosa (Roxb.) Makino as an organic herbicide S. Javed, Z.Yousaf, M. Rashid, N. Saleh, M. Zahoor, H. Ramzan, H.Yasin, N.RiazQamar and A. Aftab. 4, 94-104: 2016. International Journal of Advance Agricultural Research, IF 0.42.
Antibacterial activity of Datura stramonium against Pathogenic strains by Zara Naeem, Arusa Aftab, Sana Khalid July 3, 2014 LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Company.
Antifungal activity of Solanum xanthocarpum against pathogenic strains by Hafiza Misbah Qadeer, Arusa Aftab, Sana July 3, 2014LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Company.
Condition optimization for Laccase Biosynthesis by Ganoderma lucidum by Sana Bashir, Arusa Aftab and Zill- e-huma September 30,2014 LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Company.
Ethnopharmacological activity of extracts of Ocimumtenuiflorum : Antimicrobial, Antioxidany and Dermatological Activities ArusaAftab, Zaheer Khan , Sana KhalidJune 27,2012 LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Company.
Seasonal Diversity of Different Biofilm Samples.Sana Khalid, AnjumNasimSabri, Arusa Aftab. June 27, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Scientific Evidences of Ethno-botanical Uses of Various medicinal Zubaida Yousaf, Arusa Aftab. Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. (In Press).
Leaf Epidermal Anatomical characters and Anatomical Tools for Systematical Studies of Some Medicinally Important
Angiospermic Families Zubaida Yousaf, Afifa Younas andArusa Aftab. 2015. NOVA Science Publishers.CHAPTERS WRITTEN
Nanotechnology and Plant Disease Diagnosis and Management. Afifa Younas, Zubaida Yousaf, Madiha Rasheed, Nadia Riaz Qamar, Sajid Fiaz, Arusa Aftab and Shiwen 2020. Nanoagronomy pp 101-123. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-41275- 3_7. Springer Cham, Switzerland.
Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Microbes. Arusa Aftab. 2018. Nanobotany pp175-193. Springer, Chamhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77119-99.
Postharvesting Techniques and Maintenance of Seed Quality. Zubaida Yousaf, Nadia Saleh, Asba Ramzan and Arusa Aftab New Challenges in Seed Biology- Basic and Translational research Driving Seed Technology.
Important Leaf Epidermal Markers for Systematics of Medicinal Plant Species. Arusa Aftab, Z.Tariq, M. Rashid and M.Khan 2015. Leaf Epidermal Anatomical Characters and Anatomical Tools for Systematical Studies of some medicinally Important Angiospermic Families, Nova Science Publishers.
Taxonomic Evaluation of trees Based on Leaf Epidermal Anatomical Characters from tropical and Subtropical Areas of Pakistan. Faiza Khan and Arusa Aftab2015. Leaf Epidermal Anatomical Characters and Anatomical Tools for Systematical studies of some medicinally Important Angiospermic Families, Nova Sience Publishers
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Research or Creative Accomplishment
Certificate and Cash prize for Research Productivity Award LCWU, 2016.
- Certificate and Cash prize for Research Productivity Award LCWU, 2017.
- Scientific Evidences of Ethno-botanical Uses of Various medicinal Zubaida Yousaf, Arusa Aftab. Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. (In Press).
- Leaf Epidermal Anatomical characters and Anatomical Tools for Systematical Studies of Some Medicinally Important Angiospermic Families Zubaida Yousaf, Afifa Younas and Arusa 2015. NOVA Science Publishers.
Nanotechnology and Plant Disease Diagnosis and Management. Afifa Younas, Zubaida Yousaf, Madiha Rasheed, Nadia Riaz Qamar, Sajid Fiaz, Arusa Aftab and Shiwen 2020. Nanoagronomy pp 101-123. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-41275- 3_7. Springer Cham, Switzerland.
Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Microbes. Arusa Aftab. 2018. Nanobotany pp175-193. Springer, Chamhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77119-99.
- Postharvesting Techniques and Maintenance of Seed Quality. Zubaida Yousaf, Nadia Saleh, Asba Ramzan and Arusa Aftab New Challenges in Seed Biology- Basic and Translational research Driving Seed Technology.
- Important Leaf Epidermal Markers for Systematics of Medicinal Plant Species. Arusa Aftab, Z.Tariq, M. Rashid and M.Khan 2015. Leaf Epidermal Anatomical Characters and Anatomical Tools for Systematical Studies of some medicinally Important Angiospermic Families, Nova Science
- Taxonomic Evaluation of trees Based on Leaf Epidermal Anatomical Characters from tropical and Subtropical Areas of Pakistan. Faiza Khan and Arusa Aftab2015. Leaf Epidermal Anatomical Characters and Anatomical Tools for Systematical studies of some medicinally Important Angiospermic Families, Nova Sience Publishers.
Selected Professional Presentations
Aysha Arif Chahel, Shaohua Zeng, ZubaidaYousaf, Yinyin Liao, Ziyin Yang, Xiaoyi Wei, Wang Ying, Nadia Riaz, AfifaYounas, Hafiza Maleeha Tanveer, Arusa Aftab, Madiha Rashid, Zainab Razzaq, Hafiza Bushra 2018. Plant Specific Transcription Factor LrTCP4 Enhances Secondary Metabolites Biosynthesis in LyciumruthenicumHairy Root. 2nd International Conference of Plant Sciences (ICPS-2018), December 5-7, 2018, GC University, Lahore. o 218-Or-ICPS2018
Arusa Aftab. Ethnopharmacological Investigation of Rhynchosia pseudo-cajan Cambess: A Perennial Shrub for Various activities. International Conference on Bio-Approaches for Environment and Sustainability (ICBES), Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (IESE) National University of Science and Technology (NUST) February 22-23, 2017.
Zill-e-HumaAftab, Shakil Ahmed, ArusaAftab and Characterization of Lignin Peroxidase by Ganoderma applanatum on effluent of pulp and paper industry. Urebe International Conference, 6th International Conference on Health, Environment Food and biological Science (HEFBS- 2017), Turkey. September 8-10, 2017.
Zill-e-Huma Aftab, Madeha Zubair, ArusaAftab and Zubaida Studies on protein profile of Aloe vera using SDS- PAGE. International Conference on Conventional and Modern Approaches in Plant Sciences (CMAP-2017). November 27-29, 2017. Department of Botany, University of the Punjab Lahore.
Arusa Aftab, Zubaida yousaf, Zill-e-Huma Aftab, Muzamil Aftab and Qaisar Mansoor, sativa L. A Potential Antineoplastic Source against Hep2 and MCF7 Human Cancer Cell Lines. International conference on Solid State Physics. 8- 11th December, 2019, Center of Soild State Physics, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan(2nd Prize winner).
Nadia Riaz Qamar, Zubaida Yousaf, Arusa Aftab, Hafiza Saqiba Tariq and Maryam Nutritional profiling and Allelopathic Potential of Moringaoleifera Lam. And Caralluma tuberculata N.E.Brown. . 1st International Conference on Plants: Their chemical and Biological Applictions for today and Tomorrow. 12-14 April, 2017. University of Gujrat. (2nd Prize Winner)
Workshops / Conferences/Seminar/Courses Organized/Attended
- One day seminar entitled “Contribution of a life scientist to achieve sustainable development goals” February 23,
- Three days international Conference, International Conference on plant sciences (ICSP) March 2-4 2020.