Online Journals


Online Journals

HEC E-Journals


Facilitating institutions of higher learning to server as a engine of growth for the Socio-Economic development of Pakistan.


Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)


Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peerreviewed journals.

Scientific Electronic Library Online


SciELO is a database with more than 1,249 scientific journals. It offers open access to scholarly documents in the fields of biology and technology.

Science Open


ScienceOpen is an incredible research and publishing network offering open access content from more than 24,000 journals.

Business Premium Collection


The most comprehensive business offering, comprising all content from: ABI/INFORM Collection; Accounting, Tax and Banking Collection; Asian and European Business Collection; Business Market Research Collection; and Entrepreneurship Database.