Career Guidance and Counseling Centre


  • 3rd Annual Knowledge Sharing Summit (8-11 July): How to conduct Micro Counseling skills training successfully.
  • Professional Attitude and Workplace Ethics
  • Micro-Counseling Training for Faculty Members
  • Workshop on Anger Management
  • Workshop on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy at IBA-Karachi under HESSA project
  • Orientation and Awareness Session
  • Mindful Living and Mental Well-being
  • How to deal daily life hassles and challenges
  • Psychological First Aid
  • Mental Health Day Activities
  • Mental Health Awareness and Confidence Building Session with Special Students
  • Mental Hygiene Awareness Session
  • Drug Free Campus Campaign
  • Interpersonal Skills as Tool for professional development
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Annual Capacity Building & Knowledge Sharing Summit (19-22 June, 2023)
  • Academic Stress Management
  • Anger Management
  • Workshop on Emotional Intelligence
  • Video Competition
  • Preventive Strategies to reduce Substance Abuse & Role of institution in preventing Addiction
  • Crisis and Referral Cases
  • Mental Health and Well-being in Higher Education
  • Rehnumai Markaz Project
  • Assertiveness Training
  • Common Mental Health Indicators
  • Awareness Session on Identification of Mental Health Issues
  • Professional Skill Building Workshop
  • Video Editing and Post Designing
  • Mental Hygiene and Need for Counseling